Blizzard's Potential Diablo 4 Expansion: Stash Tabs Sale and Early Access to Legendary Powers

Blizzard's Potential Diablo 4 Expansion: Stash Tabs Sale and Early Access to Legendary Powers

Discover the future of Diablo IV with an exciting expansion! Blizzard conducts a survey to gauge player interest in potential features, including stash tabs and early access to legendary powers Join the journey and uncover the possibilities!

Purchasers of the more expensive editions of Diablo IV's Vessel of Hatred expansion may receive additional stash tabs and early access to new Legendary aspects, Unique items, and major game features, according to a recent leaked survey. This information was revealed by YouTuber Bellular, known for covering Blizzard's World of Warcraft and other Blizzard titles. In a video titled "Blizzard's Latest Survey Is VERY Concerning," Bellular shares details of a leaked survey he received related to the pricing and features of Diablo IV's first expansion.

Based on the survey, Vessel of Hatred could be sold for varying prices such as $50, $70, $80, or $100, each offering different in-game items and features. Some versions include the base version of Diablo IV, while others do not.

For example, the $50 version may give players a new mount, a cosmetic skin for the new class, 1,000 premium Platinum currency, a Premium Battle Pass, access to the base game, early expansion access, and a Town Portal skin. However, it also grants access to two new stash tabs and early access to "Companions," described as non-player characters that can pick up gold and access the player's stash remotely.

Potential alternative versions, such as the $100 edition, include perks such as "Hero" skins for each of the game's classes and unique mount armor. More controversially, Blizzard is considering the idea of certain editions, like the $100 version, providing early access to a "functional item" such as a Legendary aspect. The $70 edition mentioned in the survey also offers early access to a potent Unique item.

It's important to remember that this is simply a survey Blizzard is using to gauge interest. However, if Blizzard follows through with some of the proposed ideas, it could be seen as going back on its promise to never allow players to "pay for power" in Diablo IV. This is a significant concern, given the Diablo community's reaction to the pay-to-win dynamics of the mobile game Diablo Immortal.

The Diablo IV community, particularly on Reddit, is expressing strong disapproval of the potential requirement to pay for extra stash space and the possibility of early access to powerful new Legendary powers or Unique items for those who pay more. Many Reddit users argue that paying for features like stash tabs might be acceptable in free-to-play games, but not in a game where players are already spending $50 or more. This sentiment is echoed in a post by Ninak0ru on Reddit, which has received widespread approval, stating, "These are 100% pay-to-win. Yes, convenience locked by paywall is always pay-to-win."

Blizzard has not yet provided any comments on the survey. The upcoming Diablo IV Vessel of Hatred is scheduled for release late next year and will take players back to iconic locations from Diablo II in their quest to hunt down Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I have mixed feelings about the potential Diablo 4 expansion. On the one hand, I am excited about the prospect of new content and features, such as additional stash tabs and early access to legendary powers. On the other hand, I am concerned about the potential for pay-to-win mechanics, which could undermine the integrity of the game.

I understand that Blizzard is a business and needs to make money, but I believe that there are ways to do so without resorting to pay-to-win mechanics. For example, Blizzard could sell cosmetic items or expansions that add new content to the game. I would be much more willing to spend money on these types of items than on items that give me an unfair advantage over other players.

I hope that Blizzard will listen to the feedback from the community and reconsider its plans for the Diablo 4 expansion. I believe that the game has the potential to be great, but it will only be successful if it is fair and balanced.