Unveiling Unforeseen Customization Delights for Draenei in World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft revolutionizes gameplay with surprising customization options for Draenei, transforming the lore and enhancing the game experience
World of Warcraft players will soon have the option to transform their Draenei characters into Man'ari Eredar through a new quest in Patch 10.1.7. This update, known as Fury Incarnate, was previewed by World of Warcraft after the recent release of Patch 10.1.5. In addition to the Draenei quest, Patch 10.1.7 will introduce Dreamsurges, a public activity, as well as Heritage Armor questlines for the Forsaken and Night Elves, and new story quests.
Players now have a significant clue regarding the upcoming quest. In the Patch 10.1.7 Public Test Realm, a new achievement called "Seeing Red" has been discovered by World of Warcraft players. This achievement is obtained by completing a Draenei questline that centers around "Velen's prophecy of unexpected penitence." As a reward, players unlock three new skin tones and four hair and eye colors inspired by the Man'ari Eredar.
According to Warcraft lore, the Eredar were an advanced race that was approached by the Dark Titan Sargeras in ancient times. In World of Warcraft, most of the Eredar followed Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, ultimately joining the Burning Legion and transforming into demons. However, a smaller group, led by Velen, chose a different path and became the Draenei. Following their defeat in the Legion expansion, players have been left to wonder about the fate of the surviving Man'ari Eredar. It now appears that Velen may be reconciling with some of these wayward cousins after thousands of years of conflict.
Players were taken aback by the announcement that World of Warcraft would be introducing these customizations. The Eredar are considered some of the most captivating antagonists in Warcraft lore, and many role-players had already incorporated their Draenei characters as Man'ari, so they are eagerly anticipating the availability of these options. Additionally, Draenei recently gained the ability to become Warlocks in WoW, making the addition of these customizations perfectly timed.
That being said, some players have reservations about the concept of playable Eredar in WoW. They express disappointment that the customizations appear to lack the vibrant colors, muscular definition, and Fel corruption that the impressive models from Legion offered. Other players have also voiced concerns about the idea of Man'ari utilizing Draenei racial abilities like Gift of the Naaru, finding it peculiar and raising questions about why they are not considered an Allied Race or why Allied Races even exist. Furthermore, some individuals remain skeptical about forgiving the Eredar, considering the extensive suffering they have caused to nearly every playable race. These players will have to wait and see how the quests and customizations are implemented when they become available, as well as observe how World of Warcraft addresses Allied Races in the future.
World of Warcraft is available now for PC.
Source: Wowhead