What is Leadership Development? Why It Matters, and How to Implement It

What is Leadership Development? Why It Matters, and How to Implement It

Leadership development is a strategic process used by organizations to enhance the skills and abilities of their employees This program helps in attracting, developing, and retaining talent, driving strategy execution, increasing success in navigating change, and improving bottom-line performance With a focus on developing emerging, middle, and senior leaders, leadership development programs offer necessary tools, accountability, and immersive learning experiences

Organizations employ leadership development as a strategic approach to enhance the leadership proficiencies and expertise of their employees, thereby preparing them adequately for future management and leadership responsibilities. This is a meticulously structured and specialized process that is geared towards equipping individuals with the necessary skills to achieve both personal and organizational goals.

What is Leadership Development?

What is Leadership Development? Why It Matters, and How to Implement It

Leadership development refers to a program aimed at training and developing competent leaders who can step into senior positions when vacancies arise. These programs are typically geared towards high-performing individuals and may be more extensive than those with narrower objectives. The success of leadership development largely depends on the quality of the program attended. Effective development is more likely to occur when the program is designed to incorporate a range of developmental experiences over a specific period of time, such as six to twelve months.

Importance of a Leadership Development Program

In the words of Baldwin and Ford (1988)-

The effectiveness of leadership development largely depends on the caliber of the program, the extent of endorsement and backing from higher authorities, as well as the traits and preferred learning approach of the individual undergoing development. This is a pressing concern for most organizations as they strive to gain a competitive edge in their respective fields.

1. Improve Bottom Line Financial Performance

Effective leadership development programs can provide managers and executives with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead their teams to success. This can include training in communication, decision-making, and strategic planning. By investing in leadership development, companies can ensure that their leaders are equipped to make informed decisions and drive growth.

Companies that prioritize the development and investment in their employees tend to have better stock market returns, up to five times greater than those who don't. Investing in leadership development can lead to cost savings, new revenue streams, and increased customer satisfaction. Ultimately, these companies are the ones that outperform others in the market and experience significant growth.

2. Attract, Develop, and Retain Talent

Effective leadership is not just about holding a position of authority but making a positive impact. Leaders who prioritize employee engagement and work towards improving the organizational pipeline's abilities to tackle deficiencies can significantly reduce difficulties and costs associated with high staff turnover. A manager's lack of strong leadership skills can make it challenging to attract and retain high-performing employees. It is more cost-effective to develop and promote individuals internally than hiring externally, making leadership development a wise investment for any organization.

3. Drive Strategy Execution

Leadership development is crucial for achieving a company's long-term goals by equipping employees with the necessary skills to meet the needs of the organization. It is not just a standalone objective but a means to an end.

Internal leadership development plays a crucial role in molding a company's culture and strategy. It not only helps in mentoring and grooming individuals within the organization but also proves to be a cost-effective alternative to external hiring.

4. Increase Success in Navigating Change

Undoubtedly, supporting employees is a crucial aspect of effective leadership, and a skilled leader will ensure that their institution is free from any problematic situations. However, true agility can only be achieved when businesses tap into the full potential of their talent pools, not just relying on top leaders and high potentials.

5. Resolves Skills Transfer Gap

The skills that students acquire at their colleges or institutions often go unused in their jobs, posing a significant challenge to executive education. Cognitive, applied psychologists, and neuroscience researchers have found that the distance between the locus of skill acquisition and application plays a critical role in determining whether a student will apply their newfound skills in practice.

Consequently, these skills are of no use. But a good leader knows how to put these skills to maximum use effortlessly.

Elements of a Business Leadership Development Program

What is Leadership Development? Why It Matters, and How to Implement It

Different elements of a leadership development program are associated with the different stages of leadership development which are mentioned below-

1. Developing Emerging Leaders


Leading a key functional project

Group coaching

Mentoring and coaching

2. Developing Middle Management

Exposure to higher-level or senior leaders

Professional or industry association involvement

Action learning to learn solving a high-level real-world business issue

Acting as a coach or mentor

Cross-functional, cross-level, or international business assignments

Leading a major organizational initiative

Volunteer leadership or board role

360-degree assessments

3. Developing Senior Leaders

Individual coaching

Executive team coaching

Executive education programs and advanced degrees

4 Steps to Create Leadership Development Solutions

Knowing the significance of leadership development, it is also essential to know how one can create a plan of the same. The following are some of the methods: –

1. Assessing and identifying talent

To identify their most promising candidates, some companies implement development programs that cultivate top talent. However, for businesses without such programs, a straightforward approach is to focus on candidates who exhibit high potential, exceptional work ethic, notable achievements, and are essential team players.

2. Obtaining buy-in from stakeholders

While leadership development is a valuable opportunity, not every employee may be interested in taking on a leadership role. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the plan for leadership development is agreed upon by senior leadership, managers/supervisors, and the individual who will be participating in the program. The objectives of the plan, how they will be achieved, when the program will take place, and who will participate should all be discussed and agreed upon. If an employee declines or postpones participation, it could be due to other obligations or simply a lack of enthusiasm.

3. Identifying the leadership style

Organizations have the flexibility to choose from eight different types of programs for their leadership format, which are influenced by their culture and specific needs. These options range from autocratic and authoritative to democratic, pacesetting, coaching, affiliative, Laissez-faire, and transformational.

4. Determining the Key Leadership Competencies

Effective leadership development programs play a crucial role in preparing the next generation of leaders and building a strong foundation for companies. These programs focus on developing competencies such as leading the organization, leading others, and leading oneself, based on the specific needs of the company.

Six Skills to Include in a Leadership Development Program

To create a top-notch leadership development program, it is crucial to provide leaders with the necessary skills, techniques, and behaviors to effectively lead their team and enhance organizational performance. In order to achieve this goal, the program should encompass six essential skills for leadership development: -

1. Coaching

Leaders can help their subordinates reach their full potential through effective coaching. By identifying coachable moments and turning them into valuable learning experiences, leaders with exceptional coaching skills can positively impact staff engagement and productivity on a daily basis.

2. Accountability

Great leaders understand that the success of their team is crucial to their own success. They acknowledge that they are accountable for both their own actions and the actions of their team, and that they are ultimately responsible for the results achieved. By imparting this critical differentiation, leaders can ensure that they establish accountability and can report on commitments made.

3. Change Management

A company is a dynamic organization that constantly adapts to market fluctuations, staff turnover, corporate growth, and various other factors. As changes occur, leaders must be equipped to navigate them successfully, whether it's a minor adjustment or a major disruption. Therefore, change management training should be a crucial component of any leadership development program to ensure that leaders can provide effective guidance and direction in any season.

4. Influence and Negotiation

Effective leaders are those who possess the ability to influence their team members in a positive manner and negotiate fairly. Their power lies not in their position or authority, but in their capacity to create meaningful connections with their workers, align priorities, and ultimately arrive at mutually beneficial outcomes. Rather than relying solely on their hierarchical standing, leaders leverage their delicate touch to achieve successful initiatives and results.

5. Communication

Effective communication is a crucial skill for leadership, but it cannot be learned solely through passive means like reading, watching, or listening. Leaders must actively engage in various forms of communication, from large presentations to one-on-one conversations, phone calls, text messages, videoconferencing, and emails, in order to truly master this skill. To be successful both now and in the future, leaders must prioritize and optimize their communication skills.

6. Immersive Learning

Navigating the ambiguous realm of leadership demands a nuanced approach to managing people. One effective tool is immersive learning, which provides a lifelike environment for individuals to engage in activities and make mistakes without the risk of real-world consequences. These simulations mirror the complexities of real life, where multiple factors are at play simultaneously.

Virtual leadership training has the potential to bring about significant positive changes in an organization. With the right execution and alignment with company goals, such programs can enhance individual leadership skills, increase employee engagement and retention, and foster a strong corporate culture. It is imperative that the program design is based on sound statistical principles and tailored to meet the specific needs of the company.

Advantages of leadership development

What is Leadership Development? Why It Matters, and How to Implement It

The advantages of an effective leadership development program are –

Builds a pool of talented people who can help the company in achieving its vision, mission, goals, and objectives

Increases employee engagement

Creates a leadership model that is clearly defined

The leadership development program shows the intent of a company to create a leadership culture that will be consistent and long-term

Employees become self-reliant

Improved employee retention

High accountability

Effective problem-solving skills

Role clarity

Decisive decision-making skills

Creates team spirit

Improve corporate culture

Mend skill gaps

Improved focus

Enhanced awareness and sense of responsibility

High productivity

Increased creativity

Drives performances improvements

High innovation

High brand visibility amongst potential employees as everyone wants to be associated with a company that can demonstrate the willingness to let the employees grow professionally

The leadership burden is shared amongst the chosen few

Talent scouting

Attract and retain talent

Improve bottom-line

Creates a culture that encourages feedback and coaching with positive intent

Boost organizational agility

Reducing attrition costs

Fosters a mindset of adaptability

Helps to recognize performance gaps in the organization and aids in filling them

Developing future leaders

Developing effectual leadership styles

Facilitates collaborative partnership at every level in the organization


Promotes communication and teamwork, which are crucial for achieving organizational goals.

Fosters personal and professional growth among employees, leading to increased job satisfaction and motivation.

Creates a culture of trust, respect, and accountability, which enhances overall productivity and performance.

Encourages innovation and creativity, as employees are more likely to share ideas and take risks in a supportive environment.

Builds a strong sense of community and belonging among team members, reducing turnover rates and promoting loyalty to the organization.

Better strategy making and planning

Leading from the front and setting up good examples

Disadvantages of leadership development

What is Leadership Development? Why It Matters, and How to Implement It

learned during the program. This can result in a breach of trust between the management and the employees, and can even lead to legal consequences. Additionally, some employees may become overconfident and arrogant after undergoing leadership development training, which can negatively impact team dynamics and overall productivity. Another potential drawback is the high cost of implementing a comprehensive leadership development program, which may not be feasible for smaller organizations or those with limited resources.


Rewritten: Focusing on developing leadership skills can sometimes lead individuals to neglect their management abilities. They may shift their priorities and start prioritizing showcasing their leadership qualities over important tasks such as coordinating, organizing, and planning. Additionally, investing in leadership development programs can be costly and increase expenses for a company.


However, the investment in a leadership development program can result in significant personal and professional growth. The program provides opportunities for employees to acquire new skills, gain exposure to different perspectives, and develop a deeper understanding of their own leadership style. While the path may be challenging, the potential rewards make it a worthwhile journey.

The success of the program largely hinges on the instructor's ability to establish rapport with his or her students. Without this crucial connection, the program is at risk of failing. As such, it is vital to carefully select an instructor who possesses the necessary skills and qualities to effectively lead and engage participants. For more insights on effective leadership development, check out this informative video.

Reasons to implement a leadership development program

What is Leadership Development? Why It Matters, and How to Implement It

The reasons to implement a leadership development program in an organization are as follows

1. Make better decisions

One of the reasons for implementing a leadership development program is to create leaders who can make quick, well-informed and viable decisions

2. Provide a stronger purpose

Investing in a leadership development program can provide the company with the opportunity to cultivate a new generation of leaders who possess both a clear strategic vision and a strong sense of purpose, as well as the courage to put them into action. This can lead to the creation of compelling strategies that drive the company forward and ensure continued success.

3. Increase productivity

Leadership development programs are crucial in enhancing empathy within leaders. This, in turn, enables them to build better connections with their employees and foster employee engagement and satisfaction.

This will ultimately result in increased productivity

4. Improve bottom-line performances

Leadership development programs are a valuable investment for any organization, as they have the potential to boost customer satisfaction, identify new revenue streams, and reduce costs. By focusing on developing strong leaders, companies can improve their bottom-line performance and achieve long-term success.

5. Retain employees

A leadership development program presents an opportunity for employees to advance their careers without having to leave their current job. Individuals aspiring for high-level managerial positions can now prepare themselves for the role they desire in the future.

6. Provide accountability

The program helps employees to take a proactive approach to change, to capitalize on their strengths and overcome weaknesses.

This way the potential leaders can develop accountability in themselves that will prove a boon in the long-run.

7. Offers necessary tools

A reason for the leadership development program is that it offers essential tools to the participants that can help them in developing their leadership skills.

8. Drive strategy execution

Businesses must prioritize implementing a leadership development strategy to cultivate and enhance the skills of potential leaders. This will enable them to effectively implement necessary changes and execute them in accordance with the company's goals and objectives.

9. Navigate change

Implementing a leadership development program can enhance an employee's capability to swiftly and proficiently adapt to unforeseeable circumstances. This program also aims to cultivate a group of potential leaders who possess the skills to manage and navigate changes adeptly.

The Current & Future State of Leadership Development

As per a survey in 2021 by global research and advisory firm Gartner, the top five priorities for HR Leaders are-

Building Critical Skills and Competencies – 68%

Organizational Design and Change Management – 46%

Current and Future Leadership Bench – 44%

Future of work – 28%

Developing and enhancing critical skills and competencies, as well as creating a strong leadership bench for both current and future needs, are crucial elements of an effective leadership development program within organizations. This not only empowers employees but also helps organizations to build a skilled and competent workforce that can help them achieve their goals and objectives.

The exponential growth of corporate universities has resulted in over 4,000 establishments globally. The leadership development industry is undergoing a transformation with the swift digitization of content and interaction. The availability of online programs, courses, and tools has made it more convenient to deliver value effectively, while ensuring that managers remain engaged and continue to grow in their roles. As a result, leadership development has become a crucial aspect of personal, managerial, and organizational development, and is often included in succession planning practices.


In today's fast-paced and cutthroat business world, leadership development has become an indispensable factor for organizations looking to thrive and flourish. By investing in the development of their leaders, companies can ensure long-term sustainability and success in highly competitive markets.

With the help of a leadership development program, organization becomes successful in –

Optimizing the bottom-line financial performance

Pulling in and retaining talent

Driving effective strategy execution

Increasing success in navigating change