Why Grey's Anatomy Needs to Avoid a Center Stage Return for Meredith Grey in Season 20

Why Grey's Anatomy Needs to Avoid a Center Stage Return for Meredith Grey in Season 20

Exploring the importance of maintaining a balanced approach to Meredith Grey's return in Grey's Anatomy season 20.

The Significance of Meredith Grey's Return

Grey's Anatomy has been a long-running success, with Meredith Grey playing a pivotal role in the show's narrative. After leaving for Boston to focus on her children's education in season 19, the anticipation for her return in season 20 is palpable. Ellen Pompeo's portrayal of Meredith has been integral to the show's success, and her character's absence has led to new opportunities for the narrative to evolve.

Meredith Grey smiles in season 19.

Meredith Grey smiles in season 19.

Meredith's departure was a bold move, and the show has managed to thrive in her absence. Despite her temporary absence, Meredith has made impactful appearances, and the show's director and star have confirmed her continued involvement in season 20. This sets the stage for an exciting return, but it's crucial that the approach to her character's comeback is carefully considered.

Meredith and Jo Are Looking at Something Off-Camera in Grey's Anatomy

Meredith and Jo Are Looking at Something Off-Camera in Grey's Anatomy

Balancing Meredith's Role in Season 20

Meredith Grey's character has been at the forefront of Grey's Anatomy for nineteen seasons, making her return in season 20 a highly anticipated event. However, the show should approach her comeback with a sense of balance, ensuring that she doesn't overshadow the development of other characters.

Season 20 should refrain from placing Meredith at the center stage, instead opting for a more nuanced and limited role for her character. While her journey has been extensively explored, it's essential to shift the focus onto other captivating characters who have yet to receive the same level of depth and attention.

The show's ability to thrive in Meredith's absence during season 19 highlights the potential for a successful narrative that allows other characters, such as Miranda, Richard, Jo, Owen, and Amelia, to take on more prominent roles. By scaling back Meredith's presence, the show can explore new avenues and enrich the storytelling experience for viewers.

Striking the Right Balance with Meredith's Return

While it's crucial to avoid placing Meredith at the forefront of the narrative in season 20, her return remains a significant aspect of the show's evolution. As the titular character, Meredith's presence carries weight, and the show can capitalize on her return without overshadowing other essential storylines.

One approach to integrating Meredith back into the narrative is to have her make brief appearances to consult on major cases and reconnect with her fellow doctors. This allows her to maintain a connection to the show without monopolizing the spotlight, enabling the focus to remain on the diverse cast of characters and their evolving journeys.