Why This Underrated Horror Movie Deserves More Recognition Than The Ring

Why This Underrated Horror Movie Deserves More Recognition Than The Ring

Discover the twisted world of Gore Verbinski's horror film A Cure For Wellness, as a young executive uncovers the dark secrets of a mysterious wellness center Dive into the mind-bending storyline and shocking conclusion of this underrated masterpiece

Gore Verbinski's 2016 horror film A Cure For Wellness, co-written with Justin Haythe, presents a captivating storyline that revolves around Roland Pembroke, the CEO of a financial company, who is being treated at a wellness center in the Swiss Alps. Lockhart, played by Dane DeHaan, is tasked with bringing him back home but things take a mysterious turn. Despite not being an adaptation of Thomas Mann's 1924 book, The Magic Mountain, the movie shares similar themes with the novel that keep the audience engaged. However, the film remains underappreciated and the ending leaves viewers questioning what truly happened.

What Is A Cure For Wellness About?

Why This Underrated Horror Movie Deserves More Recognition Than The Ring

Lockhart quickly realizes that his task of bringing Pembroke home won't be as straightforward as he initially thought. Attempting to flee, he finds himself in a car accident and wakes up at a mysterious wellness center. Despite surviving the crash, Lockhart senses that something is amiss, especially when he discovers that he is not the only patient with a cast on his leg. A Cure For Wellness is a masterful example of a psychological horror film, with Lockhart delving deeper into the enigmatic world of the spa. From the outset, Gore Verbinski's movie establishes a disconcerting atmosphere. Lockhart is introduced to Hannah Von Reichmerl (Mia Goth), who douses herself with a blue bottle's contents, a practice that seems commonplace among the spa's clientele. Lockhart soon learns that the patrons are there to partake of the "cure," a mysterious substance that promises a long life. The horror movie's pacing and tension are impeccably executed, immediately drawing viewers into the story.

What Other Movies Has Gore Verbinski Directed?

Mia Goth has proven herself to be a versatile actress, delivering captivating performances in a range of roles. From playing the controversial Gabi Bauer in Brandon Cronenberg's Infinity Pool to starring in the X prequel Pearl, Goth has consistently impressed audiences with her acting skills. In recent years, she has gravitated towards horror films, and this has been a wise decision. One of her standout performances was in A Cure For Wellness, where she showcased her dramatic range with the role of Hannah. Despite portraying a sweet, naive, and innocent character, Goth convincingly portrays a brainwashed individual who believes in the cure and is willing to stay at the spa.

Why This Underrated Horror Movie Deserves More Recognition Than The Ring

Gore Verbinski boasts a diverse directing career that spans across various genres. He kickstarted his journey with the short film The Ritual in 1996 and followed it up with the black comedy Mouse Hunt in 1997. In 2001, Verbinski directed the crime drama The Mexican, which starred Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts. However, it was his direction in the 2002 horror movie The Ring that truly captivated audiences. The terrifying powers and appearance of Samara Morgan still continue to thrill and enthrall viewers to this day.

The director, Gore Verbinski, has an impressive range of films under his belt. He began with the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, including The Curse of the Black Pearl, Dead Man's Chest, and At World's End. He then ventured into a different genre with the well-known Nicolas Cage movie The Weather Man in 2003. In 2011, he directed the computer-animated comedy Rango, and in 2013, he tackled the action and Western genres with The Lone Ranger, starring Johnny Depp. However, perhaps his most intriguing films are The Ring and A Cure For Wellness, with the former delivering a terrifying villain for horror fans and the latter leaving audiences with plenty to ponder.

How Does A Cure For Wellness End?

Why This Underrated Horror Movie Deserves More Recognition Than The Ring

Lockhart discovers the unsettling truth about Dr. Heinreich Volmer - he is actually Hannah's father. This revelation is particularly disturbing given that Lockhart has only recently married Hannah and subjected her to sexual assault. Lockhart learns that both Hannah and Volmer have been able to prolong their lives through a special cure. In a climactic showdown, Lockhart and Volmer engage in a fierce battle, only for Hannah to ultimately kill her father to protect Lockhart. Volmer's body ends up in the aquifer where it is consumed by eels. The conclusion of A Cure for Wellness is every bit as unforgettable as the final scenes of Gore Verbinski's The Ring, one of the most memorable horror films of the 2000s.

As Hannah and Lockhart attempt to flee the wellness center on her motorcycle, the building is engulfed in flames. When the couple encounters Lockhart's colleagues who are attempting to bring him and Pembroke back home, Lockhart falsely claims that Pembroke has passed away. Hannah and Lockhart exchange a knowing smile as they continue their ride into the unknown.

The conclusion of A Cure For Wellness highlights its capacity to stimulate contemplation as a psychological horror film. Lockhart and Hannah develop a strong bond and are appalled by the spa's happenings, both wanting to safeguard each other. While the movie may exaggerate the reality of wellness centers and spas, it also illuminates the consequences of taking things too far. After watching A Cure For Wellness, it is hard to come away thinking that seeking this type of remedy is a wise decision.