Why Uncharted Deserves a Thrilling Continuation without Falling into One Overused Trap

Why Uncharted Deserves a Thrilling Continuation without Falling into One Overused Trap

Uncharted's future may be uncertain, but its strong narrative foundation demands careful consideration to avoid falling into a common trend Let's explore the potential for the franchise to continue its captivating journey


Uncharted should avoid a reboot, as many reboots in the gaming industry have been unnecessary and undo all the character development and narrative work that has been done.

Nathan Drake's progression throughout the series has endeared him to PlayStation users, making a reboot seem unnecessary for loyal fans who have accompanied him on his adventure. Instead of starting afresh, the franchise could delve into untold tales set between Uncharted 4 and its epilogue, or even introduce Cassie, Nathan's daughter, as the fresh protagonist, creating a fulfilling conclusion to his journey.

During its peak, the Uncharted franchise was undoubtedly one of Sony's most prized possessions. From the initial release of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune in 2007 to Uncharted 4: A Thief's End in 2016, the series set the standard for exhilarating action-adventure games with its intricate and imaginative set pieces. However, after the fourth installment featuring protagonist Nathan Drake, developer Naughty Dog hinted that they were finished with Uncharted, with the exception of a fun but brief spin-off called Uncharted: Lost Legacy. Despite this, many fans are still eagerly anticipating a new addition to the franchise. If this were to happen, it would be wise for the series to avoid a common pitfall that many franchises have fallen into over the years - a reboot.

Reboots are incredibly prevalent in the video game industry and are often seen as a way to reintroduce a beloved intellectual property by starting from scratch and taking the characters in new and unexpected directions. While reboots have succeeded in certain cases, such as Doom and Tomb Raider, which managed to attract a new audience through exceptional reimaginings, in other instances they feel unnecessary and undermine the significant efforts invested in character development and the overarching narrative of the IP. Series like Devil May Cry and Sonic the Hedgehog have both attempted reboots in the past few decades, but unfortunately, these attempts resulted in disastrous outcomes.

Uncharted's Narrative Has Been Built on Solid Foundations

Why Uncharted Deserves a Thrilling Continuation without Falling into One Overused Trap

Nathan Drake's adventures have become increasingly grandiose over time, solidifying his status as one of PlayStation's most beloved and multi-dimensional mascots. His character development has seen him evolve from a reckless young treasure hunter into a committed father and husband, making it highly repetitive to discard this growth in favor of a reboot.

The events in the epilogue of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End seemingly concluded Nathan Drake's time as the series' protagonist. The depiction of an aging Nate, sharing tales of his incredible escapades with his teenage daughter Cassie, provided a sense of closure. However, whether developed by Naughty Dog or another studio, the series could potentially explore a story set between the final chapter of Uncharted 4 and the epilogue, which spans approximately 15 years. There is a possibility that Uncharted 4 was not Nate's last perilous adventure, offering numerous opportunities to continue his journey as the face of the series for a little longer.

With that said, there is no reason why Cassie, his daughter, cannot carry on the legacy her father has left behind. The story would pick up a few years after the conclusion of Uncharted 4, featuring Cassie as a young woman eager to embark on her own adventures and follow in her parents' footsteps. Her father could accompany her, becoming her mentor like Sully was to Nathan Drake, thus completing his character arc and offering a highly satisfying conclusion.

However, the 2022 Uncharted movie deviated from the video game's storyline and portrayed a much younger version of Nathan Drake played by Tom Holland. It was interpreted as a type of reboot by fans and received mixed reviews from both critics and the series' fan base, despite its success at the box office. This serves as a warning should the series undergo a reboot. Rather than starting anew, the developers should find a way to naturally progress the Uncharted story while keeping the narrative that has been meticulously built over time.