Alliser Thorne in Game of Thrones: Unveiling the Enigmatic Character

Alliser Thorne in Game of Thrones: Unveiling the Enigmatic Character

Alliser Thorne, a prominent member of the Night's Watch, constantly clashed with Jon Snow, becoming bitter rivals after Jon's rise to power Discover the fate of this intriguing character in the epic series, Game of Thrones Stream now on Max!

Article Key Points

Alliser Thorne, a member of the Night's Watch in Game of Thrones, initially disliked Jon Snow and constantly berated him due to his noble background.

Thorne plotted a mutiny against Jon Snow, resulting in Jon's demise, as he believed that Jon's choice to accept the wildlings into Castle Black jeopardized their safety.

After Jon Snow is brought back to life, he eventually assumes the role of the new Lord Commander and condemns Thorne and the other rebels to die by hanging. Thorne's animosity towards Jon ultimately leads to his own demise.

The Night's Watch, in Game of Thrones, bears the duty of protecting the Wall in the North of Westeros, stationed at Castle Black. Beyond the Wall, unknown dangers like wildlings, giants, and eventually the White Walkers lurk. This hazardous responsibility seldom attracts volunteers, as most members find themselves there as an alternative to imprisonment.

Among them is Jon Snow, who believes Castle Black to be a more suitable home than Winterfell, where he feels like an outsider. However, his decision to join the Night's Watch faces strong opposition from Ser Alliser Throne, who consistently belittles and openly expresses his dislike for Snow. Yet, Throne's excessive disapproval and petty behavior will ultimately lead to his downfall.

Who Is Alliser Thorne?

Alliser Thorne in Game of Thrones: Unveiling the Enigmatic Character

During the rebellion against House Targaryen and the Mad King known as Robert's Rebellion, Alliser's family staunchly supported the Targaryens. Following their defeat, Thorne faced a grim choice between execution or taking the black and joining the Night's Watch. Opting for the latter, he committed himself to a lifetime in Castle Black.

Quick Facts:

Hails from House Thorne of the Crownlands

Fought against Robert's Rebellion

Being a loyalist to the Targaryens, he faced the ultimatum of either death or joining the Night's Watch. Thorne dedicated seventeen years of his life to serving in the Night's Watch, rising from a ranger to the master-of-arms. While he briefly assumed the role of acting Lord Commander, his tenure in that position was short-lived. Thorne was among the few who endured the harsh winter at Castle Black prior to the White Walkers' return. He shared that during a particularly brutal winter storm that left them trapped beyond the Wall, he and his comrades resorted to cannibalism.

By the time Jon Snow joined the Night's Watch, Alliser was already the master-of-arms, serving under Lord Commander Jeor Mormont. Thorne continuously targeted Jon due to his social standing as a member of House Stark from Winterfell. He shamed Snow for his privilege, evident in his ability to choose to join the Night's Watch while many of his fellow Black Brothers had no alternative.

Thorne's disdain for Jon intensifies when Jon attempts to rally Castle Black to form an alliance with the wildlings. However, with the passing of Jeor Mormont, both Thorne and Snow find themselves competing for the election of the new Lord Commander.

What Happens to Alliser Thorne?

Alliser Thorne in Game of Thrones: Unveiling the Enigmatic Character

In a close vote, the Night's Watch selects their new Lord Commander, with Maester Aemon Targaryen ultimately siding with Jon to break the tie. Alliser, understandably disappointed by the outcome, becomes even more disheartened when he learns that Jon plans to use his position of power to allow the peaceful wildlings to enter the fortress.

However, rather than using his promotion as an opportunity to demote Thorne, Jon surprises everyone by promoting him to the esteemed role of First Ranger. This unexpected gesture earns Alliser's genuine respect and gratitude towards his new Lord Commander. Their conversations regarding various missions and endeavors, such as welcoming the wildlings, become more civilized, despite Alliser still maintaining his disagreement with the decision.

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Gradually, his dissatisfaction overwhelms him, and he reverts to regarding Jon as a foe, maligning him to the rest of the Night's Watch comrades while Jon is off with Tormund engaging the remaining wildlings. This is the moment when Alliser chooses to orchestrate a rebellion against Jon when he comes back.

Throughout Jon's tenure as a member of the Night's Watch, his uncle Benjen Stark has remained missing, presumably beyond the Wall. Alliser cunningly seizes this opportunity by luring Jon to the Castle Black courtyard under the pretense of locating his uncle. However, to Jon's shock, he is ambushed by Alliser and a sizable group of his fellow Night's Watch members armed with daggers. They ruthlessly take turns stabbing him while chanting the phrase "For the Watch," ultimately leaving Jon lifeless on the snowy ground.

Alliser seizes power as the new Lord Commander and openly confesses to orchestrating the mutiny, justifying his actions by claiming Jon jeopardized their safety by allowing the wildlings into Castle Black. Nevertheless, Jon's fate takes an unexpected turn when he is resurrected by Melisandre, otherwise known as the Red Woman, through the use of dark magic.

Alliser Thorne in Game of Thrones: Unveiling the Enigmatic Character

Jon resumes his role as Lord Commander and proceeds to pass judgment on Alliser, as well as a small group of mutineers, which includes the young farm boy Olly. Their sentence is death by hanging. Jon solemnly traverses the gallows, affording each man a final opportunity to share their parting words. Alliser's final words are as follows:

Lord Commander, I faced a difficult decision: to betray you or betray the Night's Watch. You led an army of wildlings, who were known murderers and raiders, into our territory. If I were given the chance to relive it all, fully aware of the consequences, I hope I would make the same righteous choice. I fought, I was defeated, and now I find solace in rest. However, Lord Snow, you will forever be engaged in battles against them.

Reluctant, Jon Snow cuts the rope, hanging the soldiers and bringing an end to Alliser Thorne's life once and for all. Subsequently, Jon proceeded to lead an army in the Game of Thrones, fighting against the White Walkers, while Alliser Thorne faded into a distant memory.

Alliser Thorne in Game of Thrones: Unveiling the Enigmatic Character

Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is the adaptation of George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire book series, showcasing the epic saga of feuding families in the realm of Westeros. Among these influential houses are the Starks, Lannisters, Baratheons, and Targaryens. In addition to the complex human dynamics, the resurgence of dragons and the looming threat of an undead army from the mysterious Wall pose grave perils to the stability of Westeros.

Editor's P/S

Alliser Thorne, a prominent figure in Game of Thrones, is a complex and intriguing character. Initially introduced as a bitter rival to Jon Snow, Thorne's motivations and actions throughout the series reveal a man deeply rooted in the traditions and honor of the Night's Watch. While his unwavering loyalty to the Watch may be admirable, his inability to accept change and embrace new ideas ultimately leads to his downfall.

Thorne's animosity towards Jon Snow stems from a combination of factors, including Jon's noble background and his perceived threat to the traditions of the Night's Watch. Thorne believes that Jon's leadership style and decisions, such as accepting the wildlings into Castle Black, jeopardize the safety and integrity of the Watch. This conflict escalates to the point where Thorne leads a mutiny against Jon, resulting in Jon's temporary demise. However, Jon's resurrection and subsequent return to power as the new Lord Commander mark a turning point in their relationship. Jon's decision to promote Thorne to First Ranger, despite their differences, showcases his ability to recognize and reward loyalty, even in those who oppose him.