All posts - Tag: FanFavorites
10 anime characters known for their quick romantic attachments, ranked by fan favoritism
Anime characters, each with their unique characteristics and intricate narratives, have always intrigued viewers, particularly in matters of the heart.
The Ultimate Roster Wish List for Liu Kang's New Era in Mortal Kombat
Despite the diverse roster in Mortal Kombat 1, Liu Kang's new era lacks some fan-favorite characters like Kabal, Nightwolf, and Jade
The Ultimate Countdown: Unveiling the Hottest 2023 Franchises in Gaming, TV, and Film - Fans' Top Picks!
Discover the ultimate rankings of the most popular franchises in 2023! Uncover the positions of iconic names like Star Wars, Marvel, Elder Scrolls, Pokemon, Zelda, and more across games, TV, and movie...