Believing in the Exception: Decoding Aoi Todo's Inspirational Words to Yuji in Shibuya

Believing in the Exception: Decoding Aoi Todo's Inspirational Words to Yuji in Shibuya

Aoi Todo's empowering quote, 'We are the exception,' in Jujutsu Kaisen holds profound significance as he joins forces with Yuji Itadori, nearing the climax of the Shibuya Incident arc Together, they embark on a journey of recovery and confront the impending final conflict against the formidable Mahito

The Jujutsu Kaisen Shibuya Incident arc is drawing to a close in the anime, with the final showdown approaching as Aoi Todo steps in to help Yuji Itadori against Mahito. Aoi Todo's powerful display and stirring words made a strong impact, jolting Yuji out of his stupor and reigniting his determination to continue, especially after Nobara was taken for medical treatment.

However, many fans may be wondering what Aoi Todo meant by:

"We are the exception."

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from Jujutsu Kaisen's latest release anime episode and manga likewise. All opinions are exclusive to the author.

What does Aoi Todo's "We are the exception" speech refer to in Jujutsu Kaisen?

Aoi Todo's arrival

Believing in the Exception: Decoding Aoi Todo's Inspirational Words to Yuji in Shibuya

Parts of Todo's speech in Jujutsu Kaisen (Image via Studio MAPPA)

Yuji Itadori found himself in a near catatonic state as he witnessed Sukuna's destruction, Nanami's death, and the potential loss of Nobara during the Shibuya Incident arc in the current timeline of Jujutsu Kaisen. When Mahito started mercilessly beating him after injuring Nobara, Yuji remained unresponsive, allowing Mahito to continue even as he was hit with a Black Flash.

"Todo arrived just in time to save his life with a powerful speech, declaring, 'The bells of the Gion monastery in India echo with the warning that all things are impermanent. The blossoms of the sala trees teach us through their hues that what flourishes must fade. However, we are the exception!'"

What is Aoi referring to?

Todo stepped forward to confront Mahito, declaring that the battle was far from over. In response, Yuji descended into deeper self-blame, crumpling to the ground in tears and blood. It took a moment for the realization to set in - Todo had to face Mahito alone, while Yuji struggled to stand up.

Believing in the Exception: Decoding Aoi Todo's Inspirational Words to Yuji in Shibuya

Aoi's central message in Jujutsu Kaisen (Image via Studio MAPPA)

The statement primarily addresses the concept of entropy: the belief that all things will ultimately perish. Beauty diminishes, reputation spoils, bodies decompose, and so on. Aoi Todo adamantly rejects this idea, determined to awaken himself and Yuji from their daze.

This Jujutsu Kaisen sorcerer isn't being arrogant; he's expressing optimism and a passionate stance against Mahito's nihilistic and selfish evil. Todo is attempting to connect with Yuji, hoping to reach him as a brother and best friend.

It's easy to understand the impact of the words on Yuji. Todo goes so far as to say that as long as they're alive, their comrades are never truly gone. This is the message that Yuji takes from Todo's speech and it contributes to his recovery.

Yuji's recovery

Believing in the Exception: Decoding Aoi Todo's Inspirational Words to Yuji in Shibuya

Yuji's recovery is shown in an image from Studio MAPPA.

Todo poses a straightforward question: what has Yuji's allies entrusted him with, and can he continue to push forward? Arata stabilizes Yuji, and a glimmer of hope can be seen in his eyes as he assures that Nobara has a chance at survival. Yuji even criticizes himself for considering the easy way out and for desiring death instead of persevering.

Yuji is sparked back to life by Todo's encouragement and Arata's healing power. Despite only having 10% of his soul left, he regains his fighting spirit and teams up with Aoi Todo to push Mahito back. This marks a turning point for Yuji, who had been emotionally defeated by recent events, including the loss of significant people in his life. It's no surprise that it took him some time to find his resolve again.

Aoi Todo's words in the Shibuya Incident of Jujutsu Kaisen are not just empty phrases. They serve as a powerful weapon against the overwhelming hopelessness and despair that Yuji faced. This is exactly what Mahito hoped for: to break Yuji and make him an easier target.

Now that Yuji is back on his feet and determined, Mahito finds himself up against two opponents who are nearly his match, especially with Nobara's emotional wounds still affecting him. In other words, despite giving it his all, the tables are turning against Mahito.

All because Aoi Todo refused to give up on Yuji and refused to let him give up on himself.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I find Aoi Todo's words to Yuji in the Shibuya Incident arc of Jujutsu Kaisen to be incredibly inspiring and motivating. In a world that often seems dark and hopeless, Todo's message of resilience and determination is a powerful reminder that we have the power to overcome any obstacle if we believe in ourselves and never give up. His words are a call to action, urging us to embrace our individuality and fight for what we believe in, even when the odds seem stacked against us.

Todo's speech also highlights the importance of friendship and support. In the face of overwhelming adversity, having someone who believes in us and encourages us to keep going can make all the difference. Todo's unwavering faith in Yuji and his refusal to give up on him is a testament to the strength of their bond and a reminder that true friendship can help us overcome even the most difficult challenges.