15 Astonishing Surprises Unveiled in The Wheel of Time Season 2 Trailer
The Wheel of Time Season 2 trailer delivers a thrilling array of revelations that will leave fans on the edge of their seats From Rand's encounter with Lanfear to the unleashing of the Forsaken, and the acquisition of the Horn of Valere by the Seanchan, this trailer is a captivating glimpse into the epic journey ahead
The Wheel of Time season 2 trailer unveiled significant reveals that have far-reaching implications for future storylines. Building on the previous season and the knowledge of the upcoming chapters, season 2 is projected to adapt the second and third books of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. The trailer strongly suggests that The Great Hunt and The Dragon Reborn will serve as the primary foundations for the season's narrative.
Similar to the approach taken in season 1, the show will deviate to some extent from the events depicted in the books, incorporating its own narrative additions. The trailer offers tantalizing glimpses of these alterations, the narratives it will retain, and the introduction of new characters. Here are nine significant revelations from the trailer and their implications for Moiraine and her associates.
9 Rand Meets Lanfear
A significant development in The Great Hunt occurs when Rand is embraced by a mysterious woman, now known to be Natasha O’Keeffe, portraying Lanfear in season 2. In the books, Lanfear is one of the Forsaken and was previously romantically involved with the original Dragon, Lews Therin Telamon. During The Great Hunt, she accompanied Rand incognito as Selene, secretly recognizing his true identity. It appears that she will continue to pursue a connection with Rand in season 2, acknowledging him as the reincarnation of her beloved.
8 Ishamael Teams Up With The Seanchan
In a significant departure, Fares Fares’ character aligns with the Seanchan, a newly introduced group of antagonists in the concluding episode of The Wheel of Time season 1. Although referred to as the Dark One in the series, the show's ties to the books unmistakably identify him as Ishamael, a recurring foe of Rand and the initial Forsaken to target him. In The Great Hunt, he relentlessly pursues Rand and ultimately becomes the protagonist's ultimate obstacle, culminating in a breathtaking showdown at Falme.
7 The Seanchan Acquire The Horn of Valere
6 The Main Characters Have Split Up
In the trailer, a Seachan member boldly claims ownership of the entire world upon opening an unmistakable box, which is revealed to be the container holding the coveted Horn of Valere. As a potent artifact and the central focus of the eponymous "great hunt," the trailer inadvertently discloses the eventual whereabouts of the Horn following Padan Fain's departure from Fal Dara with it. Nonetheless, readers of the book series are hardly taken aback by this revelation. In The Great Hunt, the primary characters pursue Padan Fain all the way to Falme, compelled to retrieve the Horn from the clutches of one of the Seanchan leaders, High Lord Turak.
5 Elayne Joins Egwene & Nynaeve At The White Tower
At the start of The Great Hunt, the core group disperses in different directions. Moiraine, Lan, Egwene, and Nynaeve all journey to Tar Valon, while Rand, Mat, Perrin, and Loial embark on a search for Padan Fain. In the trailer, Moiraine's line, "Together we face the impossible, now, in our separate corners of the world," hints at a similar development in the show, as anticipated. The specific pairings of the characters have yet to be revealed, although it is confirmed that Nynaeve and Egwene will share the same story arc.
Egwene and Nynaeve, who continue to stay together in The Wheel of Time, will soon gain a new companion, Elayne Trakand, from Ceara Coveney. Elayne, an eagerly anticipated character, will join the duo of young, female channelers when she commences her training at the White Tower alongside Egwene and Nynaeve. Although she was absent in season 1, Elayne remains a significant protagonist in the books. As the daughter of the queen of Andor, she becomes one of Rand's three primary romantic interests.
4 The Forsaken Are Unleashed
3 Wheel Of Time’s Characters Will Meet The Aiel Early
The second season trailer of The Wheel of Time captures the attention of viewers with a mysterious figure drenched in blood. Although her face remains hidden, it is highly likely that this glimpse portrays the liberation of Lanfear. As mentioned in the first season, the Forsaken, ancient adversaries of the Dragon, were imprisoned centuries ago. The climactic clash between Rand and Ishamael in the season one finale suggests that another member of the Forsaken has been unleashed upon the world. In line with Jordan's novels, the Forsaken are sealed away at Shayol Ghul and are gradually released.
The Aiel, a formidable race inhabiting the arid lands of The Wheel of Time series, hold a significant role in the grand tale of the Dragon Reborn. However, their substantial involvement in the narrative unfolds only in the fourth book, The Shadow Rising. Nevertheless, the trailer intriguingly reveals that the Aiel will make their appearance ahead of schedule. The garb of the masked warriors and their weaponry closely align with those depicted in the books, indicating a faithful adaptation. Furthermore, it has been confirmed that Aviendha, one of the Aiel, portrayed by Ayoola Smart, shall grace the screen in Season 2. Notably, Perrin's presence in the background hints at the Aiel's connection to his Season 2 storyline, suggesting their pivotal contribution to his tale.
2 Rand Travels To Cairhein
Rand's upcoming journey in season 2 of The Wheel of Time has an already confirmed stop. Initially, it seems like his confrontation with Siuan Sanche will lead him back to Tar Valon. However, this idea is downplayed by the presence of a sun symbol on the windows in the scene. This indicates that Siuan's scenes in the trailer actually occur outside of the White Tower. The golden sun is the symbol of Cairhein, a city Rand visits in The Great Hunt. In the book, Rand and Siuan discuss his identity as the Dragon Reborn at Fal Dara. However, since he has already left that area, it makes sense for The Wheel of Time to relocate that conversation to a different location.
1 Rand Wants Logain To Teach Him Channeling
The trailer presents a surprising moment as Rand seeks out Logain for training. This deviates significantly from the books, where Asmodean fulfills this role, and Logain's connection with Rand doesn't occur until the eighth book, A Crown of Swords. Their relationship, however, is not that of a student and teacher, but rather as allies and with Logain being subordinate to Rand at the Black Tower. It's evident that The Wheel of Time is charting a different path for Logain.