Gran Turismo, a movie based on the real-life story of Jann Mardenborough, is an adaptation of Polyphone Digital and Sony Interactive Entertainment's Gran Turismo video game series. Directed by Neill B...
Explore the journey of Gran Turismo, a video game adaptation that has become a hit on Netflix, reaching the streamer's Top 10 chart in the United States.
A deep dive into the true story of Jann Mardenborough and the inspiration behind the Gran Turismo movie, revealing the incredible journey from gaming to professional racing.
Explore the fascinating story of Kazunori Yamauchi, the video game creator and professional racecar driver, and his role in the upcoming movie Gran Turismo. From his portrayal in the film to his real-...
Discover the thrilling journey of Gran Turismo as it transitions from a beloved video game to the big screen! Immerse yourself in the digital world of high-speed racing today!
Experience the adrenaline-fueled thrills of Gran Turismo as it speeds onto streaming platforms just one month after its successful theatrical debut Get ready to race!