Becoming a Superhero: Lessons for Kate Bishop from Gwen Stacy

Hailee Steinfeld, who plays Kate Bishop in the upcoming Hawkeye series, shares valuable insights on how to be a superhero from her experience in Spider-Verse Discover the tips she learned from Spider-Gwen in this article
During a recent interview, Hailee Steinfeld, who stars in Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse and Hawkeye, shared what advice Gwen Stacy would give to Kate Bishop about being a superhero. While Gwen had been a hero on her own Earth prior to mentoring Miles, Kate has always dreamed of becoming an Avenger. In Hawkeye, she finally gets to fulfill that dream and works alongside her hero, Clint Barton, to defeat the Tracksuit Mafia and their leader Kingpin. Steinfeld, who plays both Marvel heroes, revealed Gwen's humorous words of wisdom for Kate during the premiere of Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse.
Hailee Steinfeld: Get it together! Stay focused, move quick, and don't forget to have fun, of course.
What Kate Bishop Could Learn From Gwen Stacy About Being A Superhero
Although Peter B. Parker played a significant role in mentoring Miles Morales in Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, Gwen Stacy was also instrumental in his journey towards becoming a hero. She instilled confidence in him and helped him discover the strength within to wear the mask. Kate Bishop, on the other hand, didn't have doubts about her desire to be a hero, but she faced challenges in her initial attempts to follow in Clint Barton's footsteps. Clint guided her through the true sacrifices of being a hero and supported her ambition to join the Avengers with his expertise and maturity.
For Kate Bishop to fully assume the mantle of Hawkeye, she must embody a more grounded and earned confidence, rather than the brashness that often accompanied her in her partnership with Clint Barton. While she has already endured personal tragedy, such as losing her father in the New York alien attack and turning in her own mother to the police, Kate still has much to learn before becoming a true superhero. Gwen Stacy, who also suffered great loss before donning the mantle of hero, may be the perfect mentor for Kate as she navigates becoming a leader in a world of superpowered beings. Together, the two heroines can continue to grow and learn from each other.