What is Total Marketing? Basic principles and how to implement in practice

What is Total Marketing? Basic principles and how to implement in practice

Discover the principles and benefits of Total Marketing and learn how to implement it in practice. This comprehensive approach puts the customer first, integrates marketing efforts, and focuses on profitability and long-term success. Overcome challenges and minimize risks with cross-functional coordination, innovation, and social responsibility.

Welcome to our latest blog post, where we explore the concept of Total Marketing and how it can benefit businesses in today's fast-paced and ever-evolving marketplace. As a business owner or marketer, you may have heard the term Total Marketing being used, but what exactly does it mean? In this post, we'll define Total Marketing and its basic principles, as well as provide practical tips on how to implement it in your marketing strategy. We'll also discuss the benefits and potential challenges and risks that come with Total Marketing. So, let's dive in and discover the world of Total Marketing.

1. What is Total Marketing?

1. What is Total Marketing?

Total Marketing is a comprehensive approach to marketing that focuses on satisfying customers' needs and wants while also achieving organizational goals. It involves coordinating all aspects of marketing, including product development, pricing, distribution, and promotion, in a way that creates value for customers and generates profits for the company. The basic principle of Total Marketing is to put the customer first and to consider all factors that affect the customer's experience, including the social, cultural, and economic environment in which the company operates. By adopting a customer-centric approach and taking a long-term perspective, companies can build strong relationships with their customers and create sustainable competitive advantages in the marketplace.

2. The Basic Principles of Total Marketing

Total Marketing is a comprehensive approach that focuses on satisfying customer needs while achieving organizational objectives. This marketing concept is based on the understanding that all business functions must work together to create value for customers and increase profitability. The following are the Basic Principles of Total Marketing:

Customer orientation: The customer is the center of all marketing activities. Total Marketing is based on a deep understanding of customer needs, preferences, and behavior. This principle requires organizations to listen to their customers and respond to their changing needs.

Integrated marketing: Total Marketing requires an integrated approach to marketing activities. This means that all marketing functions, such as advertising, sales, promotions, and customer service, must work together to create a consistent and cohesive message to the customer.

Profitability: Total Marketing aims to achieve profitability for the organization. This principle requires marketers to focus on creating value for the customer while also generating revenue for the company.

Long-term perspective: Total Marketing takes a long-term view of marketing activities. This means that marketers must focus on building long-term relationships with customers, rather than just making short-term sales.

Continuous improvement: Total Marketing requires continuous improvement of marketing activities. This principle involves analyzing marketing performance, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing changes to enhance marketing effectiveness.

Cross-functional coordination: Total Marketing requires cross-functional coordination within the organization. This principle means that all departments must work together to achieve marketing objectives.

Innovation: Total Marketing requires a commitment to innovation. This principle involves developing new products, services, and marketing strategies that meet the changing needs of customers.

Social responsibility: Total Marketing requires organizations to be socially responsible. This principle involves considering the impact of marketing activities on society and the environment.

Global perspective: Total Marketing requires a global perspective. This principle involves understanding the cultural differences and preferences of customers in different regions of the world.

Customer orientation

Total Marketing is a customer-focused approach that aims to create value for customers, while also achieving the company's objectives. Customer orientation is one of the basic principles of Total Marketing, which emphasizes on understanding and meeting the needs of customers. This principle involves the company's effort to identify the target customers, their preferences, purchase behaviors, and other relevant information that can help the company tailor its marketing strategies to suit their needs.

Customer orientation also requires the company to develop a customer-centric culture, where all employees are aware of the importance of customer satisfaction and are committed to delivering high-quality products and services. This culture should be reflected in the company's mission statement, vision, and core values. It should also be integrated into the company's daily operations, such as customer service, product development, and sales processes.

To implement customer orientation in practice, the company needs to conduct market research to collect data on customer needs, preferences, and behaviors. The company can use various methods such as surveys, focus groups, and social media listening to gather this information. Based on the insights gathered, the company can develop a customer segmentation strategy to identify the different groups of customers with different needs and preferences.

The company can also use customer feedback to improve its products and services. This can be done through customer satisfaction surveys, online reviews, and feedback forms. The company should be responsive to customer complaints and suggestions, and use them to improve its processes and products.

In summary, customer orientation is a fundamental principle of Total Marketing, which emphasizes on understanding and meeting the needs of customers. To implement customer orientation in practice, the company needs to develop a customer-centric culture, conduct market research, develop a customer segmentation strategy, and use customer feedback to improve its products and services. By adopting customer orientation, the company can create value for customers, build long-term relationships, and achieve its business objectives.

Integrated marketing

Integrated marketing refers to the practice of using a unified approach to marketing communication across all channels and platforms. This means that all aspects of marketing, including advertising, public relations, sales promotions, and direct marketing, work together seamlessly to deliver a consistent message to consumers. Integrated marketing is a vital component of total marketing, as it supports the principle of customer orientation by ensuring that the customer receives a consistent and cohesive message about the brand.

In order to implement integrated marketing, a company must first identify all of the channels and touchpoints where customers interact with the brand, including digital and traditional media, in-store experiences, and customer service interactions. Once these touchpoints have been identified, the company can develop a comprehensive plan for how to communicate with customers across all of these channels.

One of the key benefits of integrated marketing is that it can help to increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns by delivering a consistent message to customers. This can lead to increased brand awareness, loyalty, and ultimately, sales. However, there are also challenges associated with integrated marketing, including the need to coordinate across multiple departments and platforms, and the potential for inconsistencies in messaging if not executed properly. Despite these challenges, integrated marketing remains a crucial component of total marketing and is essential for companies looking to deliver a cohesive and effective message to their customers.


For any business, profitability is a crucial aspect that cannot be overlooked. Total Marketing recognizes this and aims to achieve profitability through various means. One of the key ways is by understanding the customer's needs and wants and providing them with a product or service that meets those needs. This helps in building customer loyalty and increasing sales, ultimately resulting in increased profits.

Another way Total Marketing ensures profitability is by taking a long-term perspective. By investing in research and development, businesses can create innovative products and services that meet changing customer needs, leading to increased competitiveness and profitability. Additionally, cross-functional coordination helps to reduce costs and streamline processes, resulting in increased efficiency and profitability.

However, it is important to note that profitability should not come at the expense of social responsibility. Total Marketing recognizes the importance of being socially responsible and incorporating this into business practices. This includes factors such as environmental sustainability and ethical business practices. By being socially responsible, businesses can enhance their reputation and attract customers who value ethical and sustainable practices.

Overall, profitability is a key principle of Total Marketing and is achieved through various means such as customer orientation, innovation, social responsibility, and long-term perspective. By incorporating these principles into their marketing strategies, businesses can achieve sustainable profitability while also enhancing their reputation and customer loyalty.

Long-term perspective

Total Marketing requires a long-term perspective when it comes to planning and executing marketing strategies. This means that marketers need to look beyond immediate gains and focus on building lasting relationships with customers. To achieve this, marketers must take into account the entire customer journey and aim to provide value at every touchpoint. This involves identifying the needs and preferences of customers and tailoring marketing efforts to meet those needs. It also requires a commitment to ongoing improvement, innovation, and social responsibility to maintain customer trust and loyalty over time. In the following sub-sections, we will explore how marketers can implement a long-term perspective in their Total Marketing strategies.

Continuous improvement

Continuous improvement is a fundamental principle of Total Marketing. It involves the ongoing evaluation and enhancement of marketing activities to ensure that they remain relevant, effective, and efficient. The process of continuous improvement requires a company to gather feedback from customers, analyze data, and make adjustments to marketing strategies as needed. This enables the company to stay ahead of the competition, adapt to changing market conditions, and achieve long-term success.

To implement continuous improvement, a company must first establish performance metrics and benchmarks that can be used to measure the effectiveness of marketing activities. This may involve tracking metrics such as customer satisfaction, sales revenue, and market share. Once these metrics are established, the company can begin to gather feedback from customers through surveys, focus groups, and other methods. This feedback can then be analyzed to identify areas where marketing efforts can be improved.

One common method of continuous improvement is A/B testing, which involves testing different versions of marketing materials to see which performs better. For example, a company might test two different versions of an email marketing campaign to see which generates more clicks and conversions. This data can then be used to refine the marketing strategy and improve future campaigns.

Another important aspect of continuous improvement is employee training and development. Marketing teams must be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to stay ahead of the competition and adapt to changes in the market. This may involve providing training on new marketing techniques and technologies, as well as ongoing coaching and mentoring to help employees improve their skills over time.

Overall, continuous improvement is a critical component of Total Marketing that enables companies to stay competitive, adapt to changing market conditions, and achieve long-term success. By gathering feedback, analyzing data, and making adjustments to marketing strategies, companies can ensure that their marketing efforts remain effective and efficient over time.

Cross-functional coordination

Cross-functional coordination is a crucial principle of Total Marketing that emphasizes the importance of collaboration and teamwork among different departments within an organization. It involves breaking down silos and encouraging open communication and information sharing in order to align everyone's efforts towards a common goal - delivering value to customers.

In order to achieve effective cross-functional coordination, organizations need to establish clear channels of communication, foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork, and provide the necessary resources and tools for employees to work together seamlessly. This requires strong leadership and a commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive work environment.

One of the key benefits of cross-functional coordination is the ability to leverage the expertise and resources of different departments to create more effective and comprehensive marketing strategies. By working together, teams can identify opportunities for innovation and develop more targeted and personalized campaigns that resonate with customers.

However, there are also challenges and risks associated with cross-functional coordination, such as the potential for conflicting priorities and communication breakdowns. To mitigate these risks, organizations need to establish clear processes and protocols for collaboration and communication, and provide ongoing training and support to ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals.


Innovation is a crucial component of Total Marketing as it helps companies to stay competitive and ahead of the curve. Innovation involves creating new and improved products, services, and processes to meet changing customer needs and preferences. It is also about finding new and creative ways to reach and engage with customers, as well as staying current with technological advancements and industry trends.

One way to foster innovation is to encourage and empower employees to generate new ideas and solutions. This can be done through brainstorming sessions, innovation workshops, or creating a culture of experimentation and risk-taking. Companies can also partner with external stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, and industry experts to gain insights and inspiration for new innovations.

Another key aspect of innovation is staying agile and adaptable in response to changing market conditions. This means being open to pivoting or adjusting strategies as needed, as well as continually monitoring and analyzing performance data to identify areas for improvement and optimization.

In the context of Total Marketing, innovation can also involve finding new ways to integrate marketing channels and touchpoints to create a seamless and consistent customer experience. This can include utilizing new technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality, as well as leveraging data and analytics to personalize and tailor marketing messages to individual customers.

Overall, innovation is a critical element of Total Marketing that enables companies to stay relevant and competitive in an ever-evolving marketplace. By fostering a culture of creativity and experimentation, staying agile and adaptable, and leveraging new technologies and data, companies can continue to innovate and drive growth and success.

Social responsibility

Total Marketing not only focuses on customer satisfaction and profitability, but also emphasizes social responsibility as a key principle. Social responsibility refers to the obligation of a company to act in the best interests of society and the environment. This principle requires companies to consider the impact of their actions on all stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and the environment. In order to implement social responsibility in practice, companies should adopt ethical and sustainable business practices, such as reducing waste and pollution, respecting human rights, and supporting local communities. By demonstrating social responsibility, companies can enhance their reputation and build trust with customers, which can ultimately lead to long-term success.

Global perspective

Total Marketing also requires businesses to have a global perspective. In today's interconnected world, companies cannot afford to ignore the impact of global trends and events on their business. A global perspective means that businesses need to look beyond their local market and consider the impact of their marketing activities on a global scale. This requires an understanding of different cultures, languages, and business practices. It also means considering the impact of global issues such as climate change, political instability, and economic developments on their business.

To implement a global perspective in Total Marketing, companies need to conduct market research to understand the cultural and social differences that exist in different regions. They should also consider the language and communication preferences of their target audience in different markets. Companies should also be aware of the legal and regulatory requirements in each market they operate in. This includes understanding trade barriers, import/export regulations, and tax laws.

In addition, businesses must be aware of global trends and developments that may impact their business. This includes changes in consumer behavior, shifts in technological advancements, and economic developments. By having a global perspective, businesses can adapt their marketing strategies to meet the needs of different markets and take advantage of new opportunities.

Overall, a global perspective is essential for businesses that want to succeed in today's global economy. By understanding the cultural, social, and economic differences that exist in different markets, businesses can create marketing strategies that are effective and relevant on a global scale.

3. How to Implement Total Marketing in Practice?

To successfully implement Total Marketing in practice, businesses need to follow a few key steps. Firstly, it's important to identify and understand customer needs by conducting market research and gathering feedback. This information can then be used to inform the development of a comprehensive marketing plan that outlines how the company will reach its target audience and achieve its marketing objectives.

Once the marketing plan is in place, businesses need to create an integrated marketing mix that includes a range of tactics such as advertising, public relations, direct marketing, and sales promotion. This mix should be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the target audience, and should be designed to work together to create a cohesive and effective marketing campaign.

To ensure that the marketing efforts are delivering the desired results, it's important to measure and evaluate marketing performance using a range of metrics such as sales figures, website traffic, and customer feedback. This information can then be used to make adjustments and improvements to the marketing plan and tactics, ensuring that the company is always working towards its marketing objectives.

Overall, implementing Total Marketing requires a commitment to customer orientation, integrated marketing, profitability, long-term perspective, continuous improvement, cross-functional coordination, innovation, social responsibility, and global perspective. By following these principles and taking a strategic approach to marketing, businesses can achieve significant benefits such as increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and profitability. However, there are also challenges and risks associated with Total Marketing, such as the need for a significant investment of time and resources, as well as the potential for increased competition and market saturation.

How to Implement Total Marketing in Practice?

Identifying and understanding customer needs

To successfully implement Total Marketing, it is essential to identify and understand customer needs. Customers are the backbone of any business, and their needs and preferences should be at the core of all marketing efforts. The first step in identifying customer needs is conducting market research. This research can be done through various methods, such as surveys, focus groups, and data analysis.

Once customer needs are identified, it is important to understand them thoroughly. This includes understanding not only what customers want but also why they want it. Understanding customer motivations can help businesses create marketing strategies that resonate with their target audience.

Another important aspect of identifying customer needs is segmenting the market. This involves dividing the target audience into smaller groups based on shared characteristics, such as demographics, psychographics, or behaviors. By doing so, businesses can tailor their marketing efforts to specific segments, increasing the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Overall, identifying and understanding customer needs is a crucial step in implementing Total Marketing. By doing so, businesses can create marketing strategies that are customer-centric, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Developing a comprehensive marketing plan

Developing a comprehensive marketing plan is an essential step in implementing total marketing. This plan should outline the goals, strategies, tactics, and measurements that will guide all marketing efforts. The first step in developing a marketing plan is to conduct thorough market research to understand the needs and preferences of the target audience. This research should include both primary and secondary research to gather information about the market size, competition, customer behavior, and industry trends.

Once the research is complete, the marketing plan should be developed with a clear focus on the customer. The plan should outline how the company will meet the needs and preferences of the target audience, including the products or services offered, pricing strategy, distribution channels, and promotional tactics. The marketing plan should also identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to evaluate the success of the plan.

In addition to the customer focus, the marketing plan should also be integrated with other business functions, such as sales, finance, and operations. This integration ensures that all business functions are working together to achieve the same goals and objectives. The marketing plan should also be aligned with the company's overall business strategy, including its mission, vision, and values.

To ensure the success of the marketing plan, it is important to continuously monitor and evaluate its effectiveness. This involves measuring the KPIs identified in the plan and making adjustments as needed to improve performance. The marketing plan should also be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective in the ever-changing marketplace.

Developing a comprehensive marketing plan is a critical step in implementing total marketing. By focusing on the customer, integrating with other business functions, aligning with the overall business strategy, and continuously monitoring and evaluating performance, companies can create a successful marketing plan that drives business growth and success.

Creating an integrated marketing mix

To successfully implement Total Marketing, companies need to create an integrated marketing mix that includes all elements of the marketing strategy. The marketing mix is composed of four main elements, known as the 4 Ps: product, price, place, and promotion. These elements should be combined in a way that maximizes the impact of the marketing efforts and ensures a consistent message is communicated to the target audience.

Product refers to the goods or services that the company offers to its customers. To create a successful product strategy, companies need to identify the needs and wants of their target customers and develop products that meet those needs. They also need to consider factors such as quality, features, and packaging.

Pricing is another critical element of the marketing mix. Companies need to set prices that are competitive and reflect the value of the product. They also need to take into account factors such as production costs and profit margins. Pricing strategies can vary depending on the product, the target market, and the competition.

Place refers to the channels through which the product is sold and distributed. Companies need to consider factors such as the location of their target market, the availability of distribution channels, and the logistics of getting the product to the customer. They also need to consider how to make their product easily accessible to their target market.

Finally, promotion includes all the activities that the company uses to communicate the value of the product to its target audience. This can include advertising, sales promotions, public relations, and personal selling. The goal of promotion is to create awareness of the product, generate interest, and ultimately drive sales.

Creating an integrated marketing mix requires careful consideration of each of these elements and how they work together to achieve the company's marketing objectives. By developing a comprehensive marketing plan and consistently implementing it across all channels, companies can successfully implement Total Marketing and maximize the impact of their marketing efforts.

Measuring and evaluating marketing performance

Measuring and evaluating marketing performance is an essential step in implementing Total Marketing. Without a clear understanding of how the marketing plan is performing, it is impossible to make informed decisions about future strategies. There are several key metrics that can be used to evaluate marketing performance, including sales revenue, customer retention rates, customer satisfaction scores, and website traffic. These metrics should be tracked over time to identify trends and patterns in customer behavior.

One of the most important metrics for measuring marketing performance is sales revenue. This metric provides a clear indication of how effective the marketing plan is in generating revenue for the company. By tracking sales revenue over time, marketers can identify which strategies are driving the most revenue and which strategies are not performing as well. This information can be used to adjust the marketing plan to focus on the most effective strategies.

Another important metric for measuring marketing performance is customer retention rates. This metric measures the percentage of customers who continue to do business with the company over time. High retention rates are a good indication that the company is providing high-quality products and services that meet the needs of its customers. Low retention rates, on the other hand, may indicate that the company needs to make changes to its marketing strategy or improve its customer service.

Customer satisfaction scores are another important metric for measuring marketing performance. These scores measure how satisfied customers are with the company's products and services. High customer satisfaction scores indicate that the company is meeting the needs of its customers and providing a positive customer experience. Low customer satisfaction scores may indicate that the company needs to make changes to its products or services to better meet customer needs.

Finally, website traffic is another important metric for measuring marketing performance. This metric measures the number of visitors to the company's website over time. High website traffic is a good indication that the company's marketing strategies are effective in driving traffic to the website. Low website traffic may indicate that the company needs to make changes to its website or marketing strategy to better attract visitors.

Overall, measuring and evaluating marketing performance is critical to the success of Total Marketing. By tracking key metrics and identifying trends over time, marketers can make informed decisions about future marketing strategies and ensure that the company is meeting the needs of its customers.

4. Benefits of Total Marketing

Total Marketing brings numerous benefits to businesses that adopt this approach. Firstly, customer orientation ensures that businesses are able to better understand their customers' needs and wants, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Secondly, an integrated marketing approach ensures that all aspects of marketing are aligned and work together seamlessly, resulting in a more cohesive and effective marketing strategy. This approach also leads to increased profitability as businesses are able to more effectively allocate resources and identify areas for growth. Additionally, taking a long-term perspective and continuously improving the marketing strategy helps businesses stay ahead of the competition and adapt to changing market conditions. Cross-functional coordination and innovation also lead to increased efficiency and new opportunities for growth. Furthermore, businesses that adopt a social responsibility approach and consider their global impact are more likely to attract socially conscious consumers and build a positive reputation for their brand. Overall, Total Marketing provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to marketing that leads to increased customer satisfaction, profitability, and long-term success for businesses.

5. Challenges and Risks of Total Marketing

As with any major business strategy, Total Marketing is not without its challenges and risks. One of the biggest challenges is the need for cross-functional coordination, as Total Marketing requires collaboration across various departments and teams. This can be difficult to achieve, especially in larger organizations with complex structures. Additionally, implementing Total Marketing can require significant resources and investment, which may be a barrier for smaller businesses.

Another challenge is the need to constantly innovate and improve. Total Marketing requires a long-term perspective, and companies must be willing to adapt and change their strategies as the market evolves. This can be challenging for companies that are set in their ways or resistant to change.

There are also risks associated with Total Marketing. For example, companies that focus too heavily on customer orientation may neglect other important aspects of their business, such as profitability. Additionally, companies that take a global perspective may struggle to effectively target local markets and may encounter cultural barriers.

Overall, the benefits of Total Marketing are significant, but companies must be prepared to navigate the challenges and risks that come with this approach. By understanding these challenges and taking steps to mitigate them, companies can successfully implement Total Marketing and reap the rewards of a comprehensive, customer-focused strategy.


In conclusion, Total Marketing is a comprehensive approach to marketing that takes into account all aspects of a business and its customers. By implementing the basic principles of Total Marketing, businesses can create a cohesive marketing strategy that effectively reaches their target audience and achieves their goals. The key to successful implementation is to focus on the customer and their needs, while also considering the overall business objectives. By doing so, businesses can establish a strong brand identity and build long-lasting relationships with their customers. Remember, Total Marketing is not a one-time effort, but an ongoing process that requires continuous analysis and adaptation to stay relevant in today's ever-changing market.