Upcoming Updates for Outlook on Windows

Upcoming Updates for Outlook on Windows

Microsoft unveils a promising lineup of upcoming features for the new Outlook app on Windows, offering users an enhanced and efficient email experience Stay tuned for exciting updates!

Microsoft began the rollout of the new Outlook for Windows in September, following extensive testing for over a year. While not yet a complete substitute for the classic Outlook app or the Windows 10 Mail and Calendar apps it's replacing, Microsoft has outlined the features currently in development.

The new Outlook for Windows is built upon the Outlook.com web app, resulting in a more contemporary design and enhanced account synchronization when compared to the classic Outlook mail client or Windows 10-era Mail and Calendar apps. As a more recent codebase, Microsoft has not replicated all functionalities from its previous email applications.

Microsoft has shared a blog post outlining upcoming updates for the new Outlook. These updates address questions about future features for the app. Microsoft Copilot, the AI assistant for Outlook and other Microsoft 365 apps, is still being worked on. Additionally, offline support, the ability to drag and drop emails and attachments to the desktop, POP3 account support, folder reordering, a dedicated Outbox folder, and a "Save as" option for attachments are all in development. Please see the embedded list below for all confirmed features mentioned in the blog post.

Auto capitalization

Collapsible headers in the message list

Conditional formatting


Drag and drop emails and attachments to the desktop


Preserve declined meetings

EML file support

File tab in Outlook search

Folder reordering

Inking (Draw tab) while composing an email

MSG file support

Offline support

Outbox folder

Picture formatting

POP3 account support

PST file support

Message Recall


Save as for attachments (choose folder to save to)

Share local files from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

Shared calendar notifications for work accounts

Improved features could potentially boost the popularity of the new app, as it currently seems to have mixed reviews. The new Outlook's Microsoft Store listing has an average rating of 3.5 stars out of 5, with users expressing concerns about managing multiple accounts, login issues, performance, and the mandatory integration with Microsoft account servers.

Microsoft said in September that there's still not a firm timeline for when the new Outlook will replace the legacy Windows Outlook email client. There's always Thunderbird, too.

Source: Microsoft

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I am excited about the upcoming updates for Outlook on Windows. The new features, such as Microsoft Copilot, offline support, and the ability to drag and drop emails and attachments to the desktop, will make my email experience more efficient and productive.

I appreciate that Microsoft is listening to feedback from users and working to improve the app. I am confident that the new Outlook will eventually become a worthy replacement for the classic Outlook app and the Windows 10 Mail and Calendar apps.