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Created date 14/02/2024
Delve into the captivating tale of Oppenheimer, a man of mystery and complexity. Explore the lesser-known facets of his life, from his academic pursuits to his controversial decisions, in this rivetin...
Created date 26/01/2024
Exploring the fascinating world of Vikings, their diverse heritage, and the truth behind Black Vikings and female rulers.
Created date 18/01/2024
Sometimes I Think About Dying follows Fran, a socially awkward office worker who spends her days isolated and contemplating her own death.
Created date 05/10/2023
Immerse yourself in history with these top 6 board games From the richly detailed World War I epic 'Paths of Glory' to the thrilling Cold War game 'Twilight Struggle,' history buffs will find endless...
Created date 27/07/2023
Discover the remarkable journey of J Robert Oppenheimer, the renowned American physicist, as he navigates through life's challenges and leaves an indelible mark on history