All locations for Alan Wake's Lunch Boxes in Alan Wake 2
Uncover the hidden treasures of Alan Wake 2 with our comprehensive guide to locating all 21 Alex Casey Lunch Boxes across the enchanting landscapes of Cauldron Lake, Watery, and Bright Falls Get ready for an exciting scavenger hunt like no other!
In Alan Wake 2, there are a total of 21 Lunch Boxes belonging to Alex Casey. These Lunch Boxes can be found during the chapters centered around Saga Anderson. While it is optional for fans to search for these Lunch Boxes, they hold Manuscript Fragments that play a crucial role in weapon upgrades. This comprehensive guide to Alan Wake 2's Lunch Boxes will assist players in collecting all of them.
It should be noted that players will need the Bolt Cutters to access every Lunch Box in Alan Wake 2. The Bolt Cutters can be obtained during the Return 5: Old Gods chapter. Fans who are interested in opening all the Lunch Boxes should plan to return to Cauldron Lake once they have acquired the Bolt Cutters.
Alan Wake 2: Cauldron Lake Lunch Box Locations
On the ground near the fence just south of the Mortar Falls sign.
On the ground near the fence, next to a makeshift tent.
To locate this Lunch Box, go north from the FBC Station and ascend the ledge on the right-hand side. Keep moving towards the campsite situated west of the Witch's Hut, then make a right turn. You will discover the Lunch Box on the ground amidst a collection of vibrant rocks.
Head east from the General Store and continue north until you reach the end of the path. The Lunch Box can be found on the western side of the path's end.
Head towards the eastern direction of the Witch's Hut to reach the southern part of the stream. Proceed northwards until you discover the Lunch Box situated on the western bank of the waterway. Locate it on top of a dresser in Cabin 2, although you will need Bolt Cutters to access it.
Alan Wake 2: Watery Lunch Box Locations
On the ground next to the cliff north of the Radio Tower.
Next to a tent in the small campsite.
On the ground just north of the Break Room near Alan Wake 2's Watery Lighthouse.
Next to the shed just north of the Kalevala Knights Workshop.
Pass through the playground in the Lighthouse Trailer Park and look for the Lunch Box in the northwest corner.
Inside the percolator on the east side of Coffee World's south entrance.
Alan Wake 2: Bright Falls Lunch Box Locations
Next to the large tree that is near the gazebo.
On a small hill southwest of Billie's Boat Yard.
Located on the grassy hill, with a view of the beach, commence your journey at the intersection southwest of the Bunker Woods Break Room. Proceed along the trail marked by signs leading to Alan Wake 2's Ranger Cabin and Valhalla Nursing Home, ultimately arriving at the Lunch Box.
On the ground, encircled by colorful rocks.
On the ground southwest of the Valhalla Nursing Home.
In the corner of the Manor's Admin Office.
Alan Wake 2 is available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.
Editor's P/S
As a Gen Z fan, I am excited about the release of Alan Wake 2 and the prospect of uncovering all 21 Alex Casey Lunch Boxes hidden throughout the game. The scavenger hunt aspect of finding these Lunch Boxes adds an extra layer of intrigue and exploration to the game, encouraging players to venture off the beaten path and discover hidden treasures.
The Manuscript Fragments contained within the Lunch Boxes also provide an incentive for players to seek them out, as they can be used to upgrade weapons and enhance Alan Wake's abilities. Overall, I believe that the inclusion of the Lunch Boxes in Alan Wake 2 is a fun and engaging addition that adds to the game's replay value and encourages players to explore every nook and cranny of the game world.