Walmart provides suppliers with access to valuable off-site customer journey data

Walmart provides suppliers with access to valuable off-site customer journey data

Discover how Digital Landscapes empowers suppliers to monitor pre-purchase online shopper activities, enhancing marketing strategies for greater success.

Walmart Data Ventures Launches Digital Landscapes Insights Solution

Walmart Data Ventures has recently introduced a new self-serve insights solution named Digital Landscapes within its Luminate platform. This innovative tool allows suppliers to monitor the online behavior of shoppers before they make a purchase, as stated in a press release.

Users will be able to analyze engagement trends and track sources that drive traffic, such as searches on, the Walmart mobile app, search engines, and social platforms. The beta will be released on June 5, with full availability expected later this summer.

These enhanced insights could assist suppliers in evaluating their marketing and sales strategies. By enabling them to allocate resources more effectively, they can increase their reach and improve the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Walmart's Digital Landscapes Initiative

Walmart is launching Digital Landscapes to assist suppliers in understanding customer behavior online. This initiative aims to answer key questions such as how customers discover products, how long they take to make a purchase decision, and when they are most active in online shopping. By providing valuable tracking and targeting data, Digital Landscapes could meet the needs of marketers seeking alternatives to third-party cookies following Google's announcement to phase them out.

Walmart Data Ventures recently launched Digital Landscapes, a division created in 2021 to oversee Walmart's first-party data business. One of their key products, Luminate, has been instrumental in enhancing supplier engagement with both their retail and advertising operations. Luminate provides users with valuable insights by analyzing daily engagement trends and tracking traffic sources such as search, social media, and Walmart's own channels, allowing suppliers to optimize their marketing campaigns.

In the first quarter of fiscal 2025, Walmart's U.S. advertising arm, Walmart Connect, experienced a significant growth of 26% according to their latest earnings report. The number of active advertisers on Connect also rose by almost 19% during this period, with marketplace sellers showing a remarkable increase of over 50%.

Walmart is enhancing its retail media business by utilizing its first-party data to assist marketers in creating campaigns and boosting sales through its platforms. In addition to acquiring Vizio, Walmart has partnered with Disney Advertising to provide advertisers with closed-loop measurement capabilities for brand campaigns on Disney+ and Hulu's CTV inventory.

Editor's P/S:

Walmart Data Ventures' Digital Landscapes solution brings a wealth of opportunities for suppliers seeking to understand and optimize their marketing strategies. By providing real-time insights into customer behavior, suppliers can gain a competitive edge by identifying engagement trends, tracking traffic sources, and adapting their campaigns accordingly. The solution's ability to identify key touchpoints in the customer journey empowers suppliers to refine their marketing efforts and maximize their impact.

Walmart's commitment to leveraging first-party data through Digital Landscapes reinforces its position as a leading player in the retail media space. The recent growth of Walmart Connect and the strategic partnerships formed with Vizio and Disney Advertising underscore Walmart's focus on providing marketers with tailored solutions that drive results. As the industry grapples with the phase-out of third-party cookies, Walmart's investment in first-party data positions it as a valuable partner for brands seeking to connect with consumers in a privacy-conscious manner.