Will There Be a NeverEnding Story Sequel in 2024?

Will There Be a NeverEnding Story Sequel in 2024?

Get ready for an epic return! Speculations suggest a long-awaited sequel to The NeverEnding Story might grace the silver screen in 2024 Dive into the magical realm once more and uncover whether this tale will truly go on!

Is there really a sequel to The NeverEnding Story in the works for a 2024 release, or are these just false rumors circulating on social media? The danger of fake movie announcements on social media is evident, as a convincing poster and a handful of likes can lead people to believe in unlikely scenarios such as John Krasinski starring in a Die Hard remake, Pixar revamping The Land Before Time, or Henry Cavill replacing Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator.

Is The NeverEnding Story just another internet pipe dream, or is it actually a reality? It's like a cottage industry, with people getting caught up in hype or anger over movies and projects that may never come to fruition. Whether it's the live-action Popeye film from Dwayne Johnson or another Firefly movie, thousands of people are left wondering.

Is a NeverEnding Story sequel happening in 2024?

No, a sequel to The NeverEnding Story isn’t coming out in 2024 – nor is any such project in development.

If you’re one of the thousands who tagged their friends below the poster or excitedly shared it, you only have yourself to blame. It was shared by YODA BBY ABY, a page that openly discloses its main modus operandi: posting fake news and other made-up press releases.

Will There Be a NeverEnding Story Sequel in 2024?

YODA BBY ABY: Facebook

Falkor is featured on the poster with the tagline "The story never ended" and the caption invites viewers to join Bastian on an epic journey beyond imagination in 'The Neverending Story'. Set to be released in August 2024, the cinematic adventure promises to unleash magic as Bastian, now all grown up, battles against forgotten memories that hold the fate of Fantasia, emphasizing the importance of remembering the past to save the future.

Two successful sequels were made for the original 1984 movie, titled The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter and The NeverEnding Story III: Escape from Fantasia. There were reports in 2009 that a remake of the film was in development by Warner Bros., Kathleen Kennedy, and Frank Marshall. Unfortunately, securing the rights has proven difficult, with Kennedy stating that it's "not meant to be." "It's very, very complicated with Warner Bros. and other books with similar characters. It's a missed opportunity because the book is beautifully written, but I suppose it's just not meant to be," Kennedy explained to The Playlist.

There were multiple "multi-million offers" for the rights to The NeverEnding Story in 2022, as reported by Deadline. However, nothing has been confirmed yet. In the meantime, be sure to explore our other TV and movie hubs listed below:

Avatar 3, Batman: The Brave And The Bold, Beetlejuice 2, Blade, Deadpool 3, Dune 2, Gladiator 2, Mission: Impossible 8, Mortal Kombat 2, Beyond the Spider-Verse, Superman: Legacy, Thunderbolts, Venom 3, Wicked, 1923 Season 2, Citadel Season 2, Daredevil: Born Again, Euphoria Season 3, Severance Season 2, Stranger Things Season 5, The Last of Us Season 2, The Mandalorian Season 4, The Penguin, The Sandman Season 2, The White Lotus Season 3, Wednesday Season 2, Yellowjackets Season 3.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I grew up watching classic movies like The NeverEnding Story, and the news of a potential sequel in 2024 sparked both excitement and skepticism within me. On one hand, the idea of revisiting the magical world of Fantasia and embarking on a new adventure with Bastian fills me with nostalgia and anticipation. The original movie holds a special place in my heart, and the prospect of seeing it brought back to life with modern filmmaking techniques is thrilling.

However, I am also cautious about getting my hopes up too high, considering the prevalence of fake news and misleading information on social media. The fact that the supposed announcement originated from a page known for posting fabricated content raises doubts about its authenticity. It's disheartening to see how easily people can be swayed by convincing posters and social media engagement, leading to the spread of false rumors.