When does Invincible Season 2 Episode 4 release?

When does Invincible Season 2 Episode 4 release?

Get ready for the thrilling midseason finale of Invincible Season 2! Discover the exact release date and time of Episode 4 on Prime Video, and prepare to be captivated by the next chapter of this gripping series

The highly anticipated midseason finale of Invincible Season 2 Episode 4 is almost here, promising to be an epic and shocking episode. With thrilling events like the battle with a Death-Dweller in Atlantis, Mark's struggle with Magma Knights in Washington, and the journey to Midnight City, this season has been notably intense.

Following the pivotal battle in Season 1 between Mark and his father Omni-Man, the second season delves into the aftermath as Mark and his mother grapple with the aftermath of lies, violence, and their own expectations. Last week, Nolan's return set the stage for a highly anticipated midseason finale, leaving fans eager for the release of Episode 4 of Invincible Season 2.

Invincible Season 2 Episode 4 release date and time

Invincible Season 2 Episode 4 will drop on Prime Video at 8pm ET on Thursday, November 23.

If you are in the US, you are in luck - you will be able to watch the episode a day earlier than others. For those in the UK and other countries, the episode will be available on Friday, November 24. Below, we have provided the release times for episodes on Prime Video according to your time zone, no matter where you are located in the world:

5pm PT

8pm ET

9pm Brazil

1am UK

2am Central European Summer Time

5:30am India Standard Time

10am Australia

12pm New Zealand

In the concluding part of Episode 3, Mark is taken away by a Thraxan bug-person seeking Invincible’s assistance to save their race from extinction. After a journey spanning two galaxies and six days, Mark finally arrives, only to discover that something is amiss. He is directed to the "monarch" who promises to clarify everything. Suddenly, a familiar voice greets him as Omni-Man emerges, adorned in royal attire with his cape fluttering in the wind, reaching out his hand to Mark, saying, "Hello son, it's been a while."

In a recent interview with Collider, creator Robert Kirkman expressed his thoughts on the fourth episode, anticipating that viewers will feel exhausted by the intensity of the episode. He acknowledged that most people may not be pleased about the upcoming break, but emphasized the importance of taking the time to rest. Kirkman highlighted the build-up of each episode, noting that by the time the fourth episode airs, viewers will be amazed by the unfolding events. He also mentioned that those who are only familiar with the first season of the show and have not read the comics often wonder how the upcoming episodes will compare to the end of Season 1, while comic readers find it amusing.

Stream now on Prime Video, sign up here to watch Invincible Season 2 Episodes 1-3. For more coverage, explore our additional content below. Please be aware that clicking on product links may result in us earning a small affiliate commission.

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of the Invincible series, I am eagerly anticipating the release of Season 2 Episode 4. The show has captivated me with its intense and thrilling storyline, and I can't wait to see what unfolds in the upcoming episode. The battle with the Death-Dweller in Atlantis and Mark's struggle with the Magma Knights in Washington have kept me on the edge of my seat, and I am curious to see how these conflicts will be resolved.

The journey to Midnight City is also shrouded in mystery, and I am eager to discover what secrets and challenges await Mark and his companions. The return of Nolan in the previous episode has added even more intrigue to the story, and I am excited to see how his presence will impact the midseason finale. Overall, I am confident that Episode 4 will deliver the same level of excitement and action that has made Invincible such a popular series, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for Mark and the other characters.