Pikachu and his partner Tim embark on a captivating adventure in Polygon Pictures' delightful anime short, Detective Pikachu and The Mystery of the Missing Flan Join them in solving a thrilling new ca...
Get ready for more exciting Detective Pikachu adventures! The Pokemon Company hints at potential spin-offs following the recent release of Detective Pikachu Returns on the Switch Developers are alread...
Detective Pikachu Returns surprises with a captivating flashback section, showcasing the lead Pokemon's normal behavior This challenges the need for human-like animation, ultimately questioning the ch...
Detective Pikachu Returns disappoints fans with a glaring omission of Paldea Pokemon, highlighting the significance of Pokemon representation in spin-off games Explore why this absence speaks volumes...
Experience the ultimate Pokemon adventure in Detective Pikachu Returns for Switch Uncover a multitude of lovable Pokemon from diverse regions as you befriend and interact with them in this thrilling n...
Get ready for a thrilling ride as Detective Pikachu Returns just in time for the holidays! This highly anticipated release is set to captivate Pokemon fans, making it the ultimate gift choice Brace yo...
Discover the perfect gateway to the thrilling world of Ace Attorney with Detective Pikachu Returns! This charming and low-pressure mystery adventure will gently introduce players to the intricacies of...
Detective Pikachu Returns' captivating puzzles and deductions offer players a thrilling opportunity to hone their investigative skills However, it strikes a delicate balance, guiding players without o...
Detective Pikachu Returns ingeniously incorporates Detective Pikachu as an in-universe movie, adding a clever twist to the game and reflecting the changing world with a witty remark about a significan...