Blizzard Addresses Player Feedback on Reinhardt Buff Requests for Overwatch 2

Blizzard Addresses Player Feedback on Reinhardt Buff Requests for Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 developer addresses player demand for a Reinhardt buff, offering insight into reasons behind the delay Find out why the community may have to wait longer than anticipated

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Reinhardt has already received adjustments in Overwatch 2, including a buff to health and armor, but some players still hope for further improvements to his abilities.

Director Aaron Keller acknowledged the request from fans for a Reinhardt buff. He mentioned that at mid-rank play, Reinhardt is doing well and his win rate at the Grandmaster level is above 50%.

Despite some players finding Reinhardt's gameplay monotonous or believing that he is easily countered by certain heroes, the statistics indicate that Blizzard may not prioritize his buff in the near future, focusing instead on enhancing other characters.

The Game Director of Overwatch 2 has addressed fan requests for a buff to Reinhardt, shedding light on the hero. Reinhardt has been a part of the hero lineup since the original game, but many players of Overwatch 2 are hoping for improvements to his abilities.

Reinhardt is among the heroes who made the transition to Overwatch 2 from the original game. As numerous Overwatch heroes underwent changes in the sequel, Reinhardt has already been adjusted. Overwatch 2 has increased Reinhardt's health and armor, and modified his passive tank ability to align with the adjustments made in the sequel. Unlike Roadhog, who is slated to receive a rework in Overwatch 2 in the near future, Reinhardt continues to be frequently played outside of competitive ranks. While many Reinhardt enthusiasts are eager for a similar rework in Overwatch 2, Director Aaron Keller suggested that they may have to wait for some time.

Aaron Keller recently announced that the Overwatch 2 Roadhog rework will be released within a few days. As a result, a Twitter user inquired about the possibility of a Reinhardt buff, expressing their belief that the hero has been neglected for "3-4 seasons." Keller responded by highlighting impressive statistics for Reinhardt, suggesting that he is on par with Junker Queen and Sigma as one of the top tanks in mid-rank play and lower. Moreover, Keller disclosed that Reinhardt maintains a win rate above 50% in the competitive Grandmaster level of Overwatch 2, indicating that he may not require a buff as urgently as Roadhog.

While many Overwatch 2 enthusiasts acknowledge that a Reinhardt buff may not be imminent, some have pointed out certain issues with the hero. The majority of responses to Aaron Keller assert that Reinhardt is not weak per se, but rather that his gameplay can be monotonous or easily countered by an opposing Orisa. Veterans of the original Overwatch have also joined the discussion, arguing in favor of a Reinhardt buff by reflecting on the character's state in the first game. Given Keller's mention of Overwatch 2's Junker Queen and Sigma, it appears that these two tank heroes may be receiving attention from Blizzard before Reinhardt.

Because of the different playstyle of tanks in Overwatch 2 compared to the original game, some experienced players may mistakenly perceive them as underpowered despite evidence to the contrary. While not explicitly confirmed, Reinhardt's statistics strongly suggest that he won't be receiving any significant buffs in the foreseeable future. The lack of focus on improving Reinhardt may lead certain players to opt for an alternative hero.

Blizzard Addresses Player Feedback on Reinhardt Buff Requests for Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2

Blizzard's team-based first-person shooter, Overwatch 2, offers an exciting lineup of new and beloved heroes. Join the action on a variety of platforms including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Switch, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, and PC. Developed and published by Blizzard, this shooter game is a must-play for fans of the Overwatch franchise. Explore more at the official site, Xbox Games Store, Nintendo eShop, Playstation Store, and Steam.

Editor's P/S

As a long-time fan of Overwatch, I am thrilled to see that Blizzard is addressing player feedback on Reinhardt. As one of the original heroes in the game, Reinhardt holds a special place in the hearts of many players. His iconic charge and earth-shattering abilities have made him a mainstay in the tank role. However, with the release of Overwatch 2, many players have felt that Reinhardt has been left behind.

I understand that Blizzard is taking a data-driven approach to balance changes, and I appreciate their transparency in sharing Reinhardt's statistics. It's clear that Reinhardt is performing well at mid-rank play and in the Grandmaster level. However, I believe that his win rate may be inflated by the fact that he is a popular hero. Many players are comfortable with Reinhardt's kit, and this familiarity may be contributing to his high win rate.