Why Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Launch Could Leave Fans Missing Out on an Epic Feature

Why Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Launch Could Leave Fans Missing Out on an Epic Feature

Marvel's Spider-Man 2's highly anticipated launch might disappoint fans as it appears to be lacking a beloved feature that was present in its predecessor


Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is set to release soon and is expected to be bigger than previous entries, with faster travel time, smoother animations, and a larger map size.

There are concerns among fans that the game might not have a New Game Plus mode upon its release, despite its popularity in other games. It is possible that the day one patch or a post-launch update could add this feature. Fans will have to wait for an official announcement from Insomniac regarding the inclusion of New Game Plus, as it is currently only rumored to be missing.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 may not have the New Game Plus mode available right when it launches. With its release date approaching on October 20, 2023, fans are eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the series. While some players have expressed worries about the reported time required to achieve the game's Platinum Trophy, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is expected to surpass its predecessors in terms of size and scope.

The upcoming title brings several improvements to the table. Many fans have noticed that travel time in Spider-Man 2 feels much quicker this time around, and the animations appear smoother as well. Additionally, the map size has doubled compared to the previous game. Despite introducing numerous new elements to explore in the sequel, it is highly likely that the developers have hidden many Easter eggs throughout the game to delight fans of the franchise and the beloved character. However, there is concern among fans regarding the absence of a particular feature from the previous game during the initial release.

Content from ChrisGaming95's tweet suggests that New Game Plus may not be available immediately upon the release of Marvel's Spider-Man 2. ChrisGaming95, who managed to complete the game using an early copy and even earn the Platinum Trophy, discovered that there was no option for New Game Plus. The tweet also mentions that the game took approximately 30 hours to finish. While this omission is not a significant disappointment, as many games nowadays include a New Game Plus feature for players to enjoy their accomplishments and character progress in subsequent playthroughs.

Considering the numerous new experiences and improvements offered in Spider-Man 2, it is somewhat puzzling that the game lacks a New Game Plus option. However, it remains possible for Insomniac to add this feature post-launch, as other games like God of War Ragnarok have done. The perceived brevity of the game has raised concerns among players who worry that a second playthrough may not be worthwhile if they cannot retain their earned abilities and unlocks. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that ChrisGaming95's experience may not reflect that of the majority of players, and the game may offer more longevity than initially suggested. Additionally, there is a possibility that a day one patch will introduce the New Game Plus feature.

Insomniac has not made any official confirmation regarding the arrival of New Game Plus in the game. Therefore, fans will have to patiently wait for the team's announcement. Regardless, as the game is a sequel to both Marvel's Spider-Man 1 and Spider-Man: Miles Morales, players who crave for web-swinging action after completing Spider-Man 2 can always go back to the previous games to compare and recap the story. The highly anticipated Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will be released on October 20 on the PS5.