What Year Was Worst In DC's Movie History?

What Year Was Worst In DC's Movie History?

Exploring the worst year in DC's cinematic history and the factors that contributed to it.

The Turbulent History of DC Movies

DC has had its fair share of challenges in the world of cinematic releases, with some years standing out as particularly difficult. The DC brand has a rich history of movies dating back several decades, including those outside the DCEU timeline. Despite the success of some movies, there was one year that stood out as an abject failure for DC movies, both in terms of box office performance and critical reception.

Supergirl looks ahead in Supergirl 1984

Supergirl looks ahead in Supergirl 1984

Superhero movies, which are now highly valued by contemporary society, have not always enjoyed the same level of popularity. This is especially true for DC, which has faced turbulent years, leading to significant decisions such as James Gunn's upcoming DCU reboot. One of the upcoming movies, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, aims to mend the damage caused by a particularly notorious movie that marked the worst year in DC's cinematic history.

Supergirl flies forward in a Supergirl (1984) poster.

Supergirl flies forward in a Supergirl (1984) poster.

The Worst Year: 1984

The year 1984 stands out as the worst year for DC movies. It was a year marked by the release of only one movie, Supergirl, which faced widespread criticism and is considered a significant box office failure. The movie served as a standalone sequel and the fourth installment in the Christopher Reeve Superman series. Originally, Christopher Reeve was intended to reprise his iconic superhero role in the movie, but he ultimately declined the opportunity.

Helen Slater as supergirl lying on the floor in Supergirl 1984

Helen Slater as supergirl lying on the floor in Supergirl 1984

Supergirl follows the story of the titular character as she arrives on Earth and encounters Selena, a power-hungry witch. Despite featuring an impressive cast that included Faye Dunaway, Mia Farrow, Peter O'Toole, and Peter Cook, the movie failed to impress both audiences and critics alike. It received an extremely low 8% score on Rotten Tomatoes, with numerous scathing reviews criticizing the acting and special effects.

Faye Dunaway as Selena pointing her finger in Supergirl (1984)

Faye Dunaway as Selena pointing her finger in Supergirl (1984)

During its box office release, Supergirl only managed to gross $14.3 million, falling short of its $35 million budget. This resulted in a staggering $20 million loss, making 1984 the least successful year for DC in cinema. The lack of other DC movie releases in 1984 further emphasized the monumental failure of Supergirl. The movie's performance was so dismal that it has never been included in any DVD or Blu-ray Superman collection released by Warner Bros, despite initial hopes of starting a new franchise.

Supergirl, looking at a Superman poster in Supergirl (1984)

Supergirl, looking at a Superman poster in Supergirl (1984)

2004: A Close Second

The year 2004 came close to rivaling 1984 as the worst year for DC movies. This was the year that saw the release of the infamous Catwoman, which received scathing reviews comparable to those of Supergirl. With a budget of $100 million, Catwoman managed to generate some box office success due to the hype surrounding Halle Berry's involvement, ultimately grossing $80 million.

Catwoman (Halle Berry) posing on the poster in full costume

Catwoman (Halle Berry) posing on the poster in full costume

Despite the financial performance, other factors played a significant role in mitigating the impact of Catwoman's failure. The television series Smallville, Teen Titans, and The Batman received critical acclaim and were highly praised by audiences. The popularity of these series offset the negative impact of Catwoman, a benefit that Supergirl did not have. As a result, 1984 remains the absolute worst year for DC in terms of cinematic releases.