Witness how Bob Iger strategically outmaneuvered Nelson Peltz in a high-stakes battle at Disney, showcasing his ability to strengthen Disney's vulnerabilities, thwarting the intentions of the billiona...
Discover how Disney emerged victorious in a challenging proxy battle against activist investors vying for board seats. The shareholder vote marked a significant win for CEO Bob Iger, solidifying his l...
As the epic battle for Disney's future nears its climax, Bob Iger's leadership faces a critical test. The boardroom showdown promises high stakes and potential humbling moments.
Controversial conspiracy theories dominate ESPN as Pat McAfee and Aaron Rodgers team up for a weekly program, sparking concerns for Disney CEO Bob Iger The silence from Disney and ESPN executives adds...
2023 was a year of setbacks and challenges for these 10 influential leaders, including Elon Musk, Bob Iger, and Greg Becker A rollercoaster ride of highs and lows awaited them, leaving indelible marks...
Disney CEO Bob Iger confirms his plans to exit the company in the near future amid the studio's recent lackluster box office run. For decades, Disney has reigned supreme as one of the biggest and most...