WarioWare: Carry On the Hilarious Tradition with Move It!

WarioWare: Carry On the Hilarious Tradition with Move It!

WarioWare: Move It hilariously continues the series' tradition of poking fun at Nintendo consoles, with the Wii and Wii U being targeted in previous titles The game's plot cleverly incorporates these jokes, keeping the laughter and absurdity alive

Article Key Points

WarioWare: Move It returns to the original formula of the series, offering fast-paced microgames and comedic storytelling with plenty of jokes throughout.

The game cleverly incorporates a distinct narrative device by playfully mocking Nintendo consoles. In this game, the Joy-cons are depicted as revered ancient artifacts called "Form Stones." These Form Stones hold great importance within the game, as a whole civilization residing on an island worships them and adorns masks that bear resemblance to the Joy-con controllers. This amusing twist adds an additional level of humor and enriches the gameplay experience.

WarioWare: Move It reverts back to the series' original formula, following a few experimental approaches with its famous microgames. Once fans are introduced to the game's story, they can dive right into Wario's introductory games and then explore what his friends are up to on their island retreat. With various poses, increasingly fast challenges, and even hidden Easter eggs inspired by games like Super Mario 64, players will find themselves fully engaged with the title for a while.

In addition to delivering the expected gameplay, WarioWare: Move It also features a unique storytelling element that is exclusive to the franchise. Given the comedic and zany nature of Wario and his friends' games, there are plenty of jokes scattered throughout the diverse story modes available in the series. One recurring joke in three of the games centers around the gaming console the game is played on. In the most recent installment, WarioWare: Move It, the Nintendo Switch's Joy-cons take center stage as they humorously portray ancient "Form Stones."

WarioWare's Trend of Making Fun of Nintendo Consoles

WarioWare: Carry On the Hilarious Tradition with Move It!

How the Wii and Wii U Were Made Fun of in WarioWare

Given that WarioWare originated from Wario's pursuit of monetary gain through video game creation, many games in the series center around comical depictions of game development and the mischievous antics of the characters. Consequently, these games necessitate a platform for gameplay. While certain entries introduce new gaming consoles and handheld devices, others simply feature generic white gadgets substituted for the actual devices that fans utilize to take on WarioWare's boss battles and microgames.

However, three games in WarioWare's history take a completely different approach. To enhance the humor and immerse players even further, these games incorporate the console itself as part of the joke. WarioWare: Smooth Moves was the first to introduce this concept, featuring a central storyline that revolves around the "Form Stick" – a stone Wii Remote that bridges the gap between the player and the game. Similarly, Game and Wario utilizes the unique gimmick of the Wii U, showcasing a combination of a TV and gamepad that Wario and his friends use to create games.

In comparison to WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Game and Wario's use of the TV and gamepad system is primarily for providing players with a console to play the minigames within the game's universe. However, Smooth Moves and WarioWare: Move It offer a plethora of jokes centered around Nintendo's consoles and intriguing controller choices.

The Form Stones in WarioWare: Move It Keep the Jokes Coming

While WarioWare: Move It may jest about Nintendo's consoles just like Game and Wario and even Smooth Moves, Move It takes things a step further. Unlike its predecessors, the latest Switch WarioWare game doesn't revolve around game development. Instead, Wario and his companions embark on a thrilling escapade to an island that beckons them to unleash their adventurous spirits using their Joy-con Form Stones, claiming that movement brings great fortune. Although this narrative serves as a justification to incorporate the Switch's iconic controllers within the game's universe, Move It surpasses expectations by fully embracing this concept.

The Form Stones serve as the foundation of an entire civilization on Caresaway Island. They are instructed by "The Voice" to create various body forms using the stones. This civilization worships the voice and wears masks representing different joysticks on the Joy-con controllers. Although the stones have limited significance in Wario's story, players will constantly discover the peculiar forms and their origins, resulting in a playful and comedic experience in Wario Ware: Move It. With forms like "Gift Giver" and "Ba-Kaw" appearing repeatedly, players will find endless amusement as they strive to master them all.

WarioWare: Move It is now available for Nintendo Switch.

Editor's P/S

In the realm of video games, the WarioWare series stands as a testament to the power of humor and innovation. With its latest installment, WarioWare: Move It, the franchise hilariously pokes fun at Nintendo's consoles, continuing a cherished tradition that began with previous titles. The game's plot cleverly weaves these jokes into its narrative, ensuring that laughter and absurdity remain at the forefront.

What truly sets WarioWare: Move It apart is its ingenious incorporation of the Joy-Cons as revered ancient artifacts known as "Form Stones." This amusing twist adds depth to the gameplay experience, as an entire civilization on an island worships these controllers, even adorning masks that resemble them. Such creative integration of the game's core mechanics with its humorous storytelling showcases the developers' commitment to delivering a truly unique and entertaining experience.