What Are Organizational Values and Their Importance: A Comprehensive Guide

What Are Organizational Values and Their Importance: A Comprehensive Guide

Organizational values are the backbone of a company, shaping its culture and defining its purpose By putting values at the forefront, hiring based on values, working by values, and rewarding values, organizations can bring their values to life The advantages of strong organizational values are numerous, but they must be carefully built and integrated into organizational processes

Organizational values serve as the backbone of a company, providing a foundation that establishes the core of the organizational culture. They mirror the company's vision and mission and help define what is beneficial and detrimental to the organization.

Organizational values serve as the guiding principles that shape the culture and identity of a company. By establishing clear and concise values, employees are motivated to uphold the organization's moral compass and strive towards excellence in their work. In turn, these values create a positive and productive work environment that fosters growth and success.

What are organizational values?

The values of an organization encompass its principles, actions, and decision-making processes. These values serve as a guiding light, outlining the direction in which the company should move forward. By adhering to these principles, an organization can easily decipher and execute its decisions.

However, when the behavior of an individual conflicts with the values of the organization, it can lead to stress and anxiety. This is why it is crucial for companies to establish and define their organizational values from the very beginning, ensuring that there is a smooth flow of business activities.

Employees need to fully embrace and practice the organizational values in order for the company to achieve its strategic goals. Failure to do so can hinder progress and success. The values serve as a guide for acceptable behavior towards the community, customers, and fellow employees. By following these values, employees are directed towards the appropriate way to behave, treat others, and respond to changes in the work environment. This clarity helps to strengthen employee commitment and fosters a positive work environment.

4 Ways to bring organizational values to life

What Are Organizational Values and Their Importance: A Comprehensive Guide

It is essential to devise ways to bring organizational values to life so that they do not get lost in the everyday work life. Some steps in this endeavour are as follows-

1. Put the organizational values at the forefront

of what the business stands for. These values should not be looked upon as mere words but should be integrated into the company culture and reflected in every action taken by the organization. It is essential to ensure that every employee understands and embodies these values to maintain consistency and integrity in all business dealings. By doing so, the business can establish a strong reputation and build trust with customers, partners, and stakeholders.

2. Hire based on values

Establishing a team of employees who adhere to the moral standards set by the organization is crucial. To achieve this, it is essential to incorporate the organizational values into the hiring process. By doing so, you can create a foundation for the expected behavior and attitudes of your employees, ultimately contributing to the success of your organization.

3. Work by your values

It's not enough to simply know the values of your organization; they must be put into practice consistently. One way to do this is by integrating them into your company culture. For instance, if your employees are expected to work specific hours, find ways to make that a part of your daily operations. And in the event of emergencies or unforeseen circumstances that require them to work additional hours, consider offering extra incentives or benefits to show your appreciation for their efforts.

3. Work by your values

4. Reward values

Promote and reward the employees who have been diligent in their efforts to adopt organizational values as their core values. This will encourage others to follow suit

Advantages of organizational values

Ways to bring organizational values to life

The advantages of organizational values are as follows-

Organizational values encourage healthy growth and overall development in an organization.

by providing a clear sense of direction and purpose. These values also shape the organizational culture, which in turn influences the behavior of employees and defines acceptable conduct within the workplace. Thus, organizational goals are intrinsically linked to the values that underpin them, and these values must be communicated and reinforced consistently throughout the organization to ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards the same objectives.

Organizational values reduce the risk of inappropriate behaviour in the company

Organizational values boost integrity and accountability factors amongst internal employees and external stakeholders

Establishing clear organizational values can provide a framework for employees to prioritize their work-life balance. By having a strong foundation of values, employees may feel a sense of pride in their association with the company, fostering a committed workforce.

Solid organizational values play a key role in motivating employees within a company. They also shape the brand and image of the organization in the market. Ethical and responsible values are highly valued by the public, and companies that embody these principles are often embraced as part of the community. On the other hand, organizations without clear values may not be as well-received.


When a company upholds ethical values, it earns the trust and loyalty of its customers, leading to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals. This ultimately translates into increased sales and revenue.

In addition, ethical values can attract and retain top talent, as employees are more likely to want to work for a company that aligns with their own values and principles. This can result in a more motivated and engaged workforce, leading to higher productivity and ultimately, increased profit margins.

Overall, incorporating ethical values into a company's culture and operations can have numerous benefits beyond just improving its bottom line. It can establish a positive reputation in the industry, attract and retain top talent, and ultimately drive long-term success.

by promoting consistency and credibility. These values serve as a guide for employees in making decisions and actions that align with the company's objectives. They also help in building trust and confidence among customers, stakeholders, and the public. By consistently upholding these values, a company can establish a positive image and reputation, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and a competitive advantage in the market. Overall, organizational values play a crucial role in the value-creation process and are essential for the long-term success of a company.

Organizational values improve the ethical character of the organization with time

Organizational values strengthen the employment value proposition

Disadvantages of organizational values

The disadvantages of organizational values are as follows-

Misalignment of personal and organizational values can create a cognitive dissonance for employees, potentially resulting in dissatisfaction and disillusionment. Furthermore, an inconsistent value system may contribute to an uneven work-life balance for individuals.

When individual and organizational values show differences, it can hamper the growth and development process of the organization

How to build organizational values?

What Are Organizational Values and Their Importance: A Comprehensive Guide

The following steps can easily help in identifying and building strong organizational values

1. Assess your current organizational culture

Organizational values form the foundation of any organizational culture. To identify and establish these values, it is crucial to conduct a thorough evaluation of the current organizational culture. It is important to focus on what your organization represents and the image it portrays to both its employees and the outside world.

2. Review the strategic plan

Assessing the organization's culture and values starts with understanding the current brand impression, which is crucial both internally and externally. To gain insight, it's important to speak with employees, clients, and vendors, as well as utilize online surveys, feedback, and focus groups. By doing so, you can better comprehend the organization's identity and how effectively the brand represents and enacts its values.


It is important to understand that the strategic business plan of a company is closely linked to its organizational culture and values. To ensure that the company is moving in the right direction with regards to its values, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of its future goals.

To achieve this, it is recommended to review the strategic business plan with the team and develop a plan for growth, development, and expansion. This approach can assist in identifying and building the desired organizational values.

3. Look at the organizational culture to build organizational values

It is crucial to analyze and comprehend the organizational values that are aligned with your business plan and organizational culture, both present and future. This step will help you identify the core values that drive your organization and align them with the strategic objectives of your business.

Identifying the ideal set of skills, knowledge, educational background, and personal traits to look for in potential employees is crucial to establishing and nurturing the core values of your organization.

4. Look and decide to make changes if necessary

It is common for entrepreneurs to establish their business with a set of values and principles that align with their vision. As time passes, it is important to evaluate whether these values still hold true and are being reflected in the company's actions and behavior. With changing times, it might be necessary to adapt and make revisions to the organizational culture, policies and processes to stay relevant and competitive. If you are seeking ways to identify and strengthen your organizational values, consider revising or shifting them to better align with the present times.

5. Define the meaning of the chosen values

Identify the values that hold utmost significance and relevance for your organization and articulate their purpose in a manner that is comprehensible for everyone. Clearly outline the specific behaviors and processes that the company will endorse to uphold these organizational values and ensure their efficacy in benefitting the company.

It is imperative to have a clear understanding of each value before putting them into action to increase its worth

6. Integrate organizational values into organizational processes

Integrating your newly defined organizational values into your processes is crucial to maximizing their impact. By doing so, you can create a strong foundation for future operations and streamline hiring, recruiting, and employee onboarding. Additionally, consider aligning your values with compensation and benefit plans through performance reviews as a way to identify and promote organizational values within your company.