10 Superhero Movie Returns That Were Worth The Wait

10 Superhero Movie Returns That Were Worth The Wait

Some hero moments are truly worth the anticipation and patience.

The Triumphant Returns of Superhero Icons

In the realm of superhero cinema, the wait for a beloved character's return can be filled with eager anticipation and speculation. From the MCU to the DCU and beyond, the resurgence of iconic heroes on the big screen has often been a momentous occasion that leaves fans in awe and excitement. Let's delve into the top 10 superhero movie returns that were truly worth the wait.

1. Erik Killmonger's Ancestral Plane Return

In the sequel to Black Panther, the unexpected return of Erik Killmonger in the Ancestral Plane scene was a nod to the character's enduring popularity. The brief but impactful appearance served as a poignant homage to his role in the MCU.

Erik Killmonger's return to the Ancestral Plane in 'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever' was a powerful moment that resonated with fans. Despite meeting his demise in the first film, Killmonger's return provided closure and allowed audiences to revisit the complex and compelling character. The scene not only showcased the character's depth but also added an emotional layer to the sequel, reminding viewers of the impact Killmonger had on the Black Panther's journey.

Erik Killmonger

Erik Killmonger

2. Harley Keener's Emotional Cameo at Tony Stark's Funeral

Avengers: Endgame brought back Harley Keener in a touching cameo at Tony Stark's funeral, highlighting the bond between the characters and adding a layer of emotional depth to the narrative.

Harley Keener's appearance at Tony Stark's funeral in 'Avengers: Endgame' was a heartwarming moment that honored the connection between the two characters. As a young boy who found solace and guidance in Tony's mentorship, Harley's presence served as a symbol of the impact Tony had on people's lives. The cameo not only paid tribute to Tony Stark but also emphasized the importance of legacy and the enduring influence of superheroes.

Harley Keener

Harley Keener

3. Superman's Modern Era Comeback in 'Superman Returns'

After a lengthy hiatus, Superman made a triumphant return to the big screen in 'Superman Returns,' reintroducing the iconic hero to a new generation of fans.

'Superman Returns' marked the long-awaited return of the Man of Steel to the silver screen. Directed by Bryan Singer, the film aimed to capture the essence of the original Superman films while bringing the character into the modern era. Brandon Routh's portrayal of Superman was met with acclaim, as he successfully embodied the iconic hero's strength, moral compass, and unwavering commitment to justice. The film's release not only reignited the popularity of the Superman franchise but also paved the way for future films featuring the beloved character.

Superman Returns

Superman Returns

4. Captain Marvel's Power-Packed Return in 'Avengers: Endgame'

Captain Marvel's return to Earth in 'Avengers: Endgame' brought a wave of anticipation and excitement as she joined the battle against Thanos with her formidable powers.

In her standalone film, Captain Marvel established herself as one of the most powerful characters in the MCU. Her return in 'Avengers: Endgame' was highly anticipated, and it did not disappoint. As Carol Danvers flew into the final battle against Thanos, her cosmic powers and unwavering determination added a new level of intensity to the fight. Captain Marvel's return demonstrated her importance in the Avengers' mission to save the universe and solidified her place as a key player in the MCU's future.

Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel

5. Professor X's Multiverse Comeback in 'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness'

The unexpected return of Professor X in the MCU's multiverse storyline was a thrilling moment for fans, as the iconic character crossed over into a new cinematic realm.

Professor X, the telepathic leader of the X-Men, has long been a beloved character in the Marvel universe. His return in 'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' opens up a world of possibilities for the MCU. By introducing the concept of the multiverse, the film not only brings Professor X into the fold but also lays the groundwork for future crossovers and collaborations between different Marvel properties. Fans are eagerly anticipating the exploration of this new dynamic and the potential interactions between Professor X and other iconic characters.

Professor X

Professor X

6. Willem Dafoe's Memorable Green Goblin Revival in 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

The return of Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin in 'No Way Home' after almost two decades was a standout moment, showcasing the actor's prowess in portraying the iconic villain.

Willem Dafoe's portrayal of the Green Goblin in Sam Raimi's 'Spider-Man' trilogy left a lasting impression on audiences. His return in 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' brought back the same sinister energy and menacing presence that made his character so memorable. Dafoe's performance serves as a reminder of the impact he had on the superhero genre and adds a nostalgic element to the film for fans of the original trilogy. The return of the Green Goblin raises the stakes for Tom Holland's Spider-Man and promises an epic battle between hero and villain.

Green Goblin

Green Goblin

7. Beast's Intriguing Mystery Setup in 'The Marvels'

Kelsey Grammer's return as Beast in the post-credits scene of 'The Marvels' hinted at a fascinating MCU mystery surrounding the X-Men's origins and integration into the cinematic universe.

Beast, a prominent member of the X-Men, made his first appearance in the original 'X-Men' trilogy portrayed by Kelsey Grammer. His unexpected return in 'The Marvels' post-credits scene excited fans, as it indicated the imminent arrival of the X-Men in the MCU. The setup raises intriguing questions about how the X-Men will be introduced and integrated into the existing Marvel universe. Beast's return serves as a tantalizing teaser for future films and creates anticipation for the exploration of the X-Men's rich history and storylines.



8. The Justice League's Redemption in 'Zack Snyder's Justice League'

The release of Zack Snyder's original vision for 'Justice League' marked a triumphant return for the iconic superhero team, delighting fans and restoring the film to its intended glory.

'Justice League' underwent significant changes during its original production, resulting in a version that deviated from director Zack Snyder's creative vision. However, the release of 'Zack Snyder's Justice League' allowed fans to finally experience Snyder's original vision for the film. The extended cut not only provided a more cohesive and satisfying narrative but also showcased the depth and complexity of the Justice League's members. The return of the Justice League in its true form reignited excitement among fans and set the stage for future DC films.

Justice League

Justice League

9. Hugh Jackman's Wolverine Ignites Excitement for 'Deadpool & Wolverine'

Hugh Jackman's return as Wolverine in the upcoming 'Deadpool & Wolverine' film has sent anticipation soaring, promising a thrilling revival of the beloved character in the MCU.

Hugh Jackman's portrayal of Wolverine in the X-Men films is widely regarded as iconic. After bidding farewell to the character in 2017's 'Logan,' Jackman's return as Wolverine in 'Deadpool & Wolverine' has generated immense excitement. The prospect of seeing Wolverine interact with the irreverent and fan-favorite character Deadpool opens up a world of possibilities for thrilling action and humorous banter. Jackman's return to the role ensures that fans will once again witness the intensity and complexity that made Wolverine such a beloved character.



10. Maguire & Garfield's Memorable Spider-Man Reunion in 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

The reunion of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield in 'No Way Home' was a nostalgic and heartwarming moment that resonated with fans, showcasing the enduring legacy of Spider-Man across different cinematic universes.

Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield's return as their respective versions of Spider-Man in 'No Way Home' was a dream come true for many fans. The reunion of these beloved actors, alongside Tom Holland's Spider-Man, brought together three generations of Spider-Man on the big screen. The moment was filled with nostalgia and excitement as audiences witnessed the different iterations of the iconic web-slinger interacting and joining forces. The reunion not only paid homage to the history of Spider-Man films but also celebrated the enduring popularity and impact of the character.

Spider-Man Reunion

Spider-Man Reunion

These superhero movie returns, each unique in their own right, have left an indelible mark on the cinematic landscape, proving that some hero moments are truly worth the wait.