Alan Wake 2: Initiation - Unlocking the Secrets of Room 665 Walkthrough

Alan Wake 2: Initiation - Unlocking the Secrets of Room 665 Walkthrough

In Alan Wake 2: Initiation 5 - Room 665, players embark on a thrilling quest to uncover a chilling murder scene within the mysterious Oceanview Hotel Follow neon signs, discover the door code, explore the grand hotel, locate the murder site, venture into the haunting ballroom, and escape the relentless pursuit of the Dark Presence

The musical chapter of Alan Wake 2, which was similar to Initiation 1: Late Night, is also akin to Initiation 5: Room 665. This chapter follows a similar progression as Initiation 2: Casey, where players of Alan Wake 2 need to investigate different scenes, activate Echos to uncover new story elements, and strategically place them to advance the story.

Fortunately, Initiation 5: Room 665 is less maze-like and offers clearer directions on where to go and what actions to take. However, navigating the hotel can still be challenging, as doors may unexpectedly lead to another floor without warning. To successfully complete this chapter, players should follow these guidelines.

This walkthrough contains spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

Follow the Neon Signs

Alan Wake 2: Initiation - Unlocking the Secrets of Room 665 Walkthrough

Start this chapter by keeping an eye out for the Mirror Peak Bar signs, as they provide the only route to reach the Oceanview Hotel. Although there is a specific location where players can insert the light from the Angel Lamp, it is recommended to first explore the adjacent alley to discover a Word of Power.

Go through the door to return to the Mirror Peak Bar sign. Insert a light into the nearby streetlamp, which will then reveal a door leading to the Mirror Peak Bar. Proceed through the door to reach the top of the nearby roof. Take a left turn and descend the ladder. Continue on this path until you come across a light that can be obtained with the Angel Lamp. Find another ladder by crawling under the nearby scaffolding.

Alan Wake 2: Initiation - Unlocking the Secrets of Room 665 Walkthrough

Further along, players will come across a cluster of shadows and a few Taken. Defeat them before utilizing the flashlight to dispel the darkness obstructing the door. Once through the door, locate a makeshift tent constructed from cardboard and pass through it. Proceed past the gate and then turn left towards the stairs to locate a checkpoint. Ascend the ladder adjacent to the checkpoint and continue up another ladder.

On these rooftops, players will encounter additional lights that need to be repositioned. Look for a door featuring an advertisement for an Alex Casey film, similar to the one displayed in the aforementioned image. Ensure that a light is placed above this particular door. Although the overall environment doesn't transform significantly, it does alter the door's destination. Descend the stairs past the mural on the wall. This pathway will lead to an alternative entrance for the Oceanview hotel.

How to Find the Door Code for the Oceanview Hotel

Alan Wake 2: Initiation - Unlocking the Secrets of Room 665 Walkthrough

Head directly to the Mirror Peak Bar as your first action. Utilize the Angel Lamp to activate the bar entrance. Upon entering, retrieve the shotgun and remove the lamp. Expect the sudden appearance of multiple Taken, which can be easily eliminated with the shotgun.

To unlock the door leading to the Oceanview Hotel, a specific code is necessary. Find the code on the bar menu located within the Mirror Peak Bar. The code, 2550, corresponds to the price of an Oceanview Cocktail. Input this code on the keypad to successfully gain entry to the hotel.

Explore the Oceanview Hotel

Alan Wake 2: Initiation - Unlocking the Secrets of Room 665 Walkthrough

Upon entering, there is not much for players to discover. Follow a series of hallways until reaching a set of double doors. The desired destination, Room 665, awaits just ahead. Unlock the door and enter.

Inside the room, a film projector awaits. Activate it, then approach the screen to initiate a live-action cutscene. After the cutscene concludes, proceed outside to the end of the hallway directly facing Room 665. Turn right and step onto the balcony. Direct your attention to two specific points to activate the Echo. Once the elevator opens, step inside and descend to the lobby. Prior to progressing to the storyboard, access the check-in booth to activate an Echo.

Find the Murder Site

Alan Wake 2: Initiation - Unlocking the Secrets of Room 665 Walkthrough

In the Entrance Hall scene of the Storyboard, add the Pre-Show Ritual. After the scene changes, return to the check-in booth and take the map from the wall. Before continuing, players may want to utilize the Office save point. Within Room 111, there is a box containing supplies, as well as a toolbox in the bathroom. At the north end of the first-floor hallway, there is a scene named "Final Scene".

To make a box appear, place the Pre-Show Ritual story thread on the scene. Investigate the box to discover a key for Room 104. Use the key to enter Room 104. Through an unusual form of dream logic, entering one door of the bathroom in Room 104 and exiting through the other will lead players to Room 225, where another save point can be found.

Alan Wake 2: Initiation - Unlocking the Secrets of Room 665 Walkthrough

In the hallway on the second floor, you can spot two arrows on the ground by shining a flashlight. One arrow directs towards Room 224, whereas the other points to Room 223. Be prepared for a confrontation as several Taken emerge from Room 223. Room 223 offers valuable supplies, while Room 224 showcases a TV displaying an advertisement for Night Springs.

The entrance to Room 224 is currently obstructed by a barricade, but it can be dismantled with just two shots from the Revolver. Proceed into the bathroom and carefully inspect the wall to uncover a hidden Word of Power. In Room 219, there is a portable light source known as the Angel Lamp that can be acquired. Upon doing so, a previously concealed door will become visible. Traverse through this door, which apparently operates under the surreal laws of the Dark Place, and find yourself transported into a Rehearsal Room scene connected to Room 202. In this newly discovered area, place the Pre-Show Ritual story thread, thereby initiating an Echo that will unveil another story thread.

Go to the Ballroom

Alan Wake 2: Initiation - Unlocking the Secrets of Room 665 Walkthrough

Progressing the story requires players to head to the Ballroom at this stage. To do so, they should return to the Rehearsal Room door and proceed to the second floor hallway. From there, they should continue down towards the Ballroom.

In the Ballroom, there is a save point and a key for Room 101. Proceed further into the Ballroom and return to the Story Board. Place the Haunted story thread onto the scene and approach the typewriter on the stage. This will trigger an Echo and unlock the Devil story thread. Add the Devil story thread to the scene. Defeat the Taken in this room and then return to the first floor.

Before continuing, unlock Room 101 which contains a video and a suitcase filled with supplies. Go back to the Entrance Hall and use the Devil story thread to open a path. Ascend the stairs and activate the Echo. Follow the trail of blood to reach a room with another Echo. Players will recognize the correct location when they find a door surrounded by bodies.

Run From the Dark Presence

Alan Wake 2: Initiation - Unlocking the Secrets of Room 665 Walkthrough

In this chapter, players must escape from the Dark Presence just like before. However, there is a new twist – the Dark Presence will suddenly teleport right in front of the players. Quickly turn around and continue running. During the escape, players will encounter several groups of shadows. Run past them and head towards a save point, where the Dark Presence will eventually give up the chase.

Proceed through the door ahead and make your way to Room 108. Utilize the Climax story thread to gain entry into the next area. Upon entering the bathroom, interact with the tub to trigger a cutscene. Afterward, head towards the hotel exit and leave. Outside, there is an Echo that can be activated. Directly ahead, there is a save room that allows players to either proceed to the next chapter or switch over to Saga.

Alan Wake 2 is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

Editor's P/S

Alan Wake 2: Initiation - Unlocking the Secrets of Room 665 Walkthrough is an excellent guide for players looking to uncover the chilling murder scene within the mysterious Oceanview Hotel. The walkthrough provides detailed instructions on how to navigate the hotel, defeat enemies, and solve puzzles. With its clear and concise explanations, the walkthrough ensures that players can progress through the chapter without getting lost or stuck.

The musical chapter of Alan Wake 2, which was similar to Initiation 1: Late Night, is also akin to Initiation 5: Room 665. This chapter follows a similar progression as Initiation 2: Casey, where players of Alan Wake 2 need to investigate different scenes, activate Echos to uncover new story elements, and strategically place them to advance the story. Fortunately, Initiation 5: Room 665 is less maze-like and offers clearer directions on where to go and what actions to take.