Alan Wake 2 Unleashes Thrilling Horrors Decades in the Making

Alan Wake 2 Unleashes Thrilling Horrors Decades in the Making

Upcoming Alan Wake 2 draws inspiration from Capcom's Resident Evil franchise, according to Remedy Entertainment Get ready for a thrilling blend of horror and suspense as the developers promise an unforgettable gaming experience


Alan Wake 2 takes inspiration from Resident Evil, aiming to create a vulnerable and tense atmosphere in the game.

Taking a different approach from the tone exhibited in the first game, the sequel of Alan Wake draws influence from the "buddy cop" aspects seen in True Detective.

Remedy Entertainment's main focus lies in creating the utmost quality for Alan Wake 2. They prioritize refining the game rather than competing and have decided to release it exclusively in a digital format, allowing for extended development time.

The developers of Alan Wake 2 have stated that the upcoming horror game draws inspiration from Capcom's Resident Evil franchise. The game's director discussed the team's inspirations for creating Alan Wake 2, mentioning that they aimed to make players feel more vulnerable, much like the Resident Evil series. Highly anticipated, the Alan Wake sequel is scheduled for release in October, over a decade after the first game. The trailer for Alan Wake 2, released in May, showcased gameplay reminiscent of other survival horror games, including the recent remakes of Resident Evil. This comparison is justified by the director, Kyle Rowley, who described the influences that Remedy drew from Capcom's franchise.

In an interview with EDGE magazine, Rowley, the director of Alan Wake 2, discussed how the sequel drew inspiration from recent Resident Evil games to create a tense and uncomfortable atmosphere. He specifically highlighted the use of camera perspectives and angles seen in games like Resident Evil 2. These techniques were employed to evoke a sense of claustrophobia, heightening the presence of enemies and instilling a feeling of vulnerability in the player.

Alan Wake 2 Unleashes Thrilling Horrors Decades in the Making

Alan Wake 2 showcases its survival horror elements, diverging from the first game's dramedy Twin Peaks-inspired atmosphere. The sequel takes inspiration from True Detective, an acclaimed TV show, incorporating its "buddy cop" dynamics from the first season.

Expected to launch in October, Alan Wake 2 faces a busy release schedule this year. However, Remedy Entertainment prioritizes delivering the best possible experience for the game, rather than being preoccupied with competing against other releases that month. Concerns have been raised about Alan Wake 2 being exclusively digital, but Remedy defends this decision. The digital-only release affords them more time to refine the game without the need for a physical release's gold master submission. Fans will discover if Remedy's confidence is well-founded this coming autumn.

Alan Wake 2 launches October 17, 2023 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

Source: Edge (via GamesRadar)