Vinland Saga: Decoding the War Arc

Vinland Saga: Decoding the War Arc

Experience the dark and riveting journey of Vinland Saga's war arc as Thorfinn's seething vengeance clashes with Askeladd, amidst the brutal horrors of warfare and the unexpected ascent of Prince Canute Prepare for an emotionally charged saga that will grip you till the very end

Article Key Points

Thors Snorresson's impact on the story goes beyond his physical role.

Thorfinn and Askeladd continue to be at odds, even though they are compelled to collaborate and engage in deadly battles against enemy nations.

The arrival of Prince Canute disrupts the motivations of certain key characters, culminating in a surprising twist that concludes the season.

Since 2005, mangaka Makoto Yukimura has dedicated his efforts to delivering the Vinland Saga series to readers worldwide. Following his work on the space-themed science fiction manga Planetes, as well as the one-shot manga For Our Farewell is Near, released by Kodansha, Yukimura skillfully combined his passion for history with the gripping story of Thorfinn and his quest for vengeance. In 2019, the first season of Vinland Saga premiered to great acclaim, garnering exceptionally high ratings for a new series within the past five years. By intertwining the stories of historical figures with intense conflicts and despair, Vinland Saga captivated the anime community.

Handled by WIT Studios, the project resulted in 24 episodes of top-tier anime, seamlessly translating the visual, auditory, and emotional elements from the manga to the screen. The series captivated a vast audience with its unapologetic violence and heart-wrenching tragedies. Known as "The War Arc," the first season of Vinland Saga featured rich storytelling and poignant character development, eliciting tears from both new fans and avid manga readers. Nine episodes achieved a minimum score of 9 out of 10 on IMDb, with the finale reaching a near-perfect score of 9.9, attesting to the remarkable craftsmanship of "The War Arc."

The Troll of Jom

Vinland Saga: Decoding the War Arc

In the opening scene of the first episode of Vinland Saga, entitled "Somewhere Not Here," Thors Snorresson awakens in a picturesque landscape. The sun shines down on him, and the fresh air brings a soothing breeze. In the distance, he notices a woman holding a baby. However, his attention is soon brought back to reality as he looks down and sees himself standing on a ship, sword in hand, ready to confront numerous enemies. Thors is renowned as the strongest and bravest warrior in the Viking world, unmatched by anyone who dares to challenge him. His exceptional combat skills have earned him the title of Jomsviking commander. Additionally, he has earned the nickname "Troll of Jom" due to his unparalleled strength.

The audience quickly becomes aware of Thors' desire to leave behind a life of constant warfare and seek peace. A fall into the icy waters provides Thors with an opportunity to escape the battle, one that he seizes without his comrades' knowledge. Believed to be dead by his fellow Jomsvikings, Thors takes advantage of his disappearance by settling in Iceland with his wife, Helga, and their two children, Thorfinn and Ylva. This union was arranged by Sigvaldi, the third chief of the Jomsvikings and Helga's father. Sigvaldi is also the brother of Thorkell, a fellow warrior and Thors' comrade.

As soon as he found peace, Thors quickly surrendered it when he was discovered by Thorkell and the Jomsviking. In this world, escaping the treachery of war is considered a capital offense, and Thors was no exception to this rule. Consequently, the introduction of Askeladd ultimately led to the untimely demise of Thors, who met his end on the battlefield, pierced by a volley of arrows. Regrettably, Thors' young son, Thorfinn, was forced to witness the brutal slaying without being able to intervene, as he was just six years old and lacked the strength to make a difference at that moment. The tragic death of Thors then became the catalyst for Thorfinn's solemn vow to avenge his father by killing Askeladd.

Thorfinn and Askellad's Tumultuous Connection

Vinland Saga: Decoding the War Arc

Over the course of ten years, the series takes a dark and gripping turn as Thorfinn undergoes a transformation into an enraged and vengeful teenager. Reluctantly, he joins forces with Askeladd in order to stay close to his sworn enemy, all the while absorbing the essentials of warfare and the art of taking lives. Swearing to deliver the final blow that will end Askeladd's existence, he even challenges him to a deadly one-on-one duel fueled by murderous intentions, but his attempts ultimately prove unsuccessful. Nevertheless, Askeladd chooses not to end Thorfinn's life, instead harnessing his abilities to enhance his own strength and mold him into a relentless killing machine, much like his late father.

Wielding dual blades, one in each hand, Thorfinn emerges as a formidable warrior on the battlefield. However, he finds himself in a conflicting situation - he desires to kill Askeladd, yet he protects him during battles to prolong his life. One night, Thorfinn has the opportunity to end Askeladd's life while he sleeps, but his pride hinders him from seizing the chance. This decision contrasts with Askeladd's past, where he chose death and killed his enemy in their sleep. Askeladd recognizes the irony and advises Thorfinn to never let such opportunities slip away.

Despite hostile glares and death threats, Askeladd imparts important lessons to Thorfinn about the perils of fighting fueled by emotions. He demonstrates this concept by consistently outmaneuvering Thorfinn in combat, offering wise words about using intelligence before taking action. Askeladd shares his knowledge about the battlefield with Thorfinn, providing enough guidance to enhance his abilities for the benefit of their troops, without making him overly powerful. The relationship between the two evolves from moments of intense conflict to valuable teaching moments. Finally, in the season finale, Thorfinn's motivation falls short, even after witnessing his father's murderer being slain.

Prince Canute's Introduction and Rise

Vinland Saga: Decoding the War Arc

The season takes a major turn with the arrival of Prince Canute, transforming the once straightforward story into one filled with unexpected twists. As the son of the Danish king, Canute, along with his guardian Ragnar, adds a layer of complexity to the plot when they enter the scene due to King Sweyn's ambitions to conquer England. When familiar faces try to thwart the takeover of London, Askeladd and his group of warriors step up to protect Prince Canute and assist in seizing control of the city. Additionally, Canute's presence introduces religious elements as he, being raised as a Christian, is often seen praying early on in the story.

In contrast to his father, Canute is a reserved pacifist who shies away from the idea of war. Even a simple glance from Thorfinn is enough to send Canute into a panic, causing him to seek refuge behind Ragnar. This stark difference between the two characters becomes somewhat comical when Askeladd assigns Thorfinn to protect Canute, as he scoffs at the notion of a fellow man being incapable of fighting. Askeladd's forces also perceive Canute as having feminine traits, jokingly questioning whether he is a prince or a princess. His timid demeanor only fuels this perception, making him an easy target for insults and intimidation during their conquests.

Canute undergoes a transformation after Ragnar's death, realizing that he is afraid of being unloved without Ragnar. This realization instills in him confidence and determination, eradicating his fear of war and death. Canute also believes that those who are farthest from God are in desperate need of love. With this newfound leadership, Canute not only ascends the throne after his father's murder but also takes the life of Askeladd, much to Thorfinn's dismay. Unfortunately for Thorfinn, he can only watch this unfold without being able to intervene. The first season of Vinland Saga concludes in a similar way to how Thorfinn's journey began - with the death of someone he wished to protect, and feeling helpless to stop it.

Stream Vinland Saga Season 1 on Amazon Prime.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I have mixed feelings about the Vinland Saga: Decoding the War Arc article. On the one hand, I appreciate the in-depth analysis of the story and characters. The article does a great job of explaining the motivations of the characters and how their actions impact the overall story.

On the other hand, I feel like the article is a bit too focused on the war arc and doesn't give enough attention to the other aspects of the story. For example, the article doesn't mention the character development of Thorfinn and Askeladd, which is one of the most important aspects of the story.

Overall, I think the Vinland Saga: Decoding the War Arc article is a well-written and informative analysis of the story. However, I would have liked to see more attention given to the other aspects of the story.