What Is Interpersonal Communication and Its Importance?

What Is Interpersonal Communication and Its Importance?

Interpersonal communication is the exchange of information, thoughts, and feelings between two or more individuals It involves verbal and nonverbal communication, active listening, feedback, and context Effective interpersonal communication is essential for teamwork, productivity, problem-solving, and retaining quality staff Examples include phone calls, meetings, emails, and presentations Improving interpersonal communication involves being present, honest, empathetic, and paying attention to nonverbal cues

Interpersonal communication encompasses all forms of communication between individuals or groups, including verbal and nonverbal exchanges. It involves the sharing of information, thoughts, and feelings through a variety of activities and behaviors.

What is Interpersonal Communication?

Effective interpersonal communication involves the exchange of thoughts, feelings and information through verbal and non-verbal means between two or more people. Non-verbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice, along with active listening, are essential components of interpersonal communication. These skills can be honed with practice, feedback, and knowledge, ultimately elevating the quality of communication to a higher level. In today's fiercely competitive world, strong interpersonal communication skills are crucial in fostering positive relationships among employees in the workplace.

Types of interpersonal communication

Interpersonal communication skills take place under the following categories

1. Verbal Communication

Verbal communication involves more than just the words we speak. In fact, only 7% of communication relies on the actual words used. The other 38% is conveyed through para-verbal cues such as tone, rhythm, and intonation. It's not just what we say, but how we say it that truly impacts effective communication. Understanding the importance of emphasis, context, and delivery can help us become more skilled in verbal communication.

2. Written Communication

Written communication involves the use of words or symbols to convey information, such as text messages, reports, emails, memos, letters, and short notes. Some individuals may use emojis to express emotions in their messages. Since written words are legally binding, businesses and workplaces prioritize interpersonal communication skills that involve written communication.

3. Listening

In a meaningful conversation, active listening can be more crucial than speaking. Merely hearing what someone says is not enough, as it is an involuntary action. Active listening, on the other hand, requires full concentration and intent, making it a valuable interpersonal skill that requires effort to master.

4. Non-verbal Communication

Nonverbal communication, which involves conveying messages without words, can be just as impactful as verbal communication. Posture, facial expressions, and body language all play a role in this type of interpersonal communication. In fact, research shows that nonverbal communication makes up 55% of human communication overall. In the context of online communication, there are two main types: synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous communication occurs in real-time, with messages being exchanged immediately. Asynchronous communication, on the other hand, allows for a delayed response, with the receiver choosing to respond at their convenience.

Read more on the Types of Communication.

Elements of interpersonal communication

Important elements of developing interpersonal communication skills taking place between two or more people include

1. The Communicators

Effective communication requires at least two individuals, with one person sending a message and the other receiving it. Interpersonal communication skills enable a two-way exchange of information, where both the speaker and listener are engaged in an interactive process. Through nonverbal cues such as smiles, head nods, tone of voice, and gestures, feedback can be shared and understood between the communicators.

2. The Message

Effective interpersonal communication involves conveying a message between a sender and a receiver. This process includes both verbal elements such as tone, language, and choice of words, as well as non-verbal cues like body language, facial expressions, and gestures that express emotional attitudes. It is important to pay attention to both types of communication in order to convey a message accurately and create a positive connection with the listener.

3. Noise

In the realm of interpersonal communication theory, noise denotes any interference that arises between individuals and causes communication breakdowns. Noise can result in speakers conveying messages that are distinct from the ones that listeners receive and comprehend. Such misunderstandings can disrupt relationships between two individuals or even among employees in a workplace. Noise can manifest as unnecessary jargon, language barriers, inattention, cultural differences, disinterest, and incorrect body language, all of which contribute to poor interpersonal communication skills.

4. Feedback

Ensuring that the receiver interprets the message correctly is crucial in maintaining positive professional relationships and a harmonious workplace environment. Feedback is essential in helping the sender evaluate their effectiveness and make adjustments for future communication. Through feedback, the sender can gauge the accuracy of their message and the resulting reaction, whether it be through favorable verbal statements such as "good work" or non-favorable statements like "it is not up to the mark." Non-verbal expressions like a nod with a smile or a rigid posture can also provide valuable feedback.

5. Context

In order to achieve effective interpersonal communication, contextual factors must be taken into consideration. The way in which a message is received and interpreted by the receiver is heavily influenced by environmental, situational, and cultural factors. These factors include the participant's personal interests, family relationships, gender, and expectations from the interaction, as well as the time and place in which the communication takes place.

6. Channel

In the realm of interpersonal communication theory, a channel is the means by which a message is conveyed and received, as well as the manner in which the communication transpires. Among the various communication channels utilized in the workplace, critical ones include in-person communication utilizing visual and auditory cues, intranets, email, and telephone conversations.

Importance of Interpersonal Communication

What Is Interpersonal Communication and Its Importance?

Effective communication is essential for the success of any organization, as it enables growth strategies and promotes long-term success. Therefore, it is crucial for both management and employees to recognize the significance of interpersonal communication. This not only allows the organization to flourish but also provides employees with opportunities to advance their careers and broaden their knowledge across different industries.

Here are some points on why strong interpersonal communication skills are important…

1) The flow of thoughts and ideas

When both management and employees recognize the significance of interpersonal communication, it creates an environment where ideas and thoughts can be freely exchanged during both formal and informal sessions. This can lead to remarkable results, as any idea has the potential to spark success and contribute to the overall growth of the organization.

2) Enhances teamwork

When a company and its management prioritize the value of interpersonal communication in the workplace and foster it as a cultural norm, the team bonding among employees is strengthened. This, in turn, leads to improved teamwork - where colleagues share the workload during demanding deadlines and support each other through tough times.

Teamwork is a crucial aspect for any organization, as success is achieved through collaborative efforts rather than individual accomplishments. Similarly, employees also benefit from working in a team environment, where they can learn and grow from their peers and colleagues, ultimately enhancing their career prospects.

3) Higher productivity

Effective communication between staff and management is key to creating open and clear communication channels within a firm. By working collaboratively and discussing issues and problems together, teams can find viable solutions that lead to increased productivity. With higher levels of productivity, companies are better equipped to achieve their short and long term goals efficiently and effectively.

4) Helps to solve problems and issues

In organizations with complex hierarchies, interpersonal conflicts are inevitable. Competitive attitudes, insecurities, jealousy, and personal biases can all contribute to these issues.

When employees grasp the significance of interpersonal communication and apply it effectively, they demonstrate rational and mature behavior, and resolve any existing issues or challenges. Additionally, they can prevent potential problems in the future. Such a trait and quality brings benefits not only to the company but also to the employees themselves.

5) Iron out the bottlenecks

Effective communication is crucial for any organization to thrive, especially when faced with demanding deadlines and high expectations from stakeholders. However, these challenges often lead to bottlenecks that impede progress and growth. Nevertheless, these bottlenecks can serve as opportunities for the organization and its members to learn, adapt and evolve.

Open and transparent interpersonal communication between staff and management is key to overcoming these bottlenecks. Through dialogue and the exchange of thoughts and ideas, the organization can discover innovative solutions to even the most complex problems. Therefore, fostering a culture of effective communication and collaboration is essential for success.

6) Helps to retain quality staff

In addition to fulfilling their assigned roles and responsibilities, the internal staff of the company values strong interpersonal skills when interacting with management. They also appreciate recognition for their high-quality work.

If employees feel heard and valued through the implementation of an open door policy, it can lead to long-term loyalty and motivation. Retaining a high-quality and skilled workforce is essential for a company's rapid growth and success. Therefore, possessing effective interpersonal skills is a crucial factor in achieving this goal.

7) Positive image

By recognizing the significance of interpersonal communication and establishing open and honest dialogue with stakeholders, such as investors, vendors, and customers, the company can enhance its reputation in a positive way. It is crucial for the company to have a knowledgeable and skilled spokesperson who can effectively represent the brand and convey the company's message. Additionally, conducting press conferences can be an effective method to address investor concerns, as well as keep them informed about the company's advancements.

8) Attracts investors and vendors

Maintaining open and transparent communication channels within the firm's hierarchy and with external stakeholders helps establish a positive and fair reputation for the management in the market.

The firm's ability to attract quality vendors and investors is strengthened by the excellent communication skills of its top management and employees. This support is essential for the company to achieve its financial stability and overall goals. To increase profits and sales, the company relies heavily on the expertise and partnership of its vendors and stakeholders. For further insights on effective communication, watch this video on Interpersonal Communication.

Examples of Interpersonal Communication

Some important example of interpersonal communication are

1. Phone calls

In today's world, phones and mobile devices have become indispensable. They are not just a means of communication, but also serve as our personal assistants, entertainment hubs, and even wallets. Whether it's for personal or professional use, phones have made our lives easier and more convenient. They enable us to stay connected with people, no matter where we are in the world. Without them, it would be difficult to imagine how we would manage our daily lives.

2. Meetings

As a vital aspect of any business, meetings serve as a prime example of interpersonal communication in the workplace. Traditionally conducted face-to-face, the pandemic has necessitated a shift towards virtual meetings, with Zoom emerging as a firm favorite among employees.

3. Emails and texting

The advent of emails and texting has revolutionized the way people communicate, making it faster and more efficient. With its widespread use in both personal and professional settings, email has become a crucial tool for effective communication.

4. Presentations

In the corporate world, presentations hold a significant place when it comes to effective communication. A well-crafted presentation has the power to motivate and inspire the team to perform their best during business meetings.

How to Improve Interpersonal Communication?

Some of the best ways to improve your interpersonal communication skills are as follows –

1. Putting away the mobile device

Putting away your mobile device during meetings or important conversations demonstrates your commitment to giving undivided attention to the task at hand. This simple action helps ensure that everyone involved remains fully engaged, leading to stronger professional relationships and improved communication between all parties. By limiting distractions, both the sender and receiver of messages can enhance their focus and better absorb the information being conveyed.

2. Do not interrupt

It is important to practice active listening in order to improve your interpersonal communication skills. This means allowing the other person to speak without interruption so that you can fully understand and absorb their message. Interrupting someone can come across as disrespectful and shows a lack of interest in what the other person is saying. Remember to value the opinions and thoughts of others by giving them the space to express themselves fully.

3. Maintaining eye contact

Maintaining eye contact is a crucial communication skill that can foster meaningful conversations. This non-verbal cue demonstrates your commitment to the interaction and signifies that you are fully engaged in understanding the other person's viewpoint. Conversely, looking at your phone, gazing around the room, or staring out of the window sends the message that you are disinterested or apathetic towards the conversation. By holding the gaze of the person you are speaking with, you can establish a sense of trust and build stronger connections.

4. Be honest

Honesty and integrity are key components in building and maintaining strong relationships, both personally and professionally. It is crucial to always be truthful with yourself and others during interactions, as this builds a foundation of trust. Communicating your commitment to honesty and integrity will help to strengthen relationships, while lying can lead to negative consequences that can harm your reputation. In the business world, trust is essential, and no one wants to make commitments with someone they cannot rely on.

5. Stop making assumptions

Effective interpersonal communication requires avoiding assumptions and actively seeking understanding. Rather than assuming, take the time to ask questions and listen attentively to gain a full and clear picture of the situation. This approach allows for the gathering of relevant facts, clearing up misunderstandings, and ultimately improving relationships through strong communication skills.

6. Pay attention to non-verbal cues

Effective communication involves paying attention to non-verbal cues, as they can often convey more meaning than the words spoken. Mastering body language, facial expressions, gestures, posture, tone of voice, and a friendly demeanor can subtly guide a conversation in the right direction. In fact, during business meetings, non-verbal cues are often relied upon heavily before making important decisions.

7. Be positive

Adopting a positive approach towards yourself and others can lead to significant improvements in your personal growth and relationships. Embracing an optimistic attitude and avoiding judgmental behavior can have a transformative effect on your workplace interactions, as people tend to respond positively to those who radiate positivity.

8. Be empathetic

Developing strong interpersonal skills requires one to be empathetic towards others. This means being able to place oneself in someone else's shoes to gain a broader perspective and understanding of their situation. Without empathy, it is difficult to comprehend the struggles and challenges that others are facing. Cultivating empathy is not only beneficial in business but also helps to foster positive relationships among colleagues in the workplace.


Effective interpersonal communication has been emphasized since our schooling days and continues to be a crucial component in management training institutes and personality development classes. Whether it's personal growth or professional success, communication plays a vital role. However, it's important to note that communication should be unbiased, clear, concise, honest, and without any hidden agendas.


Oral Communication


Mass Communication


Types of Communication