US airlines urge Biden administration to restrict more flights from China

US airlines urge Biden administration to restrict more flights from China

In a plea to the Biden administration, US aviation industry calls for a halt on approving extra flights to and from China, citing Beijing's detrimental anti-competitive practices that impact American airlines and workforce.

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The US aviation industry has requested the Biden administration to temporarily stop approving more flights to and from China. They believe that Beijing's current anti-competitive policies are negatively affecting American airlines and their employees.

The competitive disadvantage faced by US passenger airlines serving China is negatively impacting around 315,000 workers, as mentioned in a letter addressed to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Thursday.

The letter, signed by Airlines for America and other aviation worker unions such as the Air Line Pilots Association, highlights the concerns of industry members like American Airlines, Delta, and United.

"If the Chinese aviation market keeps growing without considering fair access for all, American workers and businesses will lose out to Chinese carriers," the statement warned.

In February, Washington announced that it would permit Chinese airlines to expand their direct passenger flights to the United States. This decision aims to slowly resume aviation services that were impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

US officials have granted Chinese carriers permission to increase their weekly round trips to and from the United States to 50, starting from March 31. However, this new limit is still significantly lower than the more than 150 round trips per week that were permitted before restrictions were put in place in early 2020.

American carriers expressed in a letter that China imposed strict limits on market access and implemented challenging rules during the pandemic. This affected operations, customers, and the treatment of US airline crew.

According to the letter, the "anti-competitive disadvantage" with China escalated in 2022. This was due to Chinese airlines still being able to access Russian airspace, while US carriers had to stop using it after Moscow's invasion of Ukraine in February of that year.

Avoiding Russian airspace leads to increased time and expenses for flights.

According to a statement, these actions highlight the importance of the US government creating a policy that ensures the safety and well-being of American aviation employees, businesses, and passengers.

China’s Foreign Ministry announced on Friday that during a meeting between Chinese leader Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden in San Francisco in November, they agreed on increasing direct flights between the two countries.

The ministry stated that this decision will benefit both nations by promoting stronger exchanges and fostering mutual understanding among their peoples.

— Hassan Tayir contributed reporting.

Editor's P/S:

The US aviation industry's request highlights the complex and competitive nature of the global aviation market. The industry's concerns over China's anti-competitive policies underscore the need for a level playing field that ensures fair access and opportunities for all carriers. The issue goes beyond economic implications, as it also affects the livelihoods of aviation workers and the well-being of the industry as a whole.

The article suggests that the US government has a crucial role in addressing these concerns. By creating a policy that prioritizes the safety, well-being, and competitiveness of American aviation, the government can help ensure that US carriers remain competitive in the global market and that American workers and businesses are not disadvantaged.