10 Mind-Blowing Theories Big Mouth Season 8 Can Confirm Before Its Finale

10 Mind-Blowing Theories Big Mouth Season 8 Can Confirm Before Its Finale

Unveiling potential storylines for Big Mouth Season 8, this article explores intriguing theories waiting to be confirmed From Coach Steve's questionable career choice to shocking character connections, expect a rollercoaster of emotions as the show delves deeper into the lives of its beloved characters


Big Mouth season 8 will be the show's last, ending its run and giving it a chance to confirm popular fan theories like the identity of the Ponytail Killer.

Netflix has revealed that Big Mouth season 8 will become their longest-running original series, a remarkable achievement amidst the current trend of show cancellations. Following the triumph of season 7, which was celebrated for its truthful depiction of adolescence and its embrace of acceptance and sexual liberation, excitement for Big Mouth season 8 is now at an unprecedented level.

With the upcoming season 8 of Big Mouth marking the end of the show, it presents the last opportunity for popular fan theories, such as the identity of the Ponytail Killer, to be confirmed. Throughout its run, Big Mouth has received acclaim for its candid and sincere depiction of puberty, as well as its message of acceptance and sexual liberation. The recently released season 7 of Big Mouth has been hailed as the best installment in years, consequently heightening anticipation for the next season of the series.

Netflix has officially announced that season 8 of Big Mouth will be its final season. This renewal for season 8 has set a record as the longest-running original series in Netflix's relatively short, yet illustrious history. In an era where Netflix has been swiftly cancelling shows, Big Mouth has managed to persevere until its organic conclusion. Big Mouth season 8 must unravel various mysteries, including the true identity of the Masked Principal and the reason behind Coach Steve's arrested development.

10. Coach Steve Stayed In Human Resources For Too Long

10 Mind-Blowing Theories Big Mouth Season 8 Can Confirm Before Its Finale

9. The Masked Principal Really Is Roman Polanski

The warning given to the kids of Big Mouth in the hormone monsters’ human resources department is that staying there for an extended period could disrupt their development. It is speculated that Coach Steve's immaturity, despite being an adult, may be a consequence of spending too much time in human resources. The caution from the hormone monsters about not lingering in human resources might be a forewarning about the potential of transforming into Coach Steve.

10 Mind-Blowing Theories Big Mouth Season 8 Can Confirm Before Its Finale

The Masked Principal, who assumed the position of principal at Bridgeton Middle School following Principal Barron's retirement, is a satirical portrayal inspired by the reality show The Masked Singer. His true identity remains a mystery, although there have been suggestions that the Masked Principal could be Paula Abdul, Suge Knight, Cathy Lee Gifford, or Katherine Heigl. However, it is possible that the principal has already disclosed his true identity. In the tenth episode of season 4, titled "What Are You Gonna Do?", the Masked Principal declared himself as Roman Polanski. Perhaps season 8 will finally confirm the authenticity of this claim.

8. Old Andrew Will Save Nick From New Andrew

10 Mind-Blowing Theories Big Mouth Season 8 Can Confirm Before Its Finale

When Nick and Andrew enrolled in different high schools during the seventh season of Big Mouth, Nick formed a close bond with a new best friend who became known as "New Andrew." The season reaches a suspenseful conclusion with the blossoming friendship between Nick and the new Andrew. However, a prevailing theory suggests that the new Andrew may not be as impressive as he initially appears, and there is a possibility that he may even surpass the old Andrew in terms of negative traits. Consequently, there is anticipation for the old Andrew to intervene and rescue Nick from the clutches of the new Andrew.

7. The Big Mouth Kids Will All Find Happiness In High School

10 Mind-Blowing Theories Big Mouth Season 8 Can Confirm Before Its Finale

The youngsters in Big Mouth season 7 successfully completed their middle school years and embarked on their high school journey. Jessi astutely noted in episode 5, "Graduation," that the entire series revolved around the notion that middle school is the most challenging phase in one's life due to hormonal chaos and immature peers. However, as they transition to high school, where they are more grown-up and mature, these teens can finally discover true happiness. (Naturally, it should be noted that such a cheerful ending feels somewhat uncharacteristic for this show.)

6. Jessi’s Vaping Addiction Will Become A Major Problem

10 Mind-Blowing Theories Big Mouth Season 8 Can Confirm Before Its Finale

Big Mouth season 7 witnessed Jessi becoming addicted to vaping, shedding light on the prevalent issue of vape addiction among modern-day teenagers. While it is perceived as a healthier alternative to smoking, it remains a perilous habit. The show's writers deliberately introduced Jessi's vaping addiction, indicating their intention to delve further into it in season 8. However, they must approach the subject matter with a touch of humor, so as to steer clear of resembling a conventional after-school special.

5. Jay And Lola Have The Same Dad

10 Mind-Blowing Theories Big Mouth Season 8 Can Confirm Before Its Finale

In season 6, episode 7 of Big Mouth, titled "Dadda Dia!," Lola embarked on a quest to uncover the identity of her absent father. Unfortunately, her search hit a dead end, leaving her still unaware of who her dad is. An intriguing twist for the upcoming eighth season would be to reveal that Lola's father is none other than Guy Bilzerian, the problematic father of Jay, with whom Lola used to be romantically involved. By exploring the taboo subject of incest, a topic yet to be addressed in Big Mouth, this revelation would add an intriguing layer to the storyline. The shocking nature of this twist would only be intensified by the fact that Lola previously dated Jay's brother in season 7.

4. Homeschooling Won’t Go Well For Missy

10 Mind-Blowing Theories Big Mouth Season 8 Can Confirm Before Its Finale

The portrayal of homeschooling for Missy in season 7 is bound to have negative consequences in season 8. It presents a perfect opportunity for the Big Mouth writers to effectively satirize the concept of homeschooling. Despite not being the most confident character in the Big Mouth cast, Missy finds joy in being around her peers and attending school with her friends. It is highly likely that she will detest being homeschooled and vehemently insist on returning to her high school.

3. Nick Will Finally Hit Puberty

10 Mind-Blowing Theories Big Mouth Season 8 Can Confirm Before Its Finale

In the inaugural installment of Big Mouth, Nick anxiously awaited the onset of puberty while Andrew had long surpassed that milestone. Remaining unpubescent even after seven seasons, Nick's journey could come full circle if he were to finally experience puberty in the series finale. While it may enhance the ongoing joke if Nick remains stuck in prepubescence until the end, it would offer some resolution to his character arc if he were to undergo this transformative process.

2. The Entire Show Takes Place In Caleb’s Mind

10 Mind-Blowing Theories Big Mouth Season 8 Can Confirm Before Its Finale

Caleb, a cherished character in the Big Mouth ensemble, holds a minor role. He actively participates in the school's jazz club and assumes the role of cameraman for the school news as a member of the A.V. club. An intriguing theory suggests that the entire series unfolds within Caleb's mind. In season 3, Caleb has already constructed a world where the children possess superpowers. The show's extravagantly exaggerated visuals, often interpreted as an indicator of an elevated reality, may, in fact, exist solely within Caleb's imagination. This notion would provide an explanation for the pronounced level of awkwardness portrayed in the show, reflecting Caleb's own social unease.

1. Leore Paulblart Is The Ponytail Killer

10 Mind-Blowing Theories Big Mouth Season 8 Can Confirm Before Its Finale

The enigmatic figure known as the Ponytail Killer has long haunted the narrative of Big Mouth, yet has remained elusive on-screen. This notorious serial killer specifically targets individuals who sport ponytails, leaving a chilling trail of victims in their wake. Among the potential suspects, one individual stands out as the most likely candidate for the identity of the Ponytail Killer - Leore, the adult son of Rabbi Paulblart. Leore possesses a strikingly distinctive ponytail, exudes an air of stereotypical creepiness, and is involved in an unconventional business venture centered around selling wigs to religious canines. A prevailing theory suggests the possibility that he may be utilizing the hair of his victims for creating these dog wigs. Whether Leore or another culprit entirely, the forthcoming eighth season of Big Mouth must unveil the true identity of the Ponytail Killer.