Warrior Nun's Future Revealed: 10 Burning Questions Answered

Warrior Nun's Future Revealed: 10 Burning Questions Answered

Discover the burning questions awaiting answers in the upcoming Warrior Nun movies From romantic entanglements to divine beings, get ready for revelations that will leave you on the edge of your seat


Warrior Nun, the supernatural TV show canceled by Netflix, will be wrapped up in a trilogy of movies, giving fans a chance to have their questions answered.

The potential romance between Ava and Beatrice in the movies is further complicated by Beatrice leaving the Order, and Ava's transportation to another realm adds another layer of complexity.

In addition, the movies offer the chance to reintroduce JC, provide an explanation for Mary's disappearance, and potentially unveil Reya as the ultimate antagonist. Furthermore, they can delve into the hidden truths surrounding Adriel and Reya's true nature.

Warrior Nun, the supernatural TV show adapted from comic books, faced cancellation after two seasons on Netflix. However, thanks to the #SaveWarriorNun fan campaign, the show has been given a lifeline. This means that the movies now have the opportunity to provide answers to the lingering questions left unanswered. A loyal fan following was built up prior to the show's cancellation, and now a trilogy of Warrior Nun movies will bring closure to the story. With unresolved plotlines and cliffhangers still haunting fans from both seasons, the films will be responsible for tying up loose ends and unraveling the mysteries of the show. Alba Baptista portrays Ava, an orphan with newfound powers who joins a secret Catholic order after being resurrected. The shocking revelation in season 1 that the supposedly angelic Adriel is actually evil led to Ava's ultimate victory over him in season 2. However, there are still unresolved subplots and unanswered questions surrounding the show's lore and the disappearance of certain characters that will hopefully be addressed in the Warrior Nun movies.

10 Will Ava & Beatrice Get Together In Warrior Nun's Movies?

Warrior Nun's Future Revealed: 10 Burning Questions Answered

9 What Happened To JC After Warrior Nun Season 1?

Ava and Beatrice, a dedicated member of the Order of the Cruciform Sword, developed a closer bond in Warrior Nun season 2 when they sought refuge together in the Alps. As a nun, Beatrice could not confront her emotions without risking her current life. However, fans of the "Avatrice" ship had reason to celebrate when the two finally shared a kiss in the season 2 finale, paving the way for a potential relationship in future movies. Beatrice has made the decision to leave the Order, freeing herself and Ava to pursue a romantic connection. However, Ava has also been transported to Reya's realm, known as the other side. It remains to be seen if this barrier will obstruct their true love.

Warrior Nun's Future Revealed: 10 Burning Questions Answered

The fate of a prominent character, JC, remains unexplored in Season 2 of Warrior Nun. However, the movies have a golden opportunity to either bring him back or shed light on his whereabouts. JC, a charismatic leader of a group of friends who indulged in luxurious European parties by trespassing into vacant villas, became close to Ava after she acquired her extraordinary abilities. Unfortunately, following her intense encounter with a formidable Tarask, Ava left JC behind and he mysteriously vanished. There is more to JC than meets the eye, as his initials are identical to those of Jesus Christ. It would be a disservice not to reveal to the audience what unfolded in his subsequent journey.

8 Are Shotgun Mary & Michael Really Dead?

Warrior Nun's Future Revealed: 10 Burning Questions Answered

Shotgun Mary was a fan favorite in season 1 of Warrior Nun, with actress Toya Turner delivering an exceptional performance. However, she did not return for season 2. Showrunner Simon Davis Barry revealed in an interview with Screen Rant that Turner had to exit the show. In the storyline, the sisters discover that Mary has passed away, although the cause is not revealed, and no body is shown, leaving the possibility that she may still be alive. Barry explained the situation further:

"Our original plan was to include Mary in season 2. Unfortunately, at the start of filming, Toya had to depart from the show due to personal reasons. As a result, we had to quickly make adjustments to the storyline to accommodate her absence."

Similarly, the conclusion of Warrior Nun's second season saw Lilith ruthlessly ending Michael's life, resulting in his body spontaneously detonating. Yet, appearances can be deceiving, for Michael harbors a profound connection to Reya and imparted to his mother Jillian, "a part of me will forever endure."

7 Will Reya Be Warrior Nun's Final Villain?

Warrior Nun's Future Revealed: 10 Burning Questions Answered

In Warrior Nun season 2, Michael and Ava, realizing Adriel's true nature, decide to trust Reya's guidance. However, in the season finale, Adriel cryptically warns Ava about stopping "a devourer of worlds," which implies that he might be referring to Reya. Reya's motives remain unknown to the viewers. Additionally, Lilith, who previously worked for Adriel, seems to possess information that Ava lacks. Towards the end of the season, Lilith advises Ava to choose the right side, suggesting that the Order may be mistaken and that they should oppose Reya instead. With Adriel's demise, Reya emerges as a potential candidate for the role of the main antagonist in future installments.

6 What Kind Of Beings Are Adriel & Reya?

Warrior Nun's Future Revealed: 10 Burning Questions Answered

After speculating on whether Adriel is an angel or a demon, the characters in Warrior Nun, along with the viewers, are left in a state of uncertainty regarding his true nature. One theory circulating about Warrior Nun suggests that both Adriel and Reya could potentially be extraterrestrial beings. This theory hints at the possibility of an entire interdimensional race to which Adriel and Reya belong, suggesting that there may be many more similar entities yet to be discovered. Furthermore, the narrative implies a connection between these beings and various religions. In the realm of Warrior Nun, it is revealed that the Biblical crown of thorns was employed to neutralize Jesus' powers, just as it was used to subdue Adriel. Intriguingly, Adriel even addresses Reya as "God." To further enhance the storyline, it is imperative for the future Warrior Nun films to shed more light on Reya's people, especially if the sisters find themselves engaged in a battle against them. Additionally, the films should delve into how these beings are intricately linked to the religious mythology of the franchise.

5 How Will Ava Return From The Other Side In Warrior Nun's Movies

Warrior Nun's Future Revealed: 10 Burning Questions Answered

Ava's life hangs in the balance as she ventures into Reya's realm in a desperate bid to save her. The explosive encounter with Divinium shrapnel left Reya severely wounded, leaving Ava with no choice but to traverse the mystical portal. However, her journey might prove to be far from effortless, as her previous encounters with this realm were confined to mere visions. On the other hand, Michael endured years in this parallel dimension, maturing within its confines. To reclaim her pivotal role in the storyline, Ava must find her way out and reestablish herself. Alongside her quest, enlightening discoveries about this enigmatic realm will unravel, offering insight into its perplexing nature, which different characters have alternatively perceived as both heaven and hell.

4 Where Will The Crown Of Thorns End Up After Warrior Nun's Season 2?

Warrior Nun's Future Revealed: 10 Burning Questions Answered

In season 2 of Warrior Nun, Ava devised a plan to defeat Adriel by utilizing the crown of thorns. However, things took an unforeseen turn when Michael met his demise, disrupting their strategy. Subsequently, Adriel attempted to employ the crown on Reya, but met with failure as well. Ultimately, the last sighting of the crown for viewers was a shot depicting its abandonment on the ground after the intense battle in the finale. Ava proceeded to traverse through the portal to Reya's realm. Consequently, the whereabouts of this pivotal artifact carry significant importance for the movie's plot since its possession grants a significant advantage. Although it is plausible that Beatrice may have retrieved the crown, there is no guarantee that she subsequently delivered it to the Order.

3 Will Reya Want The Halo Back In Warrior Nun's Movies?

Warrior Nun's Future Revealed: 10 Burning Questions Answered

In Warrior Nun, it is revealed that Adriel stole the halo from Reya, which grants Ava her powers and reverses her disability. This halo has been passed down through generations of halo-bearers. While Reya chose not to reclaim her halo from Ava at the end of season 2, with Ava now in Reya's realm, it is possible that she may decide to take back what was originally hers. This raises questions about Ava's fate. Losing the halo could be fatal for her as it saved her from death, and she would also lose her powers and regain her disabilities. Furthermore, this action would greatly disrupt the Order.

2 Can The Order Of The Cruciform Sword Truly Forgive Vincent?

Warrior Nun's Future Revealed: 10 Burning Questions Answered

In the aftermath of Warrior Nun's season 2 finale, the post-credits scene unveils Father Vincent's return to the ranks of the Order. Season 2 witnessed Vincent switching allegiance, realizing he could no longer stand by Adriel's side after witnessing his heinous act of killing the Pope. Instead, Vincent lent his aid to Ava in her mission. Nonetheless, Vincent bore responsibility for Shannon's demise and the liberation of Adriel, resulting in chaos and a betrayal of his comrades in the Order. Although he may have now realigned himself with the righteous path, future films will delve into whether the people he betrayed can truly forgive him. Lingering questions persist regarding Vincent's current standing within the Order and whether he is held in the same levels of trust as before.

1 Are The Tarasks Actually Angels In Warrior Nun?

Warrior Nun's Future Revealed: 10 Burning Questions Answered

In the first season of Warrior Nun, the Tarasks are initially portrayed as demons. However, it is later revealed that Adriel, whom they serve, is not actually an angel. In the second season, Ava comes to the realization that these creatures are "gatekeepers" tasked with safeguarding Reya's realm. Armed with this new understanding, she summons them to eliminate Adriel. Nevertheless, the term "gatekeeper" remains ambiguous and warrants further clarification in the Warrior Nun movies. If they, along with Reya, are aligned with righteousness, it is conceivable that they might be angels instead of demons. Undoubtedly, the Tarasks will continue to play a significant role in the movies, providing Ava with more insights into Reya's realm.