10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries: Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments Relive the heart-stopping encounters, passionate confessions, and epic declarations of love between Damon and Elena as they navigate the trials and tribulations of their supernatural romance throughout the series


From the beginning, fans passionately supported Damon and Elena's extraordinary love story, which served as the primary narrative in The Vampire Diaries.

Throughout their journey, Damon and Elena encountered countless challenges, such as Elena's transformation into a vampire and Nina Dobrev's departure from the show.

Despite the challenges they faced, Damon and Elena shared numerous memorable and passionate moments throughout their journey. From their first meeting to their first kiss, and even Damon's heartfelt expressions of his selfless love for Elena.

Throughout the series, many fans of The Vampire Diaries found themselves constantly questioning when Damon and Elena would finally come together, after enduring countless obstacles and setbacks. Elena Gilbert's iconic romance with Damon Salvatore became the central focus of the show, surpassing her previous relationship with Damon's brother, Stefan. The initial introduction of Damon and Elena in the first season sparked a love triangle involving Stefan, but it didn't take long for fans to declare their allegiance to the charismatic "bad boy" Damon, believing he was the one meant for Elena. Although Elena ultimately chooses Damon, their path to happiness was far from smooth, as demonstrated by the most captivating and unforgettable Damon and Elena moments throughout the series.

18 Damon And Elena Meet For The First Time

Ultimately, it became evident that Damon and Elena were destined to be together. Damon frequently deceived both Elena and himself, concealing his true emotions in an effort to safeguard them both. However, things became even more complicated when Elena also became a vampire. The departure of Nina Dobrev from the show profoundly impacted fans of The Vampire Diaries, seemingly dashing any hope for a blissful ending for Elena and Damon. Fortunately, certain relationships are everlasting, and a final precious moment awaited the two lovebirds, marking the conclusion of the most memorable Damon and Elena episodes and delivering that long-awaited happily ever after for the extraordinary duo.

Season 1, Episode 2: "Night Of The Comet"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

Every love story has a beginning, and in The Vampire Diaries, the best Damon and Elena moments strived to match their first encounter. It was actually Stefan who first crossed paths with Elena on the show, but flashbacks later revealed that Damon had actually met her earlier. Damon warned his new girlfriend about his dangerous brother, and when he ultimately met Elena, he hardly exhibited any concern for her well-being. He seemed indifferent towards her and even displayed a willingness to let her perish, only reluctantly coming to her aid when necessary. This was because his heart still belonged to Katherine, although that would soon change.

17 Damon Saves Elena From Car Wreck

Season 1, Episode 11: "Bloodlines"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

16 Elena And Damon Dance At The Miss Mystic Falls Pageant

During the initial season of The Vampire Diaries, Elena found herself developing deep feelings for Stefan, who had cautioned her about the dangerous nature of his brother Damon. Witnessing Damon's unacceptable behavior and his mistreatment of Caroline seemed to confirm Stefan's concerns. However, everything took a significant turn in the 11th episode when Elena became involved in a car accident. Unexpectedly, Damon rescued her and the duo embarked on an eventful journey to Georgia. Throughout their road trip, they grew closer and Damon proved himself trustworthy even without Elena's vervain necklace. This particular experience marked a pivotal moment in Damon and Elena's relationship, as it was the first instance in which Elena discovered that he exceeded her initial perceptions.

Season 1, Episode 19: "Miss Mystic Falls"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

One of Delena's earliest emotional moments is their first dance in season 1 at the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant. Damon takes the initiative and becomes Elena's dance partner after Stefan succumbs to his bloodlust once again. This wasn't the final occasion when Delena danced together, as Elena and Damon share another dance during their farewell scene in season 6. The undeniable chemistry between them is evident in both instances, as both characters find it difficult to look away from each other. It is crucial to highlight Damon's support for Elena when she needed it, as this was a defining moment where Elena seemed to have a strong attraction towards him.

15 Damon Tells Elena He Loves Her And Compels Her To Forget

Season 2, Episode 8: "Rose"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

14 Elena Kisses Damon On His Deathbed

: In the episode "Rose" of season 2, Damon opens up about his feelings for Elena. He confesses his love for her, but proceeds to compel her to forget and replaces her vervain necklace. Damon acknowledges that he cannot be selfish with Elena and admits that Stefan, who is honorable, deserves her love more than he does. As a vampire in season 4, Elena gradually remembers all the memories Damon compelled her to forget. This significant moment solidifies it as one of the best Damon and Elena episodes, as it showcases Damon's selflessness for the first time.

Season 2, Episode 22: "As I Lay Dying"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

Elena and Damon experienced their inaugural kiss in The Vampire Diaries season 2's episode "As I Lay Dying." Damon's condition worsens after being bitten by Tyler Lockwood, resulting in a rapid decline due to the toxicity of the werewolf's venom. Witnessing Damon's vulnerability, Elena is moved to plant a kiss on the dying vampire's deathbed, just before his miraculous recovery through Klaus' blood. This particular scene stands out as one of the earliest instances that showcased Elena's burgeoning affection for Damon. In this memorable moment, the vampire expresses his belief that Elena would have liked him even as a human, prompting Elena to reassure him that she already cares deeply for him, ultimately making the episode one of the most notable Damon and Elena moments.

13 Damon's Birthday Present To Elena

Season 3, Episode 1: "The Birthday"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

When it concerns the most remarkable episodes featuring Damon and Elena, it is the instances where their relationship takes a significant turn that truly allows them to shine. Such an occurrence transpired during the season premiere of season 3, when Stefan was absent, and the two had dedicated their summer to locate him. This prolonged period also provided them with ample time to become better acquainted, and it truly marked the opportunity for them to recognize that Elena's heart belonged to Damon, rather than Stefan. This realization was further emphasized by the birthday gift Damon presented her with—the necklace. Subsequently, Elena confessed that this moment was when she truly comprehended her deep affection for Damon, thus making it a pivotal point in their eventual union.

12 Damon's Porch Kiss With Elena

Season 3, Episode 10: "The New Deal"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

Damon finds himself torn between being a good brother and his love for Elena. In the tenth episode of the third season, Stefan intervenes to protect Damon from their plan to kill Klaus. On Elena's porch, Damon confesses that he can't feel guilty about his feelings for Elena after what Stefan did for him. Distraught over his emotions, a heart-stopping moment unfolds as Damon declares, "If I'm going to feel guilty, I'll feel guilty about this," and proceeds to passionately kiss Elena. This outstanding Damon and Elena episode left fans exhilarated as Damon enfolds her in his arms, gazes deeply into her eyes, and bids her goodnight.

11 Their Road Trip To Denver

Season 3, Episode 19: "Heart Of Darkness"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

Damon and Elena shared an immediate connection and it was only a matter of time before Elena yielded to her hidden feelings for Stefan's brother. In the episode "Heart Of Darkness" from season 3, Damon and Elena embark on a journey to Denver to find Jeremy. During their time together, Elena gives in to her passion and indulges in a passionate make-out session with Damon. This moment can be considered Delena's first genuine kiss. Previously, in season 1, Damon mistakenly kissed Katherine, thinking she was Elena, and in season 2, Elena tentatively kissed Damon out of fear that he would die from a werewolf bite. However, there were no doubts or uncertainties about this particular scene, as it stands as one of the finest Damon and Elena episodes.

10 Damon And Elena's First Real Encounter

Season 3, Episode 22: "The Departed"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

9 Damon Teaches Elena How To Feed As A Vampire

Elena's infatuation with Stefan arose partly due to being the first person she encountered. Despite their profound romantic bond, fate had other plans. In season 3, it was revealed that Elena actually met Damon before Stefan, marking a delightful moment between them prior to becoming a couple. Elena stood in the middle of the road, awaiting her parents, when she crossed paths with Damon, who couldn't help but notice her striking resemblance to Katherine. Instantly, there was a magnetic attraction and fans could sense the chemistry. However, Damon ultimately erased her memory to conceal his presence in town. Later that night, Stefan would come to her rescue, saving her life.

Season 4, Episode 4: "The Five"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

8 Damon And Elena Sleep Together For The First Time

The Delena dynamic took a turn in season 4 when Damon stepped in to guide Elena through the ups and downs of being a vampire. In the episode "The Five," the more experienced vampire escorts the doppelgänger to a lively fraternity gathering. Damon imparts his wisdom to Elena on how to satiate her bloodlust without causing harm, and their electrifying chemistry ignites. This particular moment epitomizes the staggering passion that exists between Delena in The Vampire Diaries, highlighting the vast contrast between Elena's connection with Damon as opposed to her love for Stefan. While Stefan embodied security and constancy, Elena and Damon's relationship consumed them in an all-encompassing love.

Season 4, Episode 7: "My Brother's Keeper"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

7 Their Graduation Reunion

Elena's romantic journey takes a tumultuous turn in the third season when she shares a passionate kiss with Damon, only to ultimately choose Stefan in the season finale. However, in the fourth season, the doppelgänger's path diverges. As Elena adapts to her new life as a vampire, she finds a deep connection with Damon. Their relationship takes a significant leap forward in "My Brother's Keeper" after Elena ends things with Stefan, and they share an intimate encounter for the first time. This crucial moment marks the beginning of Elena consistently choosing Damon over Stefan, a decision that resonates throughout the rest of the series. The long-awaited union of Elena and Damon in the later seasons leads to an immensely satisfying and cherished storyline, celebrated by passionate Delena fans worldwide.

Season 4, Episode 23: "Graduation"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

6 Their Summer Of Love

- Damon and Elena's relationship in season 4 is anything but smooth sailing. The Mystic Falls gang discovers that Elena is sired to Damon and must obey his vampire commands. This revelation nearly ruins their romance as Damon doubts the authenticity of Elena's feelings. He expects her to choose Stefan once the sire bond is broken and her humanity is turned off. However, in the season finale "Graduation," Elena defies expectations by reuniting with Damon and declaring her genuine love for him, making it one of the most memorable Damon and Elena moments.

Season 5, Episode 1: "I Know What You Did Last Summer"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

Damon and Elena embark on a passionate summer romance following their apparent triumph over Silas in season 4. In the introductory episode of season 5, "I Know What You Did Last Summer," the vampire couple finds themselves deeply in love and eagerly preparing for a future together as Elena bids farewell to Mystic Falls to attend Whitmore College. Despite the tumultuous nature of college life, this particular moment in the series remains notably carefree and ranks among the finest Damon and Elena episodes. Their love for each other is unquestionable, yet they remain unaware of Stefan's dire predicament at the bottom of the quarry.

5 A Small Moment On The Couch

Season 5, Episode 3: "Original Sin"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

4 Damon's "You Are My Life" To Elena

: Elena and Damon's relationship is far from ordinary. Despite occasional moments of tranquility, interruptions are a constant. In the third episode of season 5, a rare peaceful interlude unfolds. The scene sets in the cozy Salvatore living room, where Elena and Damon embrace on the couch, reveling in each other's presence beside a crackling fireplace. They both acknowledge the fleeting nature of such moments, as Damon wistfully predicts an eventual disturbance. Just as they feared, their tranquility is shattered when Silas unexpectedly enters through the front door. Nevertheless, this brief respite offered a glimpse into the simple pleasures of their love story.

Season 5, Episode 3: "Original Sin"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

3 Damon And Elena Kiss In The Rain

Episode three of season 5 witnesses the intensifying conflict involving Silas, Stefan, Katherine, and Tessa. In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Damon and Elena successfully rescue Stefan from Tessa's clutches, returning him to the safety of the Salvatore house. However, amidst the emotional turmoil, a profound moment between Damon and Elena transpires. Damon is informed about the inescapable destiny for doppelgängers to fall in love with one another, leading him to conclude that their love is a hopeless endeavor. Nevertheless, Elena's reassurances prompt Damon to affirm that he will not allow fate, the universe, or anyone's perception of destiny to hinder their love. Overwhelmed with emotion, Damon stumbles through his confession, acknowledging that Elena is his everything, ultimately making this particular episode a highlight in the Damon and Elena storyline.

Season 6, Episode 7: "Do You Remember The First Time?"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

2 The Last Dance Between Elena And Damon

Throughout the series, Elena and Damon experienced numerous passionate encounters. One of the most memorable moments occurred in season 6's "Do You Remember The First Time?" Damon reminisces about a poignant kiss shared with Elena in the rain, making it one of their most unforgettable episodes. In an attempt to help Elena regain her lost memories of their relationship, Damon opens up about this emotional moment. Season 6 also witnessed a potential heartbreak for Damon and Elena's romance. Overwhelmed by grief after Damon's apparent death, Elena turns to Alaric and requests him to erase her memories of Damon through compulsion. Despite this setback, the couple eventually finds their way back to each other after Elena decides to take the cure.

Season 6, Episode 22: "I'm Thinking Of You All The While"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

Season 6 of the show evoked strong emotions among fans. In episode 22, Elena bids farewell to her loved ones while in a subconscious state. Kai executes his most sinister plan by binding Elena's life to Bonnie's, so as long as Bonnie is alive, Elena remains in a comatose state. This farewell was particularly heartbreaking for Damon. Damon and Elena had overcome numerous obstacles in their love story before destiny intervened once again. A poignant moment unfolds as she bids Damon farewell. They share a passionate final dance on the very road where they first met, culminating in a kiss and Elena professing her love for Damon. Undeniably, one of the most memorable Damon and Elena episodes.

1 Damon Tells Elena He Wants To Be Human

Season 8, Episode 16: "I Was Feeling Epic"

10 Unforgettable Damon & Elena Moments in The Vampire Diaries

In season 6, Elena decides to take the cure for immortality, ultimately regaining her humanity. Meanwhile, Damon grapples with the difficult reality of giving up his vampire life. However, a heartfelt encounter with an elderly couple leads Damon to confess to Elena his desire to be human and grow old with her. He expresses that the opportunity to have a life together outweighs an eternity as a vampire. This deeply emotional scene showcases Damon's unwavering devotion to Elena and remains a standout moment for fans of the Delena relationship. Notably, Elena is seen wearing a wedding ring, solidifying this episode as one of the most memorable Damon and Elena moments in The Vampire Diaries.