Ways to assist civilians in Ukraine

Ways to assist civilians in Ukraine

Civilians in Ukraine, both displaced and those still residing in conflict zones, require urgent humanitarian assistance to alleviate their suffering and meet their basic needs

It has been almost two years since Russian forces entered Ukraine, and both the civilians who are still there and those who have been forced to leave their homes are still in need of humanitarian assistance. About 5.9 million refugees have fled to various parts of Europe from the war-torn country, and an estimated 3.7 million people are displaced within Ukraine, as per UN statistics.

"The conflict in Ukraine has resulted in a humanitarian crisis for the entire population," stated Christopher Boian, spokesperson for UNHCR in an interview with CNN.

In response to the invasion, CNN viewers have contributed more than $8 million to support the Ukrainian people. However, the ongoing fighting continues to create urgent needs for assistance.

You can find out how to help here or by using the form below.