Why Studio Ghibli's Next Movie Refuses to Reveal a Trailer

Why Studio Ghibli's Next Movie Refuses to Reveal a Trailer

Studio Ghibli's highly anticipated film 'How Do You Live?' doesn't need a trailer to attract audiences Producer Toshio Suzuki believes that the studio's loyal fanbase will support the film regardless of promotional material, showcasing the trust and reputation Studio Ghibli has built over the years

This summer's most highly anticipated anime release, How Do You Live?, is set to be one of the biggest Japanese films in recent years, and for good reason. Directed by the legendary Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli, this "grand fantasy" story has been shrouded in mystery since its announcement. Despite the lack of a trailer, plot synopsis, or cast list, fans are eagerly awaiting its release on July 14th, 2023. With only a poster and the title to go on, it's clear that How Do You Live? is poised to be a cinematic event unlike any other.

During an interview with Manabu Shintani for Japanese magazine Bungei Shunji, Suzuki elaborated on Studio Ghibli's unique marketing approach - or lack thereof. He explained that the studio doesn't feel the need to heavily promote their films, as they trust that audiences will come to see them regardless. In fact, Suzuki believes that this approach could benefit the entire movie industry, as he feels that many trailers give away too much of the plot and leave little to surprise viewers when they actually watch the film in theaters. By not relying on heavy advertising, Studio Ghibli is able to let the quality of their films speak for themselves.

Why Studio Ghibli's Next Movie Refuses to Reveal a Trailer

Undoubtedly, Suzuki's statement holds true that the movie may not require a trailer or any additional details to attract audiences to the theaters. This is because it marks Studio Ghibli's first return to traditional animation since the release of When Marie Was There in 2014, and the first film directed by the 82-year-old Miyazaki since 2013's The Wind Rises. This novelty factor alone is likely to pique people's interest and draw them in to watch the movie.

Suzuki's decision to not advertise How Do You Live? through traditional mediums like TV, movie theaters, or newspapers is based on his belief that the poster art and the Studio Ghibli name hold enough intrigue for movie goers. While the lack of a cast list may deter some, it adds to the overall mystery of the film. This strategy may not work for every studio and director, but for Studio Ghibli, it is a calculated risk that is likely to pay off. With a loyal fanbase that trusts the studio and director, it's possible that the film will dominate the box office in July without spending a single yen on advertising. As with every Studio Ghibli film, viewers can expect to leave the theater feeling satisfied and possibly even transformed.

How Do You Live? releases in Japanese cinemas on July 14, 2023.

Source: SoraNews24