Why Eiza Gonzalez Insists on Dating Individuals Who Have Prioritized Therapy: A Reflection of Self-Care

Why Eiza Gonzalez Insists on Dating Individuals Who Have Prioritized Therapy: A Reflection of Self-Care

Discover why Eiza Gonzalez prioritizes dating individuals who have embraced therapy, viewing it as an essential aspect of self-care and well-being. Learn how therapy has become a non-negotiable factor in Eiza's relationships, promoting mental health and personal growth.

Eiza Gonzalez Won t Date Someone Who Hasn t Been to Therapy the Healthiest Thing Anyone Could Do 173

Eiza Gonzalez Won t Date Someone Who Hasn t Been to Therapy the Healthiest Thing Anyone Could Do 173

Eiza Gonzalez. Rick Kern/Getty Images for Netflix

Eiza González, 34, shared in an interview with InStyle that she has a non-negotiable requirement when it comes to dating potential partners: they must have gone to therapy to work on their personal issues.

González shared with the outlet that she initially resisted the idea of counseling because she was not interested in dating. She explained that she was in shock and traumatized by her father's death, making it difficult for her to discuss her feelings.

Reflecting on her father's passing in a motorcycle accident when she was 12, González acknowledged that the process of introspection is ongoing. She emphasized the importance of confronting her inner demons in order to grow and evolve into a better version of herself.

She added, "Everyone needs therapy. Therapy is the most normal thing! The concept of this prefixed negative idea about therapy is nuts to me. I think therapy is just the healthiest thing anyone could do."

González shared that when she develops feelings for someone, she falls "in love so deep," which means it takes time for her to "get over" the end of a relationship.

“And the older I get, it’s harder for me because I don’t play around,” she said. “I go in and I give it all. I am not going to half-ass anything.”

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Eiza Gonzalez Won t Date Someone Who Hasn t Been to Therapy the Healthiest Thing Anyone Could Do 171

Corey Nickols/Getty Images for IMDb

When it comes to the type of person she’d be interested in, fellow movie stars might be off the table if they’re “never going to take a back step for me.”

She explained that she feels like she has to follow the lead of others and they are setting the pace. For example, when you have children and another actor is making $20 million while you only make $2 million, it can influence your decisions. The other actor may say, "Why don't you go do that movie instead?"

The Godzilla vs. Kong star shared with InStyle that she is content with the people she has in her life. She mentioned that she is surprisingly more satisfied with her physical appearance now compared to when she was in her twenties. This change is a combination of growing older, accepting herself, putting in effort, and feeling like she is aging in a way that she personally enjoys.

González had mentioned in a previous interview on The Kelly Clarkson Show that untidiness is a major turnoff for her in a partner. She emphasized that it is a dealbreaker for her when things start getting serious in a relationship and living together.

González has been linked to several celebrities over the years, including Liam Hemsworth, D.J. Cotrona, Maluma, Josh Duhamel, and Timothée Chalamet. In May 2022, it was confirmed that she was casually dating Jason Momoa after his split from Lisa Bonet. According to an insider, they are both attracted to each other and are taking things slowly to see where it leads.

Editor's P/S:

Eiza González's candid perspective on dating highlights the growing importance of mental health in modern relationships. Her non-negotiable requirement for partners who have undergone therapy underscores her belief in the transformative power of introspection and self-improvement. González's journey of healing and self-discovery following her father's tragic death serves as a testament to the resilience and growth that can result from confronting one's inner demons.

González's insights on the challenges and rewards of dating as a high-profile actress provide a nuanced understanding of the complexities involved in navigating fame and relationships. Her emphasis on finding a partner who is willing to prioritize her needs and not relegate her to a secondary role reflects a healthy and self-assured approach to dating. Ultimately, González's message is one of self-acceptance, personal growth, and the importance of seeking support in navigating the complexities of modern relationships.