9 Superhero Shows with Disappointing Endings

9 Superhero Shows with Disappointing Endings

Superhero shows, despite their popularity, often struggle to deliver satisfying conclusions. Here are 9 shows that left fans disappointed with their endings.

Luke Cage: A Cliffhanger Without Closure

Luke Cage, a Marvel show originally on Netflix, ended its second season with a controversial cliffhanger. The unresolved ending, with Luke assuming control of Harlem's Paradise, left many fans feeling unsatisfied.

Luke Cage running Harlem's Paradise in Luke Cage season 2

Luke Cage running Harlem's Paradise in Luke Cage season 2

Helstrom: Dark and Disappointing

Hulu's adaptation of the Marvel character Helstrom took a dark turn in its finale, featuring deaths, betrayals, and a bleak conclusion. The show's cancellation prevented it from redeeming its disappointing ending.

Sydney Lemmon and Tom Austen in Marvel's Helstrom

Sydney Lemmon and Tom Austen in Marvel's Helstrom

Secret Invasion: A Lackluster Ending

Despite high expectations, Secret Invasion's ending fell short. The series failed to deliver on its promises, leaving fans underwhelmed and disappointed with the outcome.

Nick Fury in the field at the end of Secret Invasion

Nick Fury in the field at the end of Secret Invasion

Agent Carter: Unresolved Storylines

Agent Carter, a promising Marvel series, was canceled after two seasons, leaving several storylines unresolved. The abrupt ending and lack of closure disappointed many fans.

Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter in Agent Carter looking serious

Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter in Agent Carter looking serious

Batman: Losing Momentum

Adam West's Batman, despite its initial success, struggled to maintain its momentum and was canceled after three seasons. The show's decline and disappointing ending left fans wanting more.

Adam West's Batman crosses his arms in front of Burt Ward's Robin

Adam West's Batman crosses his arms in front of Burt Ward's Robin

Heroes: Failing to Live Up to Its Potential

Heroes, a groundbreaking superhero show, failed to maintain its quality over four seasons. The declining ratings and convoluted storylines led to its disappointing end.

Claire Bennet grabbing someone in Heroes Volume 4.

Claire Bennet grabbing someone in Heroes Volume 4.

Lois & Clark: An Abrupt Conclusion

Lois & Clark was abruptly canceled after four seasons, leaving the series with an unsatisfactory ending. The show's quirky charm couldn't save it from its disappointing conclusion.

Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher in the Lois & Clark The New Adventures of Superman series finale

Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher in the Lois & Clark The New Adventures of Superman series finale

Moon Knight: A Confusing Finale

Moon Knight's shift in tone and confusing ending left fans uncertain about the series' future. The unresolved conclusion and open-ended finale left many disappointed.

Oscar Isaac as Moon Knight in costume in the MCU

Oscar Isaac as Moon Knight in costume in the MCU

Runaways: Left Hanging

Marvel's Runaways concluded with a cliffhanger, setting up future stories that were never realized. The show's cancellation left fans disappointed with the unresolved ending.

Marvel's Runaways Season 3 Poster featuring the cast standing together

Marvel's Runaways Season 3 Poster featuring the cast standing together