WandaVision Season 2: Breaking the Mold of the MCU Scarlet Witch Saga

WandaVision Season 2: Breaking the Mold of the MCU Scarlet Witch Saga

Unleash the full potential! Exploring Scarlet Witch's untapped power and the path to redemption in the MCU No WandaVision Season 2 needed!


WandaVision season 2 not happening continues the trend of throwing away Scarlet Witch's character development and making her a one-dimensional villain.

Scarlet Witch's intricate narrative in WandaVision delved into the themes of sorrow and affection, yet the MCU has predominantly disregarded her compassionate essence post-season.

Marvel may encounter challenges in rehabilitating Scarlet Witch's storyline and granting her the well-deserved prominence within the MCU, especially without the prospect of WandaVision season 2.

Wanda Maximoff, also known as Scarlet Witch, underwent significant character growth throughout the first season of her Marvel Disney+ series. However, the disappointment lies with the fact that a second season of WandaVision is not in the works, which perpetuates a recurring pattern of disregarding this development. Prior to the show's premiere, Scarlet Witch played a secondary role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, possessing immense power but lacking depth. WandaVision transformed her into a multi-dimensional character, eliciting sympathy despite her previous questionable actions.

One crucial aspect of Scarlet Witch's character portrayed in WandaVision was her poignant history of enduring profound loss, including the demise of her parents, her brother, and Vision. This profound grief drove Scarlet Witch to captivate an entire town, weaving an elaborate illusion where she experienced motherhood alongside Vision, although her twin sons were mere figments of her imagination. The series meticulously explored the themes of anguish and love within Scarlet Witch's narrative, yet, disappointingly, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has largely disregarded the sympathetic essence of Wanda's character following the conclusion of the season, opting instead to cast her as a villain. As Marvel has not yet confirmed a second season for WandaVision, the continuation of this detrimental trend by the studio remains lamentable.

The MCU Has Wasted Scarlet Witch Since WandaVision Season 1

WandaVision Season 2: Breaking the Mold of the MCU Scarlet Witch Saga

The WandaVision finale hinted at Scarlet Witch becoming the antagonist in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. However, upon the release of the movie, it became evident that her character development had been disregarded. Scarlet Witch was once again portrayed as a one-dimensional character, solely driven by her determination to reunite with her children, with no explanation as to why she felt so compelled. This lack of depth was disorienting as a viewer and made even more disappointing by the abrupt conclusion of Scarlet Witch's storyline.

At the conclusion of Multiverse of Madness, there is a pivotal moment for Wanda where she gains clarity and acknowledges that her fear of losing others has inadvertently led her down a path of villainy. In a dramatic turn of events, she topples a mountain upon herself, resulting in a seemingly abrupt ending. Unfortunately, this sudden demise fails to provide a proper resolution for the repercussions of her actions, greatly undermining the emotional journey Wanda had undergone in WandaVision. It is disheartening to witness the MCU's portrayal of Scarlet Witch as a multidimensional and beloved character, only to devalue her as a simplistic antagonist and swiftly eliminate her.

How The MCU Can Redeem Its Scarlet Witch Storyline Without WandaVision Season 2

WandaVision Season 2: Breaking the Mold of the MCU Scarlet Witch Saga

Marvel's misuse of Scarlet Witch in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has made it challenging for them to recover without a second season of WandaVision. However, if the studio brings her back and prioritizes her storyline, redemption is possible. Since Wanda's death was not explicitly shown and only hinted at through the falling mountain, Marvel could potentially resurrect the character and reintroduce her in either Avengers 5 or 6. By making Scarlet Witch a central character in one of these ensemble films, Marvel can provide the much-needed focus on her and delve into her journey of returning to being a hero. Alternatively, Marvel could also consider creating a separate movie or show for Scarlet Witch, apart from WandaVision, to further explore her character.

Marvel's Phase 4 and 5 have faced challenges due to their expansive ensemble cast, and Scarlet Witch has unfortunately become a casualty. Despite her own storyline in WandaVision, the transition to the movies has proven to be a struggle for Marvel in maintaining the same depth of storytelling. Without a second season of WandaVision, it becomes increasingly challenging for Marvel to adequately showcase a character as significant as Scarlet Witch. Additionally, with the upcoming appearances of numerous characters in Avengers 5 and 6, she will have to compete for the spotlight against the likes of Captain America, Spider-Man, and many others. Although there is still potential for Marvel to rectify their tendency of sidelining Scarlet Witch, it will undoubtedly be more arduous without the continuation of WandaVision.