9 Unbelievable Powers of Venom You Didn't Know About

9 Unbelievable Powers of Venom You Didn't Know About

Venom's powers go far beyond what you've seen on the big screen. From shape-shifting disguises to traveling through phone lines, here are 9 unbelievable powers of Venom that will leave you in awe.

Unlimited Durability

Venom's resilience is not limited to bullets and punches. In the comics, the symbiote's origin as a spacefaring alien grants Eddie Brock the astonishing ability to survive without air. While bonded with Venom, Eddie's skin directly provides oxygen to his blood, rendering him impervious to the need for air.

Venom doesn't need to breathe

Venom doesn't need to breathe

This remarkable power extends the scope of Venom's invulnerability, showcasing a level of durability that surpasses conventional forms of damage.

Venom smothers scientist

Venom smothers scientist

Master of Deception

Venom is not only a lethal protector but also a master of deception. In the comics, the symbiote empowers Eddie with the ability to play dead by stopping his own heart for brief periods of time. This uncanny skill allows Venom to evade capture by convincingly feigning death, proving to be a strategic advantage in dire situations.

Venom prehensile tongue

Venom prehensile tongue

This unique ability adds a layer of complexity to Venom's tactics, showcasing his resourcefulness as a formidable opponent.

Venom sticking out his tongue in the SSU

Venom sticking out his tongue in the SSU

Versatile Tongue

Venom's trademark tongue is not just for intimidation; it is a versatile appendage with remarkable strength and flexibility. Marvel Comics reveal that Venom's tongue, often used to intimidate foes, possesses the same dexterity and strength as his tentacles, making it a formidable asset in combat and interaction.

Live-action Venom and comic Venom sticking out slimy tongues

Live-action Venom and comic Venom sticking out slimy tongues

This surprising revelation elevates Venom's combat prowess, showcasing the multifaceted nature of his abilities.

Venom sticking his tongue out under the rain

Venom sticking his tongue out under the rain

Morphing Master

Venom's shape-shifting abilities extend beyond mere form alteration. In the comics, the symbiote grants Eddie the power to effortlessly disguise himself by emulating different skin tones, faces, and clothes, showcasing a level of shape-shifting versatility that goes beyond the silver screen.

After bonding with a car, the vehicle has Venom's signature tongue and teeth under its hood in Marvel comics

After bonding with a car, the vehicle has Venom's signature tongue and teeth under its hood in Marvel comics

This expansive capability highlights Venom's adaptability, proving that his mastery of disguise transcends traditional limitations.

Venom shapeshifting with Spider-Man

Venom shapeshifting with Spider-Man

Invisible Predator

Venom's stealth prowess extends to complete invisibility. Marvel Comics unveil Venom's ability to change color rapidly, allowing him to blend seamlessly into his environment and achieve a form of invisibility. While not perfect camouflage, this power provides Venom with a potent advantage in stealth operations.

Venom goes invsibile

Venom goes invsibile

This unparalleled stealth capability enhances Venom's tactical repertoire, positioning him as a formidable predator in any environment.

Venom's vacuum-sealing webbing

Venom's vacuum-sealing webbing

Webbing Mastery

Venom's webbing abilities surpass those of Spider-Man, as seen in the comics. With unprecedented control over his webbing, Venom can vacuum-seal enemies inside his webs by extracting the air between the membranes, showcasing a level of webbing manipulation that exceeds conventional expectations.

Venom talking about his symbiote waste webs while pursuing enemy

Venom talking about his symbiote waste webs while pursuing enemy

This extraordinary webbing prowess elevates Venom's combat tactics, demonstrating his unparalleled skill in subduing adversaries.



Transcendent Traveler

Venom's unique form allows for unconventional journeys, including traveling through phone lines. In the comics, the symbiote can stretch into a molecular monofilament and transmit itself through phone lines, defying conventional limitations.

Topher Grace's Venom in Spider-Man 3

Topher Grace's Venom in Spider-Man 3

This extraordinary ability showcases Venom's unconventional capabilities, solidifying his status as a transcendent traveler with unparalleled adaptability.

Eddie Brock smiling as Venom in Spider-Man 3

Eddie Brock smiling as Venom in Spider-Man 3

Digital Doppelgänger

Venom's powers extend to the creation of a digital avatar, a fantastical ability that allows him to manifest a digital version of himself by entering the system on a molecular level. While this power may seem implausible, it adds a layer of mystique to Venom's already enigmatic abilities.

Venom travels through a phone line

Venom travels through a phone line

This enigmatic power highlights Venom's otherworldly capabilities, showcasing a dimension of his prowess that transcends conventional understanding.

Venom as a digital avatar looking at Carnage

Venom as a digital avatar looking at Carnage

Technological Domination

Venom's influence extends beyond physical forms to include limited technopathy. By infiltrating mechanical and electrical systems, Venom can engage in a form of technopathy, albeit at close range. This unique power adds a layer of complexity to Venom's abilities, showcasing his prowess in controlling technology.

Venom controls a machine via wiring

Venom controls a machine via wiring

This unparalleled control over technology amplifies Venom's capabilities, positioning him as a force to be reckoned with in the realm of machines and systems.

Spider-Man 2's Venom in a symbiote hive with a realistic Carnage behind him from the comics

Spider-Man 2's Venom in a symbiote hive with a realistic Carnage behind him from the comics