Why River Song Won't Return to Doctor Who

Why River Song Won't Return to Doctor Who

The absence of River Song in the 60th-anniversary special of Doctor Who has left fans disappointed. Here's why it's unlikely that River Song will return to the series, despite the hopes of Whovians.

The Unlikely Return of River Song

In the realm of Doctor Who, the absence of River Song has become a topic of fervent discussion and speculation among Whovians. The 60th-anniversary special seemed to confirm that Ncuti Gatwa's Fifteen will never have the opportunity to meet the enigmatic and beloved character, leaving fans with a sense of letdown. This revelation has sparked conversations about the future of Doctor Who and what fans can expect from the return of Russell T. Davies as the showrunner for season 14. While the revival of Doctor Who has seen the return of beloved characters like the Toymaker, Donna Noble, Wilfred 'Wilf' Mott, and Mel Bush, the possibility of River Song's return opposite Gatwa's Doctor seems highly unlikely.

The Fifteenth Doctor looks upset while talking to the Fourteenth Doctor in the TARDIS in Doctor Who.

The Fifteenth Doctor looks upset while talking to the Fourteenth Doctor in the TARDIS in Doctor Who.

The Fifteenth Doctor's poignant reference to River Song in the context of loss, alongside Adric and Sarah Jane, has further fueled the speculation about her return. Notably, the absence of acknowledgment of River Song's potential revival suggests a definitive conclusion to her storyline. While it's uncertain whether River Song has perished, the implication is strong that her return to Doctor Who is improbable. If there were intentions to bring back River Song during the Fifteenth Doctor's reign, it stands to reason that the possibility would have been more explicitly hinted at in the 60th-anniversary special or clarified in accompanying commentary. However, the absence of such indications from RTD suggests that River Song's return is unlikely.

River leaning out of the TARDIS in the episode The Husbands of River Song

River leaning out of the TARDIS in the episode The Husbands of River Song

The Missed Dynamic Between River Song and the Fifteenth Doctor

The absence of River Song in Ncuti Gatwa's Doctor Who is particularly disappointing due to the potential dynamic and interaction that could have been explored between the characters. The Fifteenth Doctor's distinct energy, queer identity, and hopeful disposition set them apart from previous revival Doctors, creating an intriguing contrast that could have complemented River Song's playful and flirtatious demeanor. The interaction between the two characters could have brought a fresh and engaging dynamic to the series, characterized by witty banter and a strong repartee.

Moreover, the absence of River Song denies the opportunity for character growth and emotional revelations, particularly concerning her perception of the Doctor's feelings. The potential for Gatwa's Doctor to express vulnerability and emotional depth could have led to a reevaluation of River Song's beliefs about the Doctor's love for her. This missed opportunity for emotional exploration and growth between the characters adds to the disappointment of River Song's absence in the series.

The Future of Doctor Who Without River Song

As Doctor Who moves forward with Russell T. Davies at the helm, the absence of River Song raises questions about the direction and storytelling possibilities for the series. While the return of beloved characters has been a significant aspect of RTD's tenure, the decision to exclude River Song from the narrative presents an opportunity for new and unexplored storylines. The absence of River Song leaves room for the introduction of fresh characters, compelling narratives, and thematic explorations that can shape the future of Doctor Who under RTD's stewardship. While the absence of River Song is disappointing, it opens the door for the expansion of the Doctor Who universe and the development of new and captivating narratives.