Why Empowerment Matters: Understanding Types, Differences, and Steps to Achieving It

Why Empowerment Matters: Understanding Types, Differences, and Steps to Achieving It

Empowerment is the act of enabling individuals to realize their potential and take control of their own lives It involves building confidence, developing skills, and creating opportunities for growth Empowerment can lead to improved productivity and greater job satisfaction, but it requires responsive and supportive leadership Personal empowerment involves being open to possibilities, focusing on one's true self, trusting oneself, collaborating with others, and embracing imperfection

Empowerment involves granting power to others, allowing them to take charge and make decisions. However, there are certain conditions that must be met for empowerment to be possible. Firstly, power must be present, but also malleable. If power is inherent in positions and cannot be changed, then empowerment may not be feasible. Secondly, empowerment hinges on the belief that power can be increased. Power is often synonymous with control and influence, but it is not a static entity. Rather, it is created in relationships and can be altered over time. Empowerment is therefore a process of change that is dependent on the expansion of power.

Empowerment is a concept that varies in interpretation among different communities and regions. Often, it is assumed rather than thoroughly defined, explained, and acknowledged. To promote a better comprehension of empowerment, a standardized definition is needed. Empowerment can be described as a complex social process that enables individuals to take charge of their lives. It involves multidimensional aspects that provide individuals with a sense of control.

It can be understood as a process which fosters or administer people with power. They can use it in their own lives or society.

What is Empowerment and how to Empower Employees?

Why Empowerment Matters: Understanding Types, Differences, and Steps to Achieving It

Empowering employees is a well-researched and proven method to increase job satisfaction, improve job performance, and boost organizational commitment. However, simply delegating authority, sharing information, and asking for feedback may not work for all employers and employees. Effective leadership requires a tailored approach that takes into account the unique needs and characteristics of each individual and team.

1. Empowering leaders

Leaders who are highly empowered tend to delegate more authority to their employees, seek input from them, and make autonomous decisions. This leadership style encourages employees to generate new ideas and approach tasks in innovative ways, without necessarily changing the metrics or incentives in place. Additionally, highly empowered leaders demonstrate a willingness to support their colleagues both within and outside of the organization, often volunteering for additional assignments and assisting others in their work. Despite potential conflicts over business metrics and incentives, this leadership approach ultimately fosters a collaborative and proactive work environment.

Empowered employees are a result of two psychological processes. Firstly, those under empowering leaders often feel more in control of their work, finding meaning and alignment with their values. This sense of competence and belief in their ability to make a difference results in powerful and confident individuals, committed to meaningful goals, with high creativity and the freedom to generate new ideas. Secondly, employees trust their empowering leaders, putting in more effort without fear of exploitation. Unfortunately, some employees may interpret delegation of authority as a manager's attempt to avoid doing the work themselves.

Empowering leadership entails more than just giving orders and expecting results. It involves coaching and guiding employees to develop their skills and abilities, which in turn builds trust and fosters a sense of security. This reduces stress and uncertainty between employers and employees, enabling them to take on new challenges with confidence and without fear of vulnerability.

2. Empowerment doesn’t always equate to improved productivity

Why Empowerment Matters: Understanding Types, Differences, and Steps to Achieving It

Empowering senior employees can lead to improved performance in their core job tasks. This approach is not dissimilar to empowering leaders, but there can be negative consequences if leaders overstep their boundaries and end up doing more harm than good.

Empowering employees with additional responsibility and challenges at work can lead to increased job stress, which may negatively impact their performance. However, leaders who successfully develop a good relationship with their employees and demonstrate trust in their abilities can see an increase in daily task performance. It's important for leaders to understand that their delegation of authority can be perceived in two ways by their followers: either as an opportunity for growth and development or as a lack of capability in decision-making.

Employees can become uncertain and frustrated if they feel overwhelmed by too much pressure, which can ultimately result in poor performance even on routine tasks. To avoid this, it's important to delegate tasks based on the expectations and abilities of each employee. Over-empowering or under-empowering them can lead to negative consequences.

3. Responsiveness of Employees towards empowering leadership

While some employees may experience a boost in productivity and performance due to empowerment, others may not be affected at all and could potentially see a decrease in their performance.

In comparing the impact of empowering leadership on employees within Eastern and Western cultures, research indicates that leaders who are perceived as empowering in Eastern cultures have a greater impact on routine than their Western counterparts. This may be due to the societal norms in countries like India and China, where individuals in positions of power are expected to assist and support those in lower positions. As a result, the acceptance of empowered leadership is amplified, leading to more significant effects on employees.

In contrast, in western societies such as the US, UK, and Germany, there is a preference for greater independence among employees and employers from their leaders. Empowering leaders may display concern and provide extensive care, but this can be perceived as an informal way of exerting control. This could be the reason why the impact of empowering leadership is less pronounced in western cultures.

Steps of personal empowerment

Why Empowerment Matters: Understanding Types, Differences, and Steps to Achieving It

1. Open to possibilities

Achieving self-empowerment is crucial for professionals in the business world, as it can positively impact both their personal and professional lives. To attain self-empowerment, one must take certain steps that can be summarized as the following:

Having a negative outlook on life will not benefit you in any way. Instead, you must recognize the power and responsibility that lies within you. By embracing the possibilities around you, you will become more productive and creative. A pessimistic and hopeless attitude will only bring negativity to both yourself and those around you.

A closed mind only sees what is wrong and disregards what is available. Negative individuals tend to focus solely on the lack of opportunities. It is crucial to avoid such a mindset. Life is abundant with possibilities and opportunities, waiting to be discovered if you have an open attitude. It all begins with having an open mind.

2. Focus on your true self

Why Empowerment Matters: Understanding Types, Differences, and Steps to Achieving It

Life is a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. Success is not always guaranteed, and it's not always fair. Inevitably, you will encounter situations that seem unjust and leave you feeling upset. However, it's crucial to focus on how you respond to these situations. It's not uncommon for individuals to hold high positions without the qualifications or merit to do so.

But, it's important to believe in yourself and your abilities to reach that level and do what's right. Without self-confidence, you will never realize your full potential and the power that lies within you.

When you shift your attention away from external factors and instead focus on your own growth and happiness, you'll gain a newfound appreciation for the beauty of life. Remember the wise words: "Work quietly and let your success speak for itself."

3. Run your race

Instead of getting caught up in the successes or failures of others, it's important to stay focused on your own goals. Don't waste energy worrying about the competition or comparing yourself to others. Keep your attention on what's in front of you and stay true to what's important in your own journey. Remember, empowerment and competition are two different things - don't sacrifice your own growth by getting too caught up in the competition. Know your competition, but always prioritize focusing on yourself and running your own race.

4. Trust yourself

Why Empowerment Matters: Understanding Types, Differences, and Steps to Achieving It

Believe in yourself and your abilities to accomplish your desired goals. Trusting yourself is crucial to self-empowerment, as self-doubt can hinder your progress and limit your potential. Your mindset plays a vital role in determining your actions, and negative thoughts can lead to negative outcomes. Therefore, it is imperative to have a positive mindset and trust yourself to achieve your aspirations. Dream big, and have faith in your abilities to turn your dreams into reality.

5. Collaborate

Believing in yourself is crucial to achieving success and empowering yourself. It's important to recognize your own abilities and have confidence in your potential. As you take risks and achieve more success, your self-empowerment grows. Trusting yourself is the foundation of self-empowerment and the key to unlocking your full potential.

Building a network is crucial to bolstering your own success. The reality is that achieving success is seldom a solitary endeavor. Assemble a team of individuals whose skills complement your own, thereby compensating for any weak spots. This enables you to delegate tasks to others who can complete them efficiently, leaving you free to concentrate on your top priorities. Networking is about inclusivity.

In a cooperative setting, accomplishments are shared and everyone plays a role in successes. It's all about people empowering each other. Collaboration breeds triumph, while competition can lead to discord.

Collaboration is the key to success, as progress is made simpler when working together. Division only brings about negativity and self-doubt, making it unhelpful in achieving our goals.

Why Empowerment Matters: Understanding Types, Differences, and Steps to Achieving It

Having a passion for your work is crucial. When you love what you do, failure becomes a minor setback rather than a reason to give up. Passion is a powerful emotion, and those who are empowered choose to pursue careers that they are passionate about. With dedication and the right skills, exceptional results can be achieved. When work feels like a labor of love, success becomes even more satisfying.

Passion is the driving force that propels individuals towards success. When work becomes personal and is fueled by passion, the fear of failure diminishes in comparison to the desire for achievement. Working with passion empowers individuals to overcome obstacles and accomplish great things.

7. Pride

When you face haters, respond with grace and self-discipline. Don't stoop to their level or react with anger. Empowerment and taking proper action are the keys to creating real change. Remember that haters are often driven by a desire to be like you, so don't let their negativity bring you down.

Let them do their job, and you do yours. Keep doing your work, follow your passion and achieve self-empowerment.

8. Embrace imperfection

Experiencing failure and uncertainty is crucial in paving the way for success and empowerment. Simply having positive experiences is not enough to achieve true success. Overcoming challenges and learning from mistakes is what strengthens and empowers individuals. It is important to embrace failure as an opportunity for growth and improvement, rather than staying static and stagnant.


Embrace imperfection as a stepping stone towards personal and professional growth. Acknowledge that both yourself and your life are imperfect, and use these imperfections as opportunities to learn and improve. Remember that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, as long as you take the lessons learned and apply them to future endeavors. With this mindset, you can ascend the mountain of success with confidence and resilience.