Barbie Director Weighs In on Zack Snyder's Justice League Joke: A Behind-the-Scenes Perspective

Barbie Director Weighs In on Zack Snyder's Justice League Joke: A Behind-the-Scenes Perspective

Barbie Director Weighs in on Zack Snyder's Justice League Joke: Remains Unfazed Amidst the Controversy, Reflecting on the Impact of the Synder Cut Movement


Barbie director Greta Gerwig responds to backlash from Snyder fans regarding a joke featured in the film.

Acknowledging her lack of knowledge regarding the devoted Snyder fandom, Gerwig expresses her unawareness during the creation of the joke.

Barbie director Greta Gerwig has responded to criticism over a joke in the movie that takes a gentle jab at Zack Snyder's Justice League fanbase. While Gerwig's film has been well-received for its clever storytelling and meta humor, some Snyder fans have raised concerns about a specific moment. Towards the end, when Alexandra Shipp's character, Writer Barbie, wakes up from being brainwashed by Kens, she remarks, "It feels like I've been deeply engrossed in the Zack Snyder cut of Justice League, but only with a vague understanding."

Speaking to, Gerwig revealed that she had been unaware of the passionate fanbase of Zack Snyder prior to making the joke about his Justice League in the Barbie movie. Not fully understanding the intricacies of the Snyder Cut movement, she explained that the joke centered around Shipp's character becoming deeply invested in something she only had limited knowledge of, which mirrored Gerwig's own understanding of the subject. Here are her remarks:

I wasn't even aware of that. I didn't...because I don't have a personal stake in this, I didn't really know. I knew it was a thing, but I wasn't familiar with all the details. It's the kind of thing that I vaguely know, but that was the point. It was as if [Writer Barbie] had a general understanding of it, and then suddenly, it became incredibly meaningful to her, and then it disappeared.

How The Synder Cut Movement Has Changed The Face Of Hollywood

Barbie Director Weighs In on Zack Snyder's Justice League Joke: A Behind-the-Scenes Perspective

Snyder's tenure as the architect of the early DC Extended Universe faced criticism, but his work has undeniably inspired a passionate and vocal fandom. The Snyder Cut movement emerged after the release of the heavily criticized 2017 version of Justice League, with the goal of restoring Snyder's original vision for the film. Despite facing personal tragedy and creative differences, Snyder's fans rallied through online petitions and real-world actions, leading HBO Max to release his revamped 4-hour cut of the movie in 2021.

While the movement initially pleased fans of comic book movies, some members of the online community associated with it have faced criticism for engaging in toxic behavior even after the release of Zack Snyder's Justice League. Although they achieved their primary objective, certain factions within the movement are now focused on bringing Snyder back to the DC Universe and have rebranded themselves under hashtags like #RestoretheSnyderverse. Additionally, a significant portion of the fandom's online frustration has shifted toward current DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn and his plans for Superman: Legacy.

The Synder Cut movement, regardless of its original intention, has evolved from an online collective to a modern pop-culture phenomenon unlike any other. This significant influence has even prompted other properties like Hulu's The Bear and Max's Harley Quinn to mock the more toxic fans. Despite the current criticism faced by Gerwig's Barbie, it is probable that the more fervent members of the Snyder Cut movement will remain the subject of many jokes in the future, rather than the director himself.