Awakening Hope: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Episode 7 - Battling Despair

Awakening Hope: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Episode 7 - Battling Despair

The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 7 - The Name of the Magic sees Percival's Hope Magic awaken as he and his squad engage in a fierce battle against Ironside, showcasing the power of hope in their desperate fight for victory

Episode 7 of The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse, titled "The Name of the Magic," aired on November 26, 2023. It immediately picks up from the events of episode 6, where Ironside unleashed the completed Coffin of Eternal Darkness on the town of Sistana.

In this episode, viewers witness the horror of the artifact and the first confrontation between Percival's group and Ironside. While the fight serves as a distraction for the group to save the town, it holds significant weight compared to past duels with the Holy Knights.

Follow along as Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 7 continues the Sistana arc in dramatic fashion, with a tough fight ahead for Percival's crew.

Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 7 - Fighting against Ironside awakens Percival's Hope Magic

The ritual's effect

Awakening Hope: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Episode 7 - Battling Despair

The monsters the ritual summons in Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 7 (Image via Our Website)

In Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 7, the focus is on the Coffin of Eternal Darkness ritual that Ironside initiated in the previous episode. Instead of the darkness simply absorbing the townspeople's souls and blood, it splatters across Sistana like an oily liquid, creating monstrous creatures that terrify the residents. Various objects, including a street, an angel statue, and houses, combine to form massive monsters with multiple eyes, tongues, arms, and teeth, resulting in a horrifying sight reminiscent of nightmare fuel. Unlike Attack on Titan, there are no on-screen scenes of anyone getting eaten, but the horrific imagery still leaves a lasting impact.

Percival's Squad vs. Ironside

This emphasizes the critical nature of the situation, with each moment being crucial in preventing Ironside's dark ritual. While episode 7 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse primarily focuses on Percival's group attempting to stop Ironside, Percival himself makes the decision to trust Sin, despite Lady Anne's skepticism and her perception of deception in him.

Awakening Hope: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Episode 7 - Battling Despair

The showdown between Percival's squad and Ironside in episode 7 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse (Image via Our Website)

Prior to the commencement of the battle, Ironside's aura of impending death and hopelessness paralyzed everyone except Percival. Despite launching the first attack with a colossal magical punch that completely flattened Talisker, Percival's blow was effortlessly deflected, and the entire team had to evade a cross-magic blast that tore through the earth. This caused Donny to flee in terror while Nasiens, Anne, and Percival engaged in combat with Ironside.

The initial phase of the battle saw Ironside exerting little effort, almost ignoring his opponents as if they were insignificant. Only when Anne scratched him and Nasiens' paralysis magic affected his arm did he begin to fight in earnest.

Percival used his magic to shield his friends from Ironside's powerful counterattack, and in doing so, learned the reason behind his grandfather's murder. Despite being stabbed twice and near death, this was the moment when Percival's magical abilities began to truly awaken.

The Power of Hope awakens

As Percival's friends gathered around him, offering words of gratitude for his past help and doing everything in their power to assist him, Percival's magical abilities suddenly reawakened. The Power of Hope took physical form in the form of tiny magical clones of Percival, which proceeded to heal his injuries and restore his vitality, while also extending their healing powers to his friends and Anne's father.

Upon Donny's return, having rescued a family by using his levitation abilities to divert a monstrous threat and distract other enemies, Percival's magic surged even stronger, as his friend's act of heroism further fueled his own magical strength. The resulting magic not only fully healed all wounds, but also repaired Percival's torn clothing, all while a soft, epic music filled the air.

Percival even starts to recall his grandfather's words, stating that he discovered people to believe in and became their Hope. This powerup may appear somewhat sudden in only seven episodes of Four Knights of the Apocalypse, but it arrives at a pivotal moment and explains how Percival's magic operates: it's the Power of Friendship and Hope made manifest.

Final Thoughts

Episode 7 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse introduces Ironside, marking the beginning of his first encounter. Pellegarde spared Percival's life, and Talisker fell when Percival's magic was unleashed for the first time. Ironside, Percival's nemesis, sets the stage for a classic father-son duel, a storytelling trope that predates most modern tales.

The animation remains impressive, with a clean and crisp look free of any noticeable flaws. While "The Power of Friendship" may be a common trope in shonen, in a world of deconstructions, it's refreshing to see it portrayed straightforwardly.

Fans will have to wait until next week to find out how Percival and the team rescue Sistana from Ironside.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I have mixed feelings about episode 7 of The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse. On one hand, I appreciate the show's willingness to tackle dark and mature themes, such as the death of Percival's grandfather and the destruction of Sistana. The animation and music during the battle between Percival's group and Ironside were top-notch, and the action sequences were thrilling.

On the other hand, I feel like the episode was a bit too predictable. The power of hope is a common theme in anime, and it was clear from the beginning that Percival would eventually overcome Ironside. I also found the character of Ironside to be a bit one-dimensional. He was portrayed as a ruthless and sadistic villain, but we never really got to see his motivations or backstory.

Overall, I enjoyed episode 7 of The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse, but I think it could have been stronger with a more nuanced villain and a less predictable plot.