Prepare yourself for a thrilling ride as the release date for the highly anticipated Thanksgiving movie on Netflix has been revealed. Directed by the talented Eli Roth, this slasher film promises to c...
Thanksgiving, a horror film directed by Eli Roth, has received positive reception and is now available to watch on VOD. The film, which stars Patrick Dempsey, Gina Gershon, and Addison Rae, follows on...
Prepare for a heart-stopping sequel as Eli Roth's Thanksgiving 2 promises to ramp up the terror and suspense Will the killer return for another chilling rampage? Brace yourself for a twisted journey t...
Eli Roth's childhood imagination gave birth to Thanksgiving, a horror masterpiece filled with brutal kills Discover how this visionary director has been planning this terrifying feast since he was jus...
Discover Eli Roth's latest foray into holiday horror with Thanksgiving This chilling film follows the tradition of Black Christmas, Krampus, and Violent Night, delivering a terrifying twist to a new f...
Be the first to witness the terrifying brilliance of Eli Roth's 'Thanksgiving'! Secure your seats now for an exclusive early screening in Austin, featuring a phenomenal cast that guarantees an unforge...
Get ready for a terrifying holiday experience with Eli Roth's 'Thanksgiving' This slasher film will leave you breathless as the stuffing is scared right out of you Experience the release date, cast, t...
Eli Roth delves into the mesmerizing kills of 'Thanksgiving' in an exclusive featurette With a decade-long journey, this film is a testament to their unwavering dedication and passion Prepare to be aw...
In an interview with Us, acclaimed horror director Eli Roth reflects on his most audacious and boundary-pushing scenes from films like 'Hostel' and 'Cabin Fever' Discover which horrifying moments Roth...