What time will Invincible Season 2 Episode 3 be released?

What time will Invincible Season 2 Episode 3 be released?

Invincible Season 2 Episode 3 is set to premiere on Prime Video, and fans are eagerly waiting for its release Get ready for more action and suspense as we countdown to the exact date and time

Invincible Season 2 Episode 3 is set to release on Prime Video. Find out the exact time it will be available for streaming worldwide.

The previous episode of Invincible was filled with thrilling action, featuring intense battles against villains like Doc Seismic and Darkwing II. Mark also took Amber on a memorable trip to the Eiffel Tower in Vegas, while confronting the repercussions of Omni-Man's actions. And let's not forget about the intriguing developments involving the Lizard League.

However, there is a downside to being a superhero. In a heart-wrenching scene from the last episode, Mark's mother was seen sitting on the kitchen floor, overcome with grief for Nolan. She cried even harder when she saw her son, dressed in his superhero gear, comforting her. As we near the end of the first half of Invincible Season 2, here is the timing for when Episode 3 will be available for viewing.

Invincible Season 2 Episode 3 release date and time

Invincible Season 2 Episode 3 will drop on Prime Video at 8pm ET on Thursday, November 16.

For those residing in the US, count yourself fortunate as you will receive the episode a day in advance compared to others. As for viewers in the UK and overseas, the episode will be available on Friday, November 17. Below, we have provided a schedule of episode releases on Prime Video that corresponds to your specific time zone, regardless of your location around the globe.

The episode will be available at 5pm PT.

8pm ET

9pm Brazil

1am UK

2am Central European Summer Time

5:30am India Standard Time

10am Australia

12pm New Zealand

In the post-credits scene of last week's episode, Angstrom Levy makes a comeback as he torments and questions a different version of Mark Grayson in a parallel universe located in the Pentagon.

When asked about this scene, executive producer Simon Racioppa explained that the intention behind it was to portray Angstrom's experience of witnessing various versions of Mark in different dimensions, all transformed into dangerous and malicious beings. He also mentioned that the team aimed to stay true to the original material while finding opportunities to deepen the impact and emotional connection for television viewers.

“We wanted to ensure that we effectively convey the emotional moments with Angstrom in our comic book page, allowing readers to control the pace of their reading. With television, the content is delivered to you without any control over the speed. Moreover, we considered that a significant portion of our audience may not be familiar with the original comics."

Robert Kirkman elaborated, saying, "By introducing Angstrom Levy as Invincible's antagonist during a time when he is grappling with his own identity, we provide an opportunity for Angstrom to reveal glimpses of alternative versions of Invincible. Through this, we aim to explore the dark aspects of Invincible's character that he fears may exist within him. This approach offers a more character-driven and dramatic exploration of the multiverse."

Stream Invincible Season 2 Episodes 1-2 now on Prime Video! Sign up here. Don't forget to explore our additional coverage below. Kindly be aware that by clicking on any product link on this page, we may receive a small affiliate commission.

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan of the Invincible series, I am eagerly anticipating the release of Season 2 Episode 3. The previous episode left us with a mix of excitement and heartache, as we witnessed intense battles and the aftermath of Omni-Man's actions. The show has done an excellent job of staying true to the original comic book material while also expanding upon it in meaningful ways.

The character development in particular has been a highlight for me, and I am eager to see how Mark Grayson continues to navigate his complex relationships and responsibilities. The introduction of Angstrom Levy as the antagonist adds an intriguing layer to the story, and I am excited to see how his presence will impact Invincible's journey. Overall, I believe that Invincible Season 2 is shaping up to be even better than the first, and I can't wait to see what the next episode has in store.