Why Tom Hanks Rejected When Harry Met Sally Will Surprise You

Why Tom Hanks Rejected When Harry Met Sally Will Surprise You

Discover the real reason why Tom Hanks turned down the iconic role in When Harry Met Sally and explore his romantic comedy roles in this insightful article

Rita Wilson recently shared why her husband, Tom Hanks, declined the opportunity to star in the 1988 romantic comedy When Harry Met Sally, which stars Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan. According to Wilson, Hanks was offered the lead role in the film but ultimately turned it down due in part to his personal life at the time. Specifically, Hanks was going through a divorce and his emotions surrounding the situation factored into his decision not to take the role.

Tom Hanks Romantic Comedy Roles Explained

: Tom had the opportunity to star in When Harry Met Sally, but he declined due to his personal life circumstances. He was going through a divorce and was content with being single, which made it difficult for him to comprehend how someone else going through a similar situation could feel anything but happiness.

Hanks missed out on the chance to star in When Harry Met Sally due to his ongoing divorce, but he eventually teamed up with Ryan in two other romantic comedies in the later part of his career. Their first collaboration was in Sleepless in Seattle in 1993, where they played two lovers who were kept apart by distance. Later on, in 1998, they reunited in You've Got Mail, where they unknowingly develop an online relationship with each other despite being business rivals in real life. Hanks has compared the two movies and their connection to mass media.

Why Tom Hanks Rejected When Harry Met Sally Will Surprise You

Hanks' romantic comedy repertoire extends beyond his collaborations with Ryan, with standout films like Splash, where he plays a man who falls in love with a mermaid. The upcoming remake, penned by writer Sarah Rothschild, solidifies Hanks' place in the rom-com world. Along with Splash, Hanks has also charmed audiences in Larry Crowne, The Money Pit, and Punchline, proving his versatility as an actor. While he may not have shared the screen with Ryan in When Harry Met Sally, Hanks' impressive track record as a romantic lead speaks for itself, showcasing his ability to excel in both dramatic and comedic roles.

Source: Table for Two With Bruce Bozzi (via EW)