Behind the Scenes: Bernadette Croft's Vision for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Costumes

Behind the Scenes: Bernadette Croft's Vision for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Costumes

Discover the creative world of Bernadette Croft, the costume designer of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, as she shares her insights on designing with both integrity and imagination From the Elysian Kingdom to the bold uniforms of the Starfleet, get a glimpse into the meticulous process that goes into bringing these iconic characters to life

The highly anticipated second season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is set to make its debut on Paramount+ soon. The show, which premiered last spring, has been recognized with multiple nominations for its outstanding cast, music, sound, and design. Despite staying true to the iconic costumes of the franchise, the series manages to offer a fresh perspective on these well-known characters and how they express themselves through their wardrobe. Game Rant recently had the chance to chat with the talented costume designer of the show, Bernadette Croft, about the stunning looks showcased in "The Elysian Kingdom" (season 1, episode 8), the challenges of reimagining classic Star Trek outfits, and the significance of maintaining authenticity in character portrayal. Croft also provided a few tantalizing hints about what fans can expect from the upcoming season 2.

The Elysian Kingdom characters in Strange New Worlds may not don the traditional Star Trek uniform colors, but they do embody the moral principles of the franchise. To create their looks, the team drew inspiration from the personalities of the characters. Bernadette explains that while some characters were completely opposite, others shared similarities. For instance, Chrissy Chong's fantasy character, a whimsical, graceful airhead, was a stark contrast to her strict and no-fuss security officer role. Bernadette found it magical to see Chong in a new palette of pink, blue, and gold with sequins transforming her appearance into a completely different person.

Christine Chapel's character is similar to a healer as she plays a nurse who helps people. Her fantasy character, Lady Audrey of the Woods, is also a healer, but in a different way as she uses spirits, herbs, and crystals instead of modern medicine. With a bit of witchy vibe, her character adds a unique touch to the show. Another interesting character is Uhura, who is a beloved team member known for her intelligence and logical thinking. She is also friendly and curious. In the Elysian Kingdom, she takes on the role of a fierce queen who is quick to anger and punish, and it was entertaining to see Celia Rose Gooding, who portrays the character, play such a mean role.

Behind the Scenes: Bernadette Croft's Vision for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Costumes

In the interview, the topic of how women are portrayed in Star Trek series was discussed. Unlike some of the previous series, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds deliberately avoids dressing their female characters in revealing clothing or costumes. When asked about the decision behind this, the showrunners explained their desire to move away from the sexualization of women in sci-fi and instead focus on their characters' personalities and actions.

Bernadette believes that costuming should enhance and reflect the character rather than being used as a gimmick for a certain look. While body positivity is celebrated, showing skin should only be done if it makes sense for the character. Some actresses enjoyed the progressive feeling of showing their legs, while others felt uncomfortable with the exposure. The team discussed the concept of filmmaking through the male gaze and agreed to create a professional look that would make everyone feel confident.

Bernadette drew inspiration for the regal designs in "The Elysian Kingdom" from the script, which explores the complex themes of love, loss, and protection. The blend of medieval and Renaissance influences, along with vintage, modern, and futuristic touches, creates intricate layers in each costume, adding to the depth and richness of the story. Despite its fantastical and comedic elements, the script also has serious undertones, which Bernadette incorporated into her designs.

I wanted the costumes to embody the whimsical and imaginative nature of children's fantasies, drawing inspiration directly from Rukiya's creative mind. Rather than adhering to a specific historical time period, I aimed for a more eclectic and free-spirited look that a child would imagine.

Behind the Scenes: Bernadette Croft's Vision for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Costumes

Most of the characters are clad in dark shades of black, red and green, with the exception of King Ridley, Princess Thalia, and Queen Neve, who are adorned in vibrant hues of red, gold, blue, pink, and white. When asked if it was intentional to make these rulers stand out, Bernadette explains that it was a natural occurrence. She believes that the color palette should reflect each character's personality. For instance, Hemmer's silver hair and pale skin inspired the use of a gray moon dust-like aura, while his robes were aged to match the color scheme.

M'Benga is a man of great depth and loyalty, with a stoic and intelligent demeanor. The African royalty served as an inspiration for the vibrant colors and intricate beadwork, with the fabric and crown being created through modern 3D printing techniques while still referencing historical aesthetics. Queen Neve's icy personality was reflected in the white and silvery palette, with her shoulder pieces designed to resemble dangerous ice or glass. Adya's down-to-earth character was reflected in a palette of brown and black, with a touch of gold for added flair. Ultimately, the character's personalities drove the choice of color and design elements, with Rukiya's vivid imagination also playing a role.

Behind the Scenes: Bernadette Croft's Vision for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Costumes

GR: Which look or looks did you find most exciting to design and bring to life?

Bernadette expressed her pride for the team and their exceptional work on the show. The cast's reactions, particularly Sage Arrindell's, who portrays Rukiya, were a highlight for her. Bernadette shared that seeing Sage's beaming face while dressed in a stunning princess gown made all the hard work worthwhile. She referred to this episode as her favorite of the season. Bernadette was impressed with how the team's efforts came to life on screen. She shared that the Crimson Guards' costume consisted of about 150 different pieces, each covered in foil to give it a metallic appearance. The dragon pauldron on the shoulder was hand sculpted and made flexible for stunt work, ensuring the actor's safety. Bernadette was thrilled to witness the team's meticulous work in action.

Bernadette mentioned that the team always struggles with time and what can be realistically achieved. Although unexpected and fun things happen on set, such as Chrissy's Princess Thalia dress being too massive to fit through doors, causing the team to create a big tent on set for her to get dressed in. Despite these challenges, the team strives to find solutions.

Behind the Scenes: Bernadette Croft's Vision for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Costumes

GR: Is there anything you can share with us about the costumes in season 2?

The power of costumes is evident in the trailers, where we see the team preparing for an extreme weather mission on a foreign world. The use of leather and fur, along with the placement of trimmings, may indicate their place in society or reflect the traditional dress of the locals. These details offer valuable clues for the audience to decipher. Additionally, the Menagerie uniform has been updated with a new silhouette and added details, and will be featured in an upcoming episode. The crossover episode was also a fun experience for the team.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is now streaming on Paramount+. Season 2 will premiere on June 15, 2023.