Why Boruto Games Will Surpass the Success of Naruto Games

Boruto games face uncertain prospects due to controversial hiatus of the anime and manga, along with the challenge of living up to the legacy characters established in Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections
Marking the 20th anniversary of Naruto's anime, Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections is the newest installment in the massively popular arena fighter series, promising to be the most significant release in the Ultimate Ninja Storm franchise. However, the upcoming game has faced backlash from fans who view it more as a remastered and updated version rather than a true sequel. Scheduled for a fall release this year, Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections coincides with a period of uncertainty for the Boruto franchise as a whole.
While Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections will introduce new story content as it delves deeper into the Boruto world, it also functions as a remaster of the first four Storm games. For many fans, the revamped Naruto content is the main appeal, making this game less of a dedicated Boruto arena fighter. Nevertheless, the introduction of Boruto's new characters brings power scaling to new heights. The conflicted future direction and performance of the sequel series' games mirrors the current state of Boruto.
Boruto’s Anime and Manga are on a Controversial Hiatus
Competing with the enduring success of the original Naruto brand has been a daunting task for Boruto. The story follows Boruto Uzumaki as he acquires a powerful ability called Karma and navigates a complex relationship with his rival, Kawaki. Unlike its predecessor, Boruto offers a unique and expansive exploration of new themes and characters. However, it has not received the best reception from the longtime fanbase of the franchise in terms of both the story and the quality of its anime.
Despite the mixed reactions, the sequel to Naruto has its own supporters and the potential to carve out its own identity. A significant turning point came with the release of Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections, as the core Boruto media has taken a break from production. Contrary to assumptions, the hiatus is not due to a lack of financial success. Both the manga and the anime have performed well and are on par with other popular franchises in their respective industries.
The truth of the matter is that Naruto had a timeskip after five years, leading to a second part. In contrast, Boruto has had a slower-paced first part that began in 2016 and may conclude with the release of Boruto chapter 81 in August.
Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections Legacy Characters
Boruto has faced criticism for its power scaling, and the inclusion of new characters in Ultimate Ninja Storm brings this issue to the forefront. The introduction of Naruto (Baryon Mode) and Sasuke (Supporting Kage), as well as newcomers like Kawaki and Jigen, make it difficult for Boruto games to accurately portray the power of its legacy characters. Naruto's taijutsu-heavy combat style does not always match up to the power-scaling of Boruto's ninjutsu, resulting in the classic characters feeling underwhelming.
While the impact of the new Boruto content in Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections may not be as strong as previous entries in the series, there is potential for brighter days ahead. Rumored changes and the foreshadowed future of Boruto offer a chance for Naruto to pass the torch to its successor. By breaking away from its heavy reliance on its predecessor, Boruto and its games have the potential to surpass the success of Naruto one day. However, during its current hiatus, releases like Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections may struggle due to the uncertainty surrounding Boruto's transitional phase.
Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections will be released in 2023 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.